"Welcome to the world of holographic projection"

as soon as William's words were finished, the dim lights on the scene immediately became bright.

Still in a state of shock, the audience was dazzled by the light, and then heard William's words, and soon responded with more intense applause.

No one doubts that William was flying in sentinel armor before, and the thunder and flames were real.

No, old Smith's face was full of smiles, his hands clapped with the others, but his heart was full of waves.

If it wasn't for the fact that other people are old and in good health, and have experienced too many things, they might have had a heart attack.

He had shaken hands with William before. He didn't believe that William who flew out of the balcony was a fake.

As for dardardario, this chick may react later, but at this time, she was shocked by a series of miracles, and applauded with the audience.

I didn't think about how William left, and how he went behind the scenes quietly.

"Thank you, thank you." when the audience's mood eased a little and the applause was decreasing, William clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention,

said with a smile, "before introducing holographic projection technology, I'd like to thank Miss Sandra dadario first.".

With William's fingers, a ray of light from the air gathered on dardardario, who immediately made her the object of attention in the audience. Dardario's hands covered his mouth.

Fortunately, although this chick is always stage fright, she is not Xiaobai. She only reacts in a few seconds and puts down her hands to wave and nod back to the audience.

When the audience put their eyes back on them, William stretched out his hand and hung it in the air. With an idea, the car parts such as engine, tire and steering wheel were immediately changed on the palm of his hand.

finally, they gathered together and assembled into an Aston Martin electric car.

"To be honest, this technology was invented by me very early, but it has been used as an auxiliary tool in the laboratory.

It wasn't until I met Sandra that I noticed that it was only used in special effects, movies, cinemas, theatres and so on.

Maybe just relying on this technology that I use as a tool, I can create another self that is richer than what I have now.

"How is that possible?"

It is estimated in the newspapers that William's worth is between $200 billion and $300 billion. If he had a new self, wouldn't it be more than $500 billion?

Nm, this is not to let people live.

What's more, according to William, this technology that can create hundreds of billions of dollars is still a technology that he has never been interested in. Doesn't that mean that he must have a technology that he pays more attention to than holographic technology?

Then someone stood up and yelled, "Mr. Devonshire, what kind of research are you doing now?"

"This," he said.

William, who didn't want to get off the subject, suddenly thought that if nothing happened, soon, stark would make mark 1, Mark 2 and mark 3.

instead of being said by ordinary people that he copied stark, he might as well steal the most talented name. Moreover, the Americans and the Englishmen already knew about his personal flying armor .

Even the 10 meter high mecha, which is more shocking than personal armor, has been exposed to the eyes of all countries.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help looking at Stark's compartment, laughing, reaching into his pocket and taking out a gold titanium alloy nano sheet from the storage space.

Before I introduce this alloy sheet made by nanotechnology, please allow me to talk about it for a few minutes.

Before the audience could exclaim, William said, "a lot of people should know that the Devonshire family had a great change when I was ten years old.

The dark experience for me made me feel insecure all the time. Therefore, since I was 11 years old, I have learned to fight, bow and arrow, and even firearms on my own.

"Isn't that fake?"

As soon as he heard that William was in his teens, he began to take the initiative to contact guns for self-protection. Those who thought that they were still living a carefree life in their teens immediately lost most of their jealousy and hatred of the rich.

William, who achieved his goal, said with a smile, "don't worry, although I was watched and tested by all kinds of hostile people when I was a child, you can see that I grew up smoothly.".

"Pa, PA, Pa".

There was no sign of applause. Many people who realized the danger, the urgency and anxiety of the moment, their eyes began to turn red, and they clapped as if their hands were not their own.

"Thank you, thank you.".

After nodding to the audience from left to right, William continued, "my childhood experiences prompted me to hire and gather a large number of people to protect myself and my mother when I grew up and made the first $100 million.".

"But as I know more about security, I find that even the most elite bodyguards are human.I also need to rest, make mistakes, and have blind spots in thinking and skills, which prompted me to study armor and biotechnology.

With that, William reached out his hand again, and the armor appeared in front of everyone. "Devonshire armor, a suit of armor that I could only design and optimize on paper and in my mind before I was 20 years old, because I had no money to experiment.".

Imagine it in your head before you were 20? Do you want to hit people like that?

William shrugged at the gloomy looking audience with a smile. "It's a pity that after the stark Industrial Park was built, I began to dislike it.

Although it can defend against weapons of any length and has an auxiliary power system, it is still too heavy and bulky to wear at any time. In addition to fighting hard, it can't escape quickly in case of danger. ".

Built in stark Industrial Park?

People looked at William in surprise and then turned to find out where the other shareholders of stark group were?

In the future, when Tony Stark builds the mark series armor, people will probably think that he copied William's design. Even conspiracy theorists will say that when he builds the mark series armor, people in the stark group have already stolen the technology and followed with the research.

After he was overjoyed in his heart, William continued, "after experiencing the second and third movements, he can get up and jump over tens of meters and over tens of meters. Even if he is hit by a truck with a speed of 100 km / h, he won't get hurt.

It can also be equipped with various modular weapons. After the invincible four types of armor on the ground, I can only focus on making the armor fly to the sky. ".

In holography, after the appearance of three kinds of armor, the appearance of an engine suddenly appears, and then it becomes a spaceship.


"That's right," William nodded with a smile. "To be honest, this ship was an accident.".

"FK", some people who suddenly understood what William wanted to say, could not help but scold him, and then listened to William with a smile,

"it's very easy to make war armour fly into the sky, but it's not so easy to be faster and more flexible than any fighter plane.

