Seeing the future panther, William opened the window and waved to each other. Then he pointed to the parking space not far away and drove the car under each other's gaze.

Before getting off the bus, a group of students, who found this unique super car in the world, came around shouting William's name.

Fortunately, these students are different from paparazzi. Although they are surrounded by spectators, they keep a distance of two or three meters.

When William got out of the car, he waved to some tall girls with long legs, which led to a response and some boys' dissatisfaction. Then he covered his ears with a smile and said to Sunday, "tell someone to come, or I won't be able to get out if the paparazzi comes soon.".

With that, William can't help thinking of Pierce Brosnan, the head of security who belongs to his mother Lina.

With a smile on his lips, the former and the latter James Bond are now working under his own hands. He is probably the most unpopular person in the military intelligence bureau.

Bresnan, who was in charge of protecting Lena and Abby, immediately arranged for someone to come to London University as soon as he received the notice on Sunday.

Since becoming the head of the Devonshire family's secret security, he has not contacted William, the big boss.

Brosnan couldn't help wondering if he would take this opportunity to meet William?

Because of Craig, the current bond, William did a good job in dealing with Zhenjin yesterday. Since he thought of Brosnan, he would try to find out his situation by detecting evil.

If there is no problem, then talk about the past, lest the other party always think that he does not like to see him.

Moreover, these agents who have gone through too many crises and can live to retire do have unique aspects in some aspects. They may be able to draw closer and closer relations when they can be used.

All these thoughts were thought of in a flash in my mind. William waved to the students who called his name all the way,

on the ground that king vacanda came to England in his private capacity and could not get formal security protection, he asked Brosnan to come in person on Sunday to take charge of today's security.

To a few brave girl signature, see the people around eager to try, William hurried straight to two bareheaded female bodyguards accompany outside, no one paid attention to the prince of vacanda tezara.

Two or three meters away, he reached out and said with a smile, "welcome to London, Prince.".

This action immediately got the favor of tezara and the two vakanda Royal bodyguards around him.

For more than two hours this morning, the experience of being ignored by the English people has made these arrogant vacanda elites feel angry for a long time.

So William just showed some respect at will and got the favor of tchara. "Thank you, thank you for your invitation, your highness.

I'm tezara, successor to vakanda. Nice to meet you.

I'm glad you've accepted my invitation, too. I'm William Devonshire.

After they shake hands and introduce each other, William and the two black girls beckon and greet each other. They turn around and stand with tezara, and let the people who want to take a picture come one by one.

The students who didn't care about a poor and dying prince in Africa were surprised to see William standing on the side of tezara.

But then some people with fast brain thought that there must be something they didn't understand, and they wanted to take a picture with them.

After a while, the auditorium was full of people. The two bodyguards frowned and tried to stop, but they were stopped by tezara.

William, who is much more famous than him, is not afraid. He must be fully confident.

There may be a lot of security around, secretly protecting and observing, or other protective measures that you don't know.

"Relax, relax, man, this is the University of London. I promise it's OK.".

William, familiar with his shoulder, bumped tezara's shoulder. "Smile, man, you represent vakanda, who has been closed for decades and has no contact with the outside world.

Now that we are ready to show up, the first impression of vakanda by the public and the media is very important. ".

This immediately reminded tezara of his father's words that vakanda would increase his exposure to the outside world and make more contact with the outside world. He could not help smiling.

After more than ten minutes, the meeting in the auditorium is about to begin. They walk to the auditorium under the reminder of the staff.

"You seem to know us very well, Monsieur Devonshire," she whispered as she walked.

"Haha," William said with a smile, "I'm sorry, since I know you have Zhenjin, I've been looking for all the information I can find about vakanda.

And you, the hidden identity of Prince vacanda, who graduated from Oxford University, is not very difficult for me to find out.

Tezara couldn't help thinking of vacanda's agent in England, reporting some speculation.

Ever since William was trapped on Mars and attacked by a werewolf on a ship under construction, many people have felt that London, Oxford and even the whole of England are under his surveillance.Moreover, we can guess from some unprovoked cases that anyone who secretly attacks the Devonshire family will be killed as soon as he enters London.

There is also a rumor in the underground world of England that the number of grey societies in London has plummeted over the years because some grey societies planning to kidnap members of the Devonshire family have been found dead before they started.

At the thought of William's cold and ruthless attitude towards the enemy, tchara said with a frown, "what do you want from us?"

"You must know what I want," William laughs. "The question we're facing now is whether I have what you need.".

Tezara frowned at the words.

William was a bit aggressive, and he was dissatisfied with vacanda's willingness to trade.

"But what if we don't want to deal with anyone?"

