Hearing Chen Qinfeng's question, Yin Yang shakes his head and says, "I won't let you face to face with a murderer.".

Even if you are sure that you can protect Chen Qinfeng's safety, Yin Yang doesn't want to lose his or her job because he or she is playing around with this boy.

After all, yesterday, 007 Craig told him that William's mother, Lina, wanted to see Chen Qinfeng.

I put away my cell phone, looked at the workshop hundreds of meters away, and then said to the car in front of me on the walkie talkie, "let's go to the workshop.".

The bodyguards in the two cars immediately started the car and drove to the direction of the workshop.

"Wait, wait," Tang Ren suddenly said, "since you want to give credit, just give it to Kuntai.".

In the puzzled eyes of Yin Yang and Chen Qinfeng, Tang Ren said, "although that guy is not reliable, he really takes care of me these years.

Otherwise, if he had been more cruel, after I caught him and the wife of the director, maybe he would have killed me or sent me to the ship and sold me to a desert island as a fishing slave. ".

On this issue, yin and Yang don't need to be bad guys. After stopping the car, Tang Ren calls Kuntai.

soon came Kwai's roar in the phone, "are you crazy, or am I still dreaming, even dare to call me?"

"Brother Tai, don't say brother I don't take care of you," Tang Ren said with a smile, "before I developed, brother, I'll give you a fortune first, and I'll repay you for taking care of you for so many years.".

Lying on the bed, Kuntai thought to himself that Tang Ren was not going crazy?

If this boy talks nonsense, he is not going to be unlucky.

Immediately get up, came to the balcony, whispered, "is not too much pressure, I need to help you find a boat to leave Thailand?"

"Don't talk nonsense," said Tang Ren excitedly, knowing that he was about to get rid of the suspicion of murder. "If you don't come, I'll give the credit to Huang langdeng. Anyway, he's outside the workshop of Songpa.".

"Huang langdeng?" Kuntai eyebrows pick, immediately feel that even if Tang Ren played, he does not want to take the risk to let Huang langdeng pick up cheap.

"Wait, I'll take Qiren to the workshop in half an hour.".

In less than half an hour, a car stopped outside the workshop quickly, and Kuntai, who was wearing a little short shirt inside, walked out of the car holding the left wheel.

Fortunately, there are four big Liu bodyguards outside the workshop, which makes Kuntai feel that what Tang Ren said is true.

In the following ten minutes, five or six cars arrived one after another, and a dozen Kuntai's men came down.

Yin and Yang let his men drive the car, and the two cars were parked outside the workshop.

"Tigo, brother, let's talk about loyalty.".

As soon as Tang Ren finished, he saw Huang langdeng running down from the opposite building because of Kuntai's appearance. He took out his gun and pointed to himself, shouting, "raise your hand, Tang Ren, if you dare to run away, I'll shoot at once.".

Kuntai immediately stood in front of Tang Ren and roasted him without saying a word.

Then he pointed to Huang langdeng and said, "stop, Huang langdeng. Tang Ren has turned himself in to me. Now he belongs to me.".

As Kuntai moved, more than a dozen of his subordinates immediately stood behind him, staring at five or six of Huang's subordinates.

The ratio of one to two, plus eight people on the side of yin and Yang protecting Chen Qinfeng, obviously also protects Tang Ren.

Huang langdeng can't help thinking about the group fight between himself and Kuntai.

Swallowing saliva, the form is not good, he does not want to be here, the Kuntai people beat more people less.

Just thinking of waiting for other people on both sides of the street to come, Kuntai takes three men and takes Tang Ren to the workshop.

"Wait a minute, if you leave me, I'll report you collusion.".

This moment let Kuntai, who was walking forward, stop.

I thought that if I was in the position of Huang langdeng, I would probably use this kind of Yin move.

After thinking for a moment, Kuntai could only say, "just you and two men.".

More than a dozen people entered the workshop. Yin Yang pointed to the largest statue in the workshop. Tang Ren turned to have a look, grabbed a wrench and cleaved it on the arm of the statue.

"Dangdang, Dangdang" several times.

With the light of the flashlight, the golden light on the statue's arm soon shocked and delighted the people present.

Huang langdeng picked his eyebrows. "So gold didn't leave here at all?"

But even if he wanted to doubt it, there were four monitoring points on the street outside. In addition, he was lying in ambush in the opposite building this afternoon and evening. Tang Ren didn't have a chance to cheat.

Tang Ren said with a smile, "of course, it's always here. Otherwise, Tony Shaw, your assistant, would have carried the gold away with his three accomplices.".

