"Pepper, help us book the court.".

"Yes, Mr. stark.".

I also knew that stark would not let William and his shareholders touch pepper. Before oba spoke for them, he nodded away.

Everyone looked at stark and exchanged their eyes secretly. After a while, they followed William to the restaurant with a smile.

After lunch, the group went to the parking lot.

When waiting for the bus, he always talked to William about some technical things during the meal, and felt that he had a good relationship with William.

as soon as his eyes turned, he said tentatively, "man, how about we make a spaceship?"

This proposal, let everyone's eyes shine immediately.

If the media reports are correct, it seems that Wilson is the only one who has ever been on a spaceship except for the William family.

William shrugged. "I'm not so stingy, but when the spaceship was designed, there were not many seats in the cabin except for the two pilot seats in the cockpit.".

The spacecraft's capsule was seen by people all over the world when it was broadcast live on Mars. No matter how smart Stark is, he can't see anything just by looking at the capsule.

However, the thought that Tony Stark wanted to steal, William instinctively worried.

Seeing a few shareholders who are already gray in their hair hesitating, stark even said, "just stand up, not to let you take us to space.

And when you were on Mars live, didn't you say there was a constant gravitational system in the capsule?

There is a gravitational system. Even if you roll in the air, you can shake a few times at most, and you won't fall.

William grinned at Stark's insistence and said to pepper standing behind him, "where's the set court?"

Pepper immediately looked at stark and agreed to say, "twenty five miles away at the falls, Mr. Devonshire.".

After William said thank you, he said to stark with a smile, "let's have a game. Who gets to the waterfall first, who wins.

I lost. When I come back, I promise to let you board the spaceship. You lost.

William thought about it before he said, "if you lose, give me a hundred bottles of rare McCullen whisky.".

"This, this," if it's ten or eight bottles, stark won't hesitate at all.

He is not stingy. A hundred bottles of McCullen's whisky is worth millions to tens of millions at most. But even if he has money, it is difficult to buy a hundred bottles of this kind of whisky. Even if he only depends on his personal network, he can't buy it in a short time.

"Ha ha, that's a good proposal." obadai, who was not sure whether he wanted stark to have a car accident or really wanted to see the spaceship, immediately agreed, "Tony, you don't have to go to McCullen's whisky if you lose. I'll deal with the wine with other antiques.

Although McCullen's collection is rare, we may all have some in our nine families. It's difficult for each of us to get more than ten bottles, but it's not impossible. ".

"Yes, yes, I have only two bottles at home. If I lose, I will take them out and go to those wine dealers to buy them, or exchange them with friends.".

Other people also nodded, even if they didn't have a bottle of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of wine at home, it's really not difficult for them who have a wide network of relationships.

As soon as stark heard this, he wanted to say, "no, no, No.

"Wait, wait, Mr. stark.".

Tony Stark, a veteran super runner, was just about to say yes when he was caught by the pepper behind him.

Frowning and looking back, pepper said anxiously, "I'm sorry, Mr. stark, it's not that I look down on you, it's Mr. Devonshire's trap.".

William instantly understood what pepper wanted to say, and gave up his thumb to pepper, who was evasive when he looked at himself,

"Tony, if Miss Potts changes to Devonshire group, how about I give you a hundred grams of Mars ruby?"

This time, everyone looked at the pepper curiously.

I'm sorry, Mr. Devonshire. I've had a good time working for stark group.

Without waiting for stark to speak, pepper said to other shareholders, "gentlemen, you may have forgotten the news two months ago.

Mr. Devonshire nearly broke the single lap record of the track when driving Aston Martin's F1 car at Silverstone in London.

Although Mr. Stark is a senior super runner, I don't need to explain the difference between a cute and a professional racer.

As soon as pepper reminded us, we immediately thought of the media report on William, Wilson and Saul, a group of three who could not find information, two months ago.