William laughs and looks at the serious tezara, "it doesn't matter. I want to buy Zhenjin from you just because your things are cheaper.".

What do you mean.

This not only made tezara stop at once, but also the two female bodyguards behind him were staring at William in surprise.

William looked back at the changed face of tezara, "which means that Zhenjin is not the original product of the earth, but brought by meteorite.

Since it is brought about by meteorites, it means that there is Zhenjin outside the earth.

"Have you found Zhenjin in the extraterrestrial Galaxy?"

With that, tezara immediately thought that William was a man who could build spaceships. In the past few years since he came back from Mars, who knows if the spaceship he invented has been able to fly across galaxies.

He asked with an uncanny face, "or have you made a deal with extraterrestrial life and got Zhenjin?"

"Pretty much," William said half truely, "I found the legendary group and helped me build a long sword. The scabbard is made of Zhenjin, so I want to study why Zhenjin can absorb kinetic energy.

Unfortunately, there are not so many raw materials wasted in research.

The guys who helped me build weapons were too expensive, and gold, jewelry and money were useless to them, so I had to think of other ways to start looking for gold mines.

But I didn't expect that there had been Zhenjin on the earth for a long time, and it had been mined by a country for hundreds of years. I'm right, your highness.

"I, I", suddenly heard that Zhenjin is no longer unique to vakanda, and tezara was a little lost in a moment, "I have to see the scabbard you said before we can talk about other things.".

"No problem," William said, smiling and patting terchara on the shoulder, thinking of Ulysses Crowe, who was still in his hand, "even if you want to see the original Zhenjin in my hand, it's OK.

Although there is not much left after all kinds of experiments, there are still some.

This time, tezara's heart was completely confused. He thought that he was in the dominant position. But he didn't expect that William just found vakanda because he thought it was too expensive to sell from aliens.

Since Zhenjin is no longer unique to vacanda, they still stick to Zhenjin. What's the point of closing vacanda?

Your highness.

Hearing the girl's reminder, tezara regained her mind and settled her confused mood. When she and William walked into the arched conference hall of the auditorium, she saw her father chatting with some African American students studying in London University.

"Look who's here.".

Seeing William and tezara come in, King tezara steps forward and warmly reaches out his hand and shakes William.

After a self introduction, he patted William's arm when he was happy, and William didn't show any impatience, which made everyone really think that they were old friends at first sight.

William did not say that the old king wanted to use his reputation to open the mind of vacanda's popularity.

In any case, after this meeting, vacanda will definitely be reported by the English media. Now they show close relationship, which is just to let more people pay attention to this matter.

After dealing with each other politely for nearly ten minutes, techaka and his son techala embraced with a kind and kind face.

"No matter what you've talked to William Devonshire, keep your mind on me, my child," she said in a worried ear.

Tezara was stunned, then patted her father on the back and said she was OK. The meeting, which started at ten o'clock, was delayed for half an hour by William and King tezara.

William, who is sitting in the first row, tries to show his concentration. He looks at terchaka who is standing on the podium and starts to speak. As for the content, he goes in on the left and goes out on the right.

Anyway, he only cares about those black guys who are useful to him, just listen to other things.

As a prince, she did not sit with William. Instead, she put her hands in front of her stomach and stood on the edge of the podium, acting as the king's security guard.Five or six minutes after the start of the speech, Bresnan, who arrived ten minutes ago, walked low behind William, who was sitting in the first aisle.

Half squatting, he said in William's ear, "boss, we've arranged for people to guard the auditorium and the restaurant. Do you have any other orders?"

I knew that Bresnan was deliberately talking to himself. William patted Bresnan on the back with a smiling face. "We've known each other for a long time. Uncle Bresnan, just call me William.

I haven't seen you for a long time. When today's affair is over, we'll take your family together sometime.".

"Is this, is this appropriate?"

"What's wrong? Besides helping the Devonshire family, we're still friends. In a few days, we'll call those old guys together and we'll go riding, hunting and having a picnic. It's a family party.".

Hearing William call his uncle and say family party, Brosnan immediately smiles, "I'll talk to the old guys and wait for your notice.".

William nodded. Since he was wooing his subordinates, of course he had to make a good gesture. "No problem, we'll go to the castle in three days.".

Brosnan stood up happily, nodded to Prince tezara, who had been watching him, and then stood on the top of the auditorium like a security guard, watching everything in the auditorium.

Feeling the message from Bresnan's spirit in his mind, William smiles, and it seems that his worry is unnecessary.

Moreover, these people who are attached to the Devonshire family have no reason to betray themselves when the family is not sorry for them and has been on the rise.

When people in the auditorium saw Brosnan's walkie talkie