Kuntai nodded, "and if you don't steal the gold, you don't have the motive to kill Songpa?"

"That's right, that's right, brother Tai," Tang Ren nodded and said with a smile, "Songpa and I don't have any grievances and hatred, and we don't know each other. How can we kill him?".Huang langdeng thought about it, but he was a little frustrated. Then he thought about the box and asked, "but what's the box you carried away?"

Chen Qinfeng stammered, "murderer, murderer.".

With gold, Tang Ren gets rid of most of the suspicion. Of course, it's easy to follow Chen Qinfeng's idea.

"The murderer must have been premeditated. He called Tang Ren half a month ago and asked him to pick up the box that night.

then he hid himself in the workshop a week earlier, killed the man, hid in the box and asked Tang Ren to take him away.".

Remembering the information of the case, Kuntai said, "the murderer knew early that the surveillance outside the workshop could only keep the video for one week, and then it would be covered by the new video?"

"How much revenge does it have to be?" Huang langdeng felt a little flustered at the thought of hiding in the workshop for a week.

Then he said to his subordinates, "go and find the places where Tibetans can be found in the workshop, and see if there are any clues left.".

Kuntai, who was a little slow, quickly copied Huang langdeng's orders.

It wasn't long before someone found a messy footprint under the bed of a room on the wall.

And as long as you carefully identify, you can find that the dust in the middle of the bed is obviously different from that near the wall.

Kuntai and Huang langdeng looked at each other. They couldn't help swallowing their saliva in horror. "Is there someone hiding here for seven days?"

Huang Lan Deng's eyes turned, "but this kind of indirect evidence can't get rid of Tang Ren's suspicion. Maybe Songpa is guilty of doing too much, and dares to sleep under the bed at night?"

Tang Renli said, "but we found the person who drove the van in haiyuntai building and finally entered a waste car treatment plant.

Since someone drives away the van and takes away the box, and the gold is here, can't it prove that the box I carry away is the murderer? "

Kuntai nodded happily, "that can at least prove that before you enter the workshop, someone was in the workshop.".

Now Tang Ren's suspicion is much smaller.

People immediately plan to go to the waste car treatment plant.

When he walked out of the workshop, Chen Qinfeng sighed and stammered, "it's a pity that the murderer is too cunning.

at night, he used the front sunshade to block his face. If you want to, or else, you can go directly to arrest someone.".

At this time, the voice of Sunday came from Yin Yang's mobile phone and said, "Li, I need more information about the body shape of the employees in the waste car treatment plant. I should be able to use the body shape comparison to find out the murderer.".

On Sunday, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Yin Yang wanted to keep secret, but when he thought that Chen Qinfeng would go to England in a few days,

when he appeared next to William and Lina, his identity would not be kept secret any more.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "can you compare with clothes?"

Sunday replied, "no, the murderer may have been hidden in a box. It was too hot in the hour when he was transported to haiyuntai building.

after driving away from haiyuntai building, he took off his coat and only wore a vest.".

Huang langdeng's face brightened. No matter why Yin Yang's mobile phone could talk, he yelled to his subordinates, "what are you doing? Go immediately and take all the employees of the waste car treatment plant back to the police station.".

Kuntai's face was stiff. In some ways, he was not as smart and quick as Huang langdeng.

Only shameless again to Huang langdeng's words, repeated to his subordinates.

However, unlike Huang langdeng, he didn't take people to arrest them in person. Instead, he smilingly used the reason that Tang Ren surrendered himself to him,

he said that he had to stay and watch Tang Ren. In fact, he was thinking about how to have a relationship with Chen Qinfeng and Yin Yang.

Before getting on the bus and going to the Chinatown police station, Chen Qinfeng suddenly stopped and quickly entered the workshop.

In the puzzled eyes of Yin Yang, Kuntai and Tang Ren who followed him in, he picked up the wireless router on the workshop workbench.

Kuntai asked suspiciously, "what is this?"

Chen Qinfeng shook his head, "I'm not sure. I just want to know if the killer's mobile phone is connected to this wireless router?"

Tang Ren almost jumped up happily and patted Chen Qinfeng on the shoulder excitedly. "OK, Chen Qinfeng is worthy of being admitted to the police academy. His brain is flexible.".

All the way to the police station, it was about midnight.

As soon as he sat in the meeting room, Kuntai said with a smile, "I was going to invite you to have a seafood dinner tonight, but I didn't expect Tang Ren's accident. Why don't I go and ask someone to send me for a snack?"

After a night's supper, people who have been busy all night are really hungry.

Yin Yang people are still a little hard to say, but Tang Ren said with a smile, "how funny that is.".