Although William was only one car on the track at that time, even if there was no interference from other cars, few professional racing drivers dare to say that they can break the record of a track.

"God, William, you are so cunning," obadai said, rubbing his bald head. "And according to what you said before, the super run you made must be no different from the F1 car.Let Tony take road level super run and F1 level car than, don't think about the other has lost.

Unless we are allowed to fly back to the hotel from the stadium in a spaceship regardless of whether we win or lose, you simply refuse us.

"That's right, that's right.".

At the thought of William saying that he could build and optimize the car in his mind, no one would think that Stark's Audi sports car is better than William's, which is more in line with the aerodynamic super run just by looking at the appearance.

Being looked at by everyone, William didn't feel embarrassed at all. He said with a smile to the unhappy stark, "shall I let you start for a minute?"

25 miles is more than 40 kilometers. If the average speed is 120 per hour, it only takes 20 minutes. The average speed is 160, which is 15 minutes.

But the average speed of 120 is not bad for the fans. The average speed of 160 is already a master, but for the racetrack drivers, the average speed of 160 is not enough.

F1 more than a dozen tracks, the lowest track average speed is 160, not many corners of the track is basically more than 200.

Of course, the condition of the road is better than that of a non professional track, but it is not difficult for a normal racer to run 160 all the way with a super run.

So people just calculate silently in their hearts. If they only allow one minute, it's not enough.

With a twinkle in his eyes, obadai pretended to be thinking and asked stark a few questions in a low voice. He said, "five minutes, unless you allow five minutes,

and you win, each of our shareholders here is looking for a rare whisky worth more than $2 million, not limited to one kind of McCullen.

If you lose, you should take us to the spaceship, or you should not send each of us a red super run, and you can only produce these 11.

Only eleven?

The proposal immediately interested everyone.

If only 11 cars are produced, there will be more room for this kind of super run to increase in value in the future.

Maybe if the news gets out, the value of the sports car will soar to $5 million, or even double every year in the future.

I thought that obadai was a problem for William, but I didn't expect that William looked directly at stark and said, "I have no problem, just because your car skills can't reach the average speed of 160.".

"You're crazy. It's just a game. You need to fight like this?"

Stark wanted to go on the spaceship, but he didn't want to put William in danger, and if he did, he would be in danger himself.

Let five minutes, if his speed really reached the average speed of 160, then if William wants to win, he must average more than 240 to reach his destination in ten minutes.

Feeling Stark's kindness, William suddenly lost his mind,

said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm not crazy. Let me tell you a secret. Even if my car hits the wall at 200 mph, I'll feel dizzy for a while.

so, if you want a car, unless you want to delete the version, I can only say sorry, because of the technology integrated in that car It has been involved in the metal lightweight, anti-collision technology and limit buffer technology of spaceship.

Spaceship? Metal lightweight? Collision avoidance? Limit buffer?

People soon think of meteorites in space, so that car at least has bulletproof function, and maybe it will not have any problem if it is concentrated by guided eggs.

But no one doubts that William is talking nonsense. He is not afraid of collision. The basic reason is his physical fitness and sentry armor. It has nothing to do with the super run made of gold and titanium alloy.

But no one doubted his nonsense. Soon no one cared that he couldn't get on the spaceship. Even stark was looking at the red Rafael dozens of meters away.

If these technologies are applied to building cars, airplanes, and even all impact related products, it will not take many years to crush all the competitors.

Even in order to avoid being targeted by everyone, we can only occupy the most high-end market and create a 100 billion level company in an instant.

Even three years later, when it goes public, it will become the same as stark group.

No, civilian products are naturally more popular in the market than military products. A large audience means a larger market and a brighter future. It seems that it is not difficult to surpass stark group.

Now William is no different from the God of wealth.

Only obadai sighed in his heart. Unlike other people, he never thought of getting technology from William.

