The next morning at ten o'clock, as soon as William woke up, he felt pressed by a soft mass.

With experience last night, William finally had a little resistance to the high brightness of the lights, let dardardario understand that running king is not blowing out.

Lying on the bed, they lingered until more than 12 o'clock at noon. Then they went to the dining area of the hotel hand in hand and walked into a French restaurant for lunch.

Before half of the meal, obadai and his group appeared outside the restaurant.

"Hell," William put down the tableware and waved to the housekeeper and restaurant manager who were standing two meters away.

What can I do for you, Mr. Devonshire.

"Tell those guys out there that it's lunch time and I'll talk to them in the afternoon," said William.

Although the housekeeper did not see the situation outside, he immediately replied, "I understand, sir.".

Dardario smiles and holds William's hand. "Honey, the Hollywood film companies must be in a hurry for those holographic technologies you announced last night. They won't leave without talking about some agreements with you first.".

William shrugged and said to the restaurant manager, "bring me today's newspaper and turn on the TV. Thank you.".

The manager nodded, "yes, Mr. Devonshire, just a moment.".

With so many secrets and technologies announced yesterday, William certainly wants to see what the media will say today.

As soon as the TV was on, there was an interview with the audience last night.

All of them said the same thing. They were all marveling, praising and admiring William. But after listening for a few minutes, although William was in a good mood, it was the same thing after listening more.

I was going to change the channel to see if there was any news about going to the Arctic to look for deformed metal, but the picture on TV suddenly changed to offering a reward to a man named Stephen young.

Looking at this guy with curly hair, William suddenly feels that this man is so similar to Lucien, the forefather of English werewolves, who was captured by the expendables and Kingsman's eggsey team a few years ago.

I thought it was just an ordinary dangerous person wanted news, but after changing the channel, there was still a report about Stephen on TV.

After changing more than ten stations in a row, I saw that all the TV reports were related to this man named Stephen. Now even dardario knew that things were unusual and looked at William nervously.

William frowned, some uncertain pictures flashed in his mind, and then said to Sunday, "tell me what happened.".

"Understand, sir." after waiting for a few seconds, he suddenly said on Sunday, "Sir, you need to be authorized to enter a specific encryption server. Stephen Young has been removed from the U.S. nationality, and everything related to him has been taken over by general Ross.".

As soon as he heard that he was taken over by rose, hawk's future father-in-law, William immediately realized that the Americans were in big trouble. He just wanted to laugh at him, and then he thought that dardario was a Native American.

"Tell Ross, or he'll tell me what happened, or I'll go to his server and check it myself.".

Yes sir.

Within a minute, the cell phone on the dining table rang.

Give dadario a reassuring look, William across the screen, listen to Rose's gloomy voice.

"You are repeatedly challenging an American general, William.".

"What are the consequences?" William said with a smile, "send me to the court, and then I will tell them in front of the media all over the United States that you are responsible for hawk and disgust?"

"You ~ ~".

"Don't talk nonsense, rose. We're old friends and comrades in arms. Tell me what happened," William said with a smile. "If there's any danger, I'll take dardardario back to London, so that I won't be affected by you idiots again.".

"Fku, asshole.".

Listening to the roar of the mobile phone, William couldn't help but put the mobile phone away.

Rose scolded for dozens of seconds before he said, "if you have nothing to do, come to New York. If something really happens, even if you hide in London, you will be greatly affected.".

William frowned and was thinking about how to refuse. He heard rose say, "if I were you, I would let that girl take her parents and relatives to London.".

Well, I don't need to say anything more about rose now. William knows that maybe rose can't handle it.

Thank you.

Hang up the phone, William did not listen to dardario's advice, said to Sunday, "book a hotel, and then send someone to pick up Dario's parents and relatives to Hawaii, Dario will meet them tomorrow.".

Dardario said hastily, "wait, honey, what's the matter?"

Instead of answering dardario's question, William ordered his cell phone and said to Sunday, "keep checking.".

Soon a video appeared on the screen.

After looking at the restaurant manager and waiter standing by, waving them to leave, William took out a pair of smart glasses and put them on.A tired, anxious and hesitant face appeared in the glasses.

My name is Stephen young. I made three nuclear eggs and put them in three different big cities in the United States. As for my conditions, I'll wait until you find me.

Then this guy named Stephen drew the camera closer to his home-made crude nuclear egg, and the smart glasses immediately displayed all kinds of data from the analysis of the crude nuclear egg.

Then the screen turns and jumps to the other two places where you can only see the walls and the eggs.

Sir, according to the analysis of the pictures in the video, I think there is a 69% chance that these three nuclear eggs are true.

Nm, the probability of nearly seven levels, that's true.

"Can you find out where the eggs are hidden according to those pictures?"

"Ah ~ ~", hearing the nuclear egg, dardardario screamed out in fright. Then he quickly covered his mouth and looked at William with fear in his eyes.

Can hear Sunday said can't find William, ignore dardario, but fingers not from the table knock up.

This bastard named Stephen is really a bull. He did the same thing as himself.

A few years ago, after William produced the Red Mercury nuclear egg, he placed the silent Red Mercury the size of a baseball in more than ten big cities in the United States.

Seeing that William was lost in thought, dardardario, who had been waiting for a long time, asked again, "honey, was it New York that was put that thing?"

Don't ask. Just go to Hawaii with your family. I'll let you know when it's done. If it's not done.

William was silent for a few seconds and sighed, "I'll arrange your house and work in London.".

After thinking about it, William said to Sunday, "get ready for the plane, and as a last resort, pick up all our people in the United States and their families.

maybe plan the route and reason, and let these people go to scenic spots or small cities with few people for vacation.".

