When William Devonshire was accused, he had to face the possibility of going to court. The news immediately caused a sensation and became the object of attention.

As the news reports the cause and effect of the whole incident, some people find that William didn't act or fight back for several weeks, and then a lot of people come out all of a sudden.

Listening to the monitoring reports on the top of England these days on Sunday, and looking at the media reports specially called out on Sunday in the virtual imaging,

William turned black when he wanted to see his popularity in England.

The big fish didn't catch a few, but all the flies appeared.

But Lina, who did not know that William had put into action, looked at the employees of England power and water company who were talking on TV,

sighed and frowned at William, "these people are just like you said at the beginning, they are white eyed wolves who are not familiar with each other.

thanks to our family, we have been making a lot of net profits in recent years, and they will be awarded as prizes to the front-line employees For those who are hardworking and have excellent performance,

I didn't expect that you would be right in the end. People will just want more and even get something for nothing.

William shrugged. He had the idea of getting something for nothing, let alone anyone else.

Leah frowned and said to Abigail, "tomorrow, you will reduce the amount of bonus by 10%, and then tell the shareholders of the power company,

if you want to share more profits, cancel the bonus step by step and little by little, just give me action.".

"Wait, Abby.".

After listening to Lena's words, William knew that his mother was completely angered because there were so many people scolding him.

"Don't worry, mom, I don't know what's going on.

and it doesn't matter what these employees say. At this time, the shareholders are the ones we should guard against.".

Abby, who didn't agree with Lena's idea in his heart, said quickly, "we have more than 100000 employees in England. Now there are only a few hundred people jumping out. We really don't need to care about them.".

William smiles and winks at Jesse, who immediately embraces Lena's arm and says, "if you think it's boring to stay in England, why don't we go to chateau Chantilly on the outskirts of Paris for a holiday?"

"Don't go," calm down Lina, immediately realized that her son was fishing, shaking her head, "I'm going to practice equestrian, you still want to think about the court.".

William doesn't worry about appearing in court at all. If it wasn't for his mother who is the owner of Chelsea and doesn't want the mother and son to receive the subpoena together, he wouldn't start to fight back so soon.

Moreover, judging from the situation in the past two days, even if he can bind most businesses and property owners in London with interests,

but if he wants these scattered and selfish people to unite, at least he has to give them a reason to do it.

"Tell Anthony they do it. Don't do it. I'm going to court.".

Yes sir.

When Londoners were discussing the lawsuit of William's film alliance, they didn't expect that the situation turned 180 degrees in just one day.

On that night, ITV, Facebook and the media were bombarded with millions, millions and even tens of millions of pounds of advertising expenses.

after receiving anonymous file bags, they knew what was going on and began to report all kinds of illegal operations that the film alliance had secretly done in recent years.

All of a sudden, the people of the film industry alliance were beaten up.

Not to mention that, the next morning, whether it's paper media or Internet media, all burst out heavier news.

The top five major cinema companies in the three British islands have been exposed to fake accounts, conceal losses and control stock prices. Even when digital film broadcasting was just on the rise a few years ago, many English cinemas secretly recorded films.

If yesterday's illegal operation still has room for recovery, the news this morning is to defeat them. If not, some people will have to go to jail for several years.

Not only that, the celebrities, stars and film company owners invited by ITV are still clinging to some prosperous areas. Because of various reasons, the cinemas are not as well decorated as those of the times.

they are screaming that London's film fares are among the best in the world, but the hardware and facilities are not even comparable to those of the second tier cities in emerging countries.

Many citizens who are dissatisfied with the high ticket prices in London are also beginning to join the ranks of denouncers.

Before the news was digested, the media revealed again on the third day the list of films that had been burned and bought in the piracy market.

Of course, the biggest loss of this kind of thing is Hollywood people.

In the past, even if people from film companies got wind of it, they would not tear their faces completely in the face of tens or millions of losses for the future release of films.

but now this matter has been announced. Even if the producers do not want to take the bullets from William, they have to prepare their own bullets and join the ranks of the troublemakers.In just three days, more than a dozen cinemas in London received all kinds of summonses, and then the closure documents.

A series of yueshida lawyers involved in box office fraud, economic fraud, as long as they can be found on Sundays, and being stimulated by money are totally reckless,

as long as they are allowed by law, they use all means, and even involve other companies, industries and relatives' industries of the owners of the film industry alliance.

All kinds of anticipated lawsuits, fines, compensation, and even some people have to face the disaster of imprisonment, these people who fight to death because William wants to break their jobs suddenly collapsed.

When there is no possibility that the company will survive, some people want to kill William. But before they take action, the police under investigation suddenly receive all kinds of anonymous documents.

As soon as the media reported that the first cinema owner was invited to have a coffee, the situation became clear. Some people were willing to take the opportunity to drop a stone in front of those who wanted to do it.

The farce soon ended with the arrest of nearly 30% of cinema owners and professional managers in England.

All the people in England were shocked by William's speed of counterattack and hatred. Wilson came to Oxford castle with a briefcase.

"This is a special projection license for you. In the future, as long as you abide by the relevant regulations in England, you can play holographic films as you want.".

When he took the briefcase, William left it on the sofa without looking at it. Even if Wilson didn't send it, there were some people in London to help.

Even for the sake of economy, London may take the initiative to discuss and go through a procedure, and then issue a license to him directly.

As long as he can play holographic films in London, other cities will take the initiative to follow up after seeing the benefits.

Therefore, William did not care about the broadcasting right at all, but said to Wilson with a smile, "I heard that the new Duke of Cavendish family has some opinions on me recently?"

"This," Wilson hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

He wanted to say that there was more to it than an opinion. The thing that encouraged people to suspect and make Angela difficult to succeed to the title was that the new Duke of Cavendish family joined with other great nobles in order to get some benefits from William.