With the deepening of research, when the research of miniaturized super engine got into a bottleneck, I suddenly felt that it was easier to enlarge the engine one day when I was in a bad mood, so I had this engine.

after the engine was built, the power of the engine was completely beyond my expectation when it was tested, and I began to think about what kind of aircraft could be equipped with this engine So, in a few years, you will see me flying to the moon and Mars.

"Hua La, Hua La".

After a burst of warm applause, William waved his hand and scattered the projection of the spaceship. In the holographic projection, a golden streamline appeared, with the appearance of Mark 3 in Gemini's holy suit and the anti transformers armor 10 meters high.


In the hologram, the anti transformers armor, which is ten meters high, immediately became the focus of attention, while the mark armor, which is only two meters high, was ignored.

"God, we are still playing with the model of the mecha, but this bastard has already built the mecha. Can this make people dream a little bit?".

Hearing the shrill cry, we could not help looking back at the boy, who was only a teenager, and the other side immediately bowed their heads to be ostriches.

Then the laughter of "ha ha ha" rang out in the theater.

Even if he wanted to scold such a 10-year-old kid, he thought it was better not to waste his saliva.

"The mark series armor and the extended anti transformers armor are my most fortunate inventions.".

As soon as I hear William say transformers, American who has experienced the Decepticon attack on New York, I can certainly understand what William means.

Without waiting for someone to ask why William and anti transformers didn't appear in the battle of New York, the hologram showed anti transformers and fallen transformers fighting.

And as soon as the picture appears, it is the most tragic part.

See fallen with his wand, a stab on the penetration of the anti transformers armor.

It's too shocking and tragic for ordinary people who haven't experienced a battle to watch the broken chest and the bursts of electricity on the exposed parts.

Fortunately, in the immediate scene, after deliberately deleting the blink clip, the Fallen King was punched through his chest from behind by another anti transformer armor,

huge wounds like liquid metal appeared, and then he was smashed on the huge rock ground like garbage, and his head was crushed.

As for the words that the Fallen King Kong said that William will also blink, it must have been deleted.

And the audience was excited by the anti change armor holding high the fallen Vajra's scepter, and the surrounding jinshiman soldiers shouting "Wula", and they were excited and cheered.

Many people even raised their hands and yelled "Wula" and "Viva Devonshire.".

Before the audience regained their excitement, the hologram was transferred to the London laboratory.

He was as thin as ribs and hated bronsky. He went up to the experimental platform with his bare upper body and bent back,Then the scene jumps to disgust, covered with wounds, hiding in the ruins of a New York building.

The giant, who is not a good man, hates William, but is very respectful to him. The picture then jumps. He hates the wounds on his body, recovers quickly for unknown reasons, and then rushes out of the ruins and begins to demolish all kinds of Decepticons.

Thinking of bronsky lying in the laboratory, the audience naturally thought that William was responsible for the disgust.

Although no one said that William could not save himself in the face of death, the difference between biological experiment and mecha experiment in the eyes of the public was immediately reflected.

"Just to remind" caught the audience's attention. William shrugged, "I didn't make the hatred.".

Just as the audience was greatly relieved, William shook his head and said, "No.

Then he sighed, "although I didn't open the door of violent, giant and giant variation, I did give the key to turn hatred into hatred.".

And then there was the hologram, the Hulk, and then the spine full of spines.

Looking at the two giants with huge differences in appearance but the same huge size, the audience is very clear that what William wants to express is that hulk and hate are not made by him.

Then someone remembered that William had said before that his main direction of attack was armor and biology. Since William had such great achievements in mechanics,

he also had achievements in biology. Although it made people doubt how William could have so much energy, who let him be William Devonshire, and didn't see that hatred was recovered because of William Is that right?

Without waiting for the audience to ask, William said, "I'm sorry, I can only show you something reported by the media.

For those things that are still kept secret, please ask the official residence of the United States. I don't want to be restricted from entering the United States. ".

No, we have the right to know.

Some people yelled, but most of the ordinary audience just made a huge sigh.

But people like obadai and old Smith understand that William, who has a spaceship, wants to enter the United States, but the United States has no control over him.

If he doesn't speak or show up, the United States doesn't even know about his coming.

Well, now it's time to talk about this gold titanium alloy.

William raised his hand on the alloy piece, "since the armor can fly, defend and attack, it still faces a key problem.

How to wear it anytime, anywhere? "

"It's impossible for me to appear in front of the public all the time in metal armor. This will be a social disaster, and at the same time, it will make my relatives, friends and people around me nervous and anxious.".

The audience nodded with understanding that no one was willing to make friends with a person who was hiding in an iron knot all the time, which would make people think whether they would be in danger or not, and even think that the existence of this iron knot exacerbated the frequency of crises.

"So, I need a suit of armor that can protect me at any time, but looks like a briefcase, or just an ordinary dress.".


The scene immediately someone called out the answer.

With a smile, William pointed his thumb to the man, squeezed the alloy piece on his hand and lied, "the armor on the holographic projection before is the most ideal armor I expected.

It's still a little far away, but it's very close to me. As long as a key technology breakthrough is made, a new set of armor can be built by my artificial intelligence in two hours.

With that, William shakes off the nano alloy chip in his hand. In the audience's shocked and air-conditioned voice, there are only nano alloy chips with the length and width of fingers and the thickness of nails.

Automatic separation, expansion, combined into a revolver.