Yes sir.

Let's inform the family in London on Sunday not to leave London, William tightened Dario's hand, picked up the knife and fork again and ate lunch,

"don't worry, it's not the case yet, let your parents and family leave just in case. When I need to send you away, it's the most dangerous time.".

"All right, all right," dardardario said with a reluctant smile, and then he asked carefully, "or I'd better go to Hawaii first, so as not to affect you.".

Looking at the huge lamp in front of him, William said with a smile, "it really affects me.".

"Hate, when is it? Do you still have the heart to think about that?" Dario gave William a white look, but then thought of something. He scratched the back of William's hand with his hand. "Do you want to work out with me before you leave?"


of course, before he finished speaking, William frowned and felt a wave of space coming from the hotel. He swept out his mental strength and soon found Master Wang pangzi walking out of the portal in an empty lounge.

See the person is Wang Pang, William just smile and dadario way, "I would like to, but you yesterday with exercise so long, sure still have physical strength?"

"Don't look down on me. I'm a fitness expert. How else can I keep fit?" dardardario said. He suddenly winked at William. "Or you can run with me.".

"Good, you wait for me." in the face of dardardario's provocation, William waved to the restaurant manager, "pay the bill.".

Two hours later, William himself drove dardardario to the private airport, who was exhausted because of too much exercise.

After holding her on the private plane, they spent more than ten minutes chatting. Dardario reluctantly let William go.

Watching the private plane take off and drive back to the hotel, William said to Sunday, "where's Ambrosius?"

Sir, miss Ambrosius is in Brazil at this time.


Although when she was on Mars, her mother Lena blamed Ambrosius for not going to London in the first time because of her show, Lena didn't like her even more.

In addition, William's own heart also has some pimples, since then did not contact her.

However, after several years together, I still don't want her to be in danger, although the danger is easy to solve in William's view.

Back at the hotel, Wang pangzi was walking anxiously around the sofa in the waiting area of the hotel lobby.

As soon as he saw William coming in, Wang pangzi immediately stepped forward, "Mr. Devonshire, Mr. Guyi has something urgent to see you.".

William frowned. Not far behind Wang, Phil Colson, who was standing at the corner of the wall and nodding his head, swept away his mental strength and found Natasha normanov.

After glancing back and forth at the black widow in her cool clothes, William said to the fat man, "is there an alien space invasion?"

"No," Wang looked back at Natasha and Colson, recognized that Colson was the agent who had fought against the winged devil in New York, and nodded to him,Only then whispered to William, "Mr. Gu Yi sees that a nuclear egg will explode in New York in the future. She asks you to stop it anyway.".

As the dominator of time gem, Gu Yi can certainly see some fragments of the future.

"Is she sure it's New York, not Los Angeles or anywhere else?"

"Of course, the supreme mage will not make a mistake," Wang nodded naturally. "Mr. Devonshire, you should understand that once there is a problem in New York and one of the three magic temples disappears,

there will be a huge loophole in the magic barrier used to protect the earth, and then the evil of alien space can easily enter our world.".

William nodded, if something happened to the magic temple, other demon Lords would not say that Domaine in the dark space would certainly come out to do something.

"Among the secret masters, you have the deepest relationship with the secular world, and your strength is the only one with the Supreme Master,

besides, you can say," says Mr. Gu Yi directly.

Staring at him with a frown, Wang Pang Zi swallowed his saliva. "The Supreme Master said, your ability in interrogation is much better than her.

Only, only, as long as you want, you can even play with people's souls. Therefore, Mr. Devonshire, you have the ability and the obligation to deal with this crisis. ".

What is my duty to act?

There are also playing with the soul, which is the devil's ability to look after his family.

Well, William thought of Freddy and Fischer in a flash.

There are demons and demons in it. They can really torture Stephen's soul directly.

Wang Pang, with a white face, was anxious and bumpy, but the existence of the magic temple in New York made William have to promise, "tell Gu Yi that I'll take care of it.".

William is willing to take over. Wang pangzi is relieved. He smiles, touches his chest with his right hand, bows and says, "I'm leaving, sir.".

The people around him who have been looking at him because of William are very surprised to see Wang Pang who has been bowing and walking backwards all the time. I wonder if anyone else will do this kind of ceremony in these days?

And look at Wang Pang's dark leather armor, isn't this guy the ancient guardian of Devonshire family?

Otherwise, who would dress like this and bow to William.


Sitting on the sofa, thinking about how to profit from this, William followed the voice to see Richard coming quickly with seven or eight people in suits.

"Man, you always have time to talk to us about cooperation in holographic imaging.".

William sat still and shrugged, "it's OK to talk about it, but you have to ask the guys behind you if they will.".

When Richard and others heard William's words, they looked back and saw Colson and the gorgeous black widow, with five or six black suits, black ties and black sunglasses standing behind them.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? "

Colson took out his certificate and said with a gentle smile, "homeland strategic defense attack and logistics support Bureau, I'm agent Colson. Please get out of the way, Mr. Richard.

No matter what you have to talk about, it's not as important as ours.

As soon as Richard heard that the other party introduced himself as an agent, he thought that the US government really shamelessly came to him and impounded William to get the skills that William said last night.

having got William's promise to negotiate, Richard, full of money, immediately roared angrily, "talk to our lawyer if you have something to do.".

Then he said to his companions, "call to ask, it's the bastard who can't figure out the situation, whimsically send these people over.".

That surprised William.

These American people really deserve to be capitalists. They can make money and do everything.