To make up for the one billion dollar inheritance tax he paid when he inherited the title.

After all, William has a good relationship with the deceased Baron, and Devonshire and Cavendish are all relatives. Even Wilson knows that William doesn't like to see the Cavendish family,

he doesn't want to be a talker. After thinking about it, he hesitates and says, "he's your real relative.".

"Damned relative", William said, "before, I just thought little Cavendish was just blaming me for not attending the old Duke's funeral, but now it seems that he is heartbreaking.

Blame me not only did not lend money to him, but also prevented him from trying to suck blood from his cousin, viscount Charles cardish.

Now as soon as I was sued, this idiot would jump up and down foolishly.

Otherwise, I still don't know that he and the nobles who hide behind the scenes and use him as a gun have such big opinions on my original deal with the old Baron. ".

At that time, William took the leader of the polar bear gray Gang, Pushkin's underground business network in Eastern Europe, and made a price of one billion yuan, the old Baron, and several aristocrats to exchange nearly 100000 pieces of fine Chinese antiques.

In their opinion, the deal was profitable. After all, the market of Chinese antiques was not very good at that time.

But in recent years, the American people have been in crisis one after another, and the Chinese antiques have begun to go up, which makes them feel unbalanced.

But don't you think that underground business, except for the first two or three years, has provided them with a billion dollars of cash every year?

As for the problem that a lot of people have died over the years because of this business, William doesn't care at all.

Lao Tzu went to battle naked in those days, but now he just killed some of his subordinates. In exchange for each of them sharing more than 200 million dollars a year, what do you want?

Otherwise, little Cavendish would not have enough money to pay the inheritance tax. If he wanted to inherit the title, the Xu family would have to take off several layers of skin.

If they are envious, they should be envious. When they saw Devonshire Museum, they got the attention of the whole world because of the holographic millionaires program. The real estate and antiques all went up a lot. They wanted to get involved in the holographic film.

If I don't let them know how to behave, will the Wilsons, who have already gone a little far, have other thoughts?

It is true that our ancestors said that people's hearts are not enough for snakes to swallow elephants.

Some people are used to having a good life. If they remember to eat or not, they just break their legs.

Besides, William didn't have to guess. He knew that Wilson had the same idea of talking about holographic films with him and taking advantage of them.

Wilson, who was uneasy with William's suspicious eyes, was thinking about how to solve his suspicion,Listen to William smilingly say, "since some people dislike the business of one billion dollars a year is too small, don't do the underground business in Eastern Europe that I gave them at the beginning, and stick to their land honestly.".

"Wait a minute, William. There's something to discuss.".

Wilson was in a panic. He was scared to be more rational when he was pointed out. He thought that money was the second most important thing.

more importantly, because of William, the Duke, the overall strength of the aristocrats has increased a lot in recent years.

now, if there is something wrong with them, wouldn't the good form go back a few years?

"The old Baron didn't leave for a few years, but you started to do it. Would you...".

"What will it be?" William a pair of indifferent appearance way, "anyway, it's not my hands.".

Seeing off Wilson, who doesn't want to take advantage, William walks into the training room in the castle and sees Serena wearing training clothes and doing the training she has to do every day.

It's probably that she has lived for more than 500 years. Apart from William, Serena really doesn't care much about many things. Because of the regularity of her life, William, who has no self-discipline, can't help interrupting her every time she sees her in training.

So training soon became double fitness.

Two hours later, in Budapest, a castle covering an area of more than ten hectares, Emilia, the blood queen who has been honest for six years, was stunned with her mobile phone.

I've seen how William treated the vampires, how the other two elders, the blood clan and the Werewolf in England were killed.

At this time, Amelia's heart, both the cloud to see the moon's excitement, more this will not be a trap of fear.

Is it true that his blood group, who was oppressed by William's cruel means and did not dare to leave Budapest, was allowed to walk freely in Eastern Europe?

Or does William want to take the opportunity to eliminate them completely before giving them a treat?

As soon as the idea came out, she threw it away.

In this case, the ascetic group, which was planning to start a war a year ago, would not have left suddenly, and the phone call was from Serena, so there should be no problem, right?

Over the years, Selena recruited a lot of people from her and the clans who lived in seclusion near the polar regions.

But this matter does not have William's approval, Amelia kills also does not believe that Serena dares to pass the order falsely.

Excited for a moment, Amelia worries that her people will be chased by demon hunters who are stimulated by Devonshire gold coins and are searching for blood clan and werewolf all over the world after they leave Budapest.

Amelia this hesitation, missed the advantage of silent assault.

When she learned that in the underground world, the reward for the hunting of the blood clan no longer included several countries in Eastern Europe, Amelia was overjoyed. At the same time, she really began to give the order of action.

When William and his family returned to London from Oxford castle the next day, four bloodline hunting teams appeared that night in several Eastern European countries. Each team was composed of more than ten handsome or beautiful men and women in leather windbreaker.

These vampires who have been trapped in the castle for six years, once released, set off bloody killing in various countries of Eastern Europe.

When the news came that the first underground force had been cleared up, gunfights and sword cutting were staged in cities close to polar bears at night.

It's a pity that even if we get the warning from London, the people who belong to the great aristocrats of England in these countries, and the people they have received over the years, are not the opponents of the specially trained vampire hunting team who are stronger than the special forces.

Only three nights later, after groups of people were killed and bitten to death, this grey business network, which can make more than one billion profits every year, collapsed in an instant.

Most of the middle and upper classes were killed, and the minions below certainly fled for their own lives.

When the news came back to London, a few hundred people were lost in just three nights. I understood that William had come here for real. Philip not only disappeared from little Cavendish, but also other aristocrats.

Not only that, he also ordered Wilson to put down the idea of making money.