He wanted to act as an agent from William for the treatment instrument that can speed up the recovery of trauma. He didn't get it for several years. It's strange that William would release this new technology.

If you dare to force William, after seeing the real transformers, it's no different from looking for death.

All of them can't compare with William who can control transformers at will, let alone have other forces.

Obadai shuddered at the thought of the destruction caused by the Decepticons during the New York war.

When stark heard that William said he would not be in danger and that he would play again, he was a fool.Originally in the car's technology than William, and now have scruples to win just strange.

Seeing Tony silent and unable to fulfill his wish, obadai took a few breaths in silence and soon put his mind into business.

Although he did not dare to rob, it was not dangerous to ask, and he doubted that William still had more powerful skills.

Pretending to ease the atmosphere, he asked, "three days ago, when I told you to come to the board meeting, the experiment you said was in a critical period, that is, this car?"

Of course not. It won't take me much to build this car.

Nm's William Devonshire, who had been hit, all turned black when they heard that they didn't spend much energy. They were dissatisfied with William's eyes.

Seeing that everyone is not in the mood to talk about the competition, and no one mentions the spaceship, William smiles and waves to Ferrari Rafael.

The red super car, which was parked dozens of meters away, started automatically. The engine roared out of the parking space and drove to William's side.

"God, this car also has an autopilot system."

Looking at obadai with round eyes, William smiles and sees that the car door opens automatically. No matter what these old men are thinking, "does anyone want to experience a racing car?"

Seeing that William looked over, the old man sitting next to him shook his head, "forget it, we old bones, don't want to have a heart attack.".

"Then I'll go first," William shrugged, got on the super accelerator, and the car drove away at a very fast speed.

As soon as William left, obadai suddenly said to his bodyguard, "ask if the hotel has a large saloon car, if not, drive a bus.".

As soon as other people heard this, they immediately understood that the bald guy wanted to talk with everyone in the car about how to get some projects from William.

Along with stark, no one thought there was anything wrong with this, looking at his bodyguard captain, "Harpy, you're going to drive.".

Ten minutes later, ten shareholders, together with dozens of people like their bodyguards and assistants, drove more than 20 cars around a limousine of bus type to leave Caesar Palace and go to waterfall stadium.

By the time their car left the underground parking lot, William had arrived at waterfall stadium for several minutes.

Drive the car into the goal field and listen to Sunday's report that the speed monitoring on the way here has been done by him. The speed will show 140, and he has not met the police. Therefore, even if people know that he is speeding and want to trouble him, some lawsuits will be filed.

When the car stopped in the reception area, a middle-aged man with a stiff suit and a dozen waiters came up quickly.

"Welcome, Mr. Devonshire. I'm cook lane, manager of waterfall stadium.".

"Hello", William shakes hands with the other party, and then he sees a young man who is dedicated to parking the car for the guests. He is afraid to drive the car away.

with a smile, he waves to the other party and says it doesn't matter. He says to Rafael, "find a place to park yourself.".

Then the sports car in everyone's shocked eyes, automatically closed the door, not far away to the parking lot.

"Come on, take me to the rest area first, and then go to the stadium together when stark and them come.".

Hearing William's words, the manager of the stadium withdrew his eyes that had been looking at the super run. "Ming, I understand, Mr. Devonshire.".

Rahn took William to the reception building of the stadium, and then went to the cellar to get the red wine for William. He called pepper and asked when the army would arrive.

Just left the underground parking lot of the RV, a bell rang from the small pepper mobile phone that was preparing coffee.

After receiving the phone call, little chili Lengshen for a long time, then stammered and said to stark, "manager of waterfall, waterfall and waterfall stadium, call me and say that Mr. Devonshire has arrived at the ball and stadium.".

"Are you kidding?" Stark looked at his watch and asked javis, "how long has William been away?".

"Fourteen minutes, but I suggest you turn on the TV now. The media has been making a lot of noise because of Mr. Devonshire's speed.".