As soon as Kuntai saw Chen Qinfeng touch his stomach, he said with a smile, "what's wrong with this?

I'm the landlord. I'll have a snack first. When Tang Ren gets rid of the suspicion, I'll invite you to the best hotel to get together.".

After that, he did not wait for Chen Qinfeng and others to speak, picked up his mobile phone and began to make a phone call.When Huang langdeng brings back the employees from the waste car treatment plant, he sees Kuntai smiling and not stopping using chopsticks to serve Chen Qinfeng and Yin Yang.

But as soon as he thought of making trouble, he saw that the director of the police station came in with a smile on his face, and as soon as he saw Yin and Yang, he said hello with a low attitude, just like he saw a big man.

Even Tang Ren, the suspect, was ignored.

Swallow saliva. Huang langdeng doesn't understand what's going on here.

Staring at Kuntai with his mouth full of oil, he said in his heart that this guy's ability to solve a case is in a mess. It can be seen that the wind makes the rudder and the ability to look at people and flatter people really seem to be better than himself.

So, when the director wants to take a picture with Chen Qinfeng and Yin Yang, after Yin Yang refuses to show his bodyguard easily,

this guy immediately follows behind Kuntai, surrounded by Chen Qinfeng from left to right. Sorry, Chen Qinfeng stands on both sides of Chen Qinfeng and the director, smiling and putting up a pair of scissors hands, mixing a picture.

And Yin and yang are smiling at all this, thinking that these guys may be disappointed.

Chen Qinfeng himself did not know what position he would gain in William's future, let alone that there would be no intersection between China and Thailand.

But Yin and Yang didn't know what it was.

And what's William's status?

In the future, Huang langdeng, Kuntai and the director can boast that they have a close relationship with William's cousin as long as they put their photos in the office.

It took the director nearly 20 minutes to think about the investigation.

Entering the detention room, kunteton first called out, "let all these people take off their coats, leaving only their vests or bare arms.".

There are three leaders in the police station, and the police at the bottom don't care about the protest of the employees of the waste car treatment plant. What they say is a stick.

Soon nineteen people were all bare arms, yin and Yang took a mobile phone to shine at them for several times, and the fat and thin ones were soon released.

Until the last five people were left, yin and Yang scanned their upper bodies more than ten times under the instruction of Sunday.

Soon, a blank faced man was left in the cell.

In the eyes of everyone, a virtual image appears in the air.

Then there was a scream, and two photos were displayed in the virtual imaging, one was taken by the surveillance camera, and the driver showed his arms holding the steering wheel,

the other was the only upper body photo of Li zukun, who was still in the detention room.

The two photos slowly overlap in everyone's puzzled and surprised eyes. At last, everyone can see that the coincidence degree of the two photos is more than 90%.

"You are the murderer," Huang cried immediately.

With these words, there was a commotion outside the detention room.

Many of Li zukun's colleagues have repeatedly said, "it's impossible. Li is the most honest one among them. He never pays attention to his losses.".

But with the display of the yellow van on Sunday, several of Li zukun's colleagues suddenly exclaimed.

Kuntai immediately stepped forward, grabbed the nearest person and forced him to ask, "do you know anything?"

"This car, this car I've seen.".

Several other people who screamed out were stared at by more than a dozen policemen at the scene and nodded quickly.

One of them stammered, "I and I helped Li zukun change the tires of that, that and that car.

he said that his daughter is old and wants to run and transport goods at night to earn more money to save, so that she can go to university in the future.".

"What does that mean?" Li zukun, who had never spoken, said without expression, "it only means that I happened to pass by some places when I went out to pick up business that night.".

Huang Lan was disappointed when he heard that Li zukun was still soberly using "some places" instead of haiyuntai building.

"Then, then try this, this.".

Chen Qinfeng showed his wireless router, "if your mobile phone is connected with this, you will have evidence of your presence.".

For a moment, Li zukun's face changed immediately.

In order to convince Tang Ren that Songpa, the dead man who worked in the workshop, was still working, he used his mobile phone to open a recording with a "zizizi" sound.

disguised as Songpa, he was polishing the stone carving, and Tang Ren left the workshop without doubt.

And this recording is one of hundreds of songs in the computer. Even if the police find it, they will only think that sompa recorded it himself.

Looking at Li zukun's face changed, Kuntai immediately yelled to his subordinates, "go and take out his mobile phone.".

But Li zukun's performance immediately surprised everyone.

He didn't wait for the police to enter the detention room. He reached into his pocket and took out a new mobile phone that looked like it was on the ninth floor.

Hell, this guy changed his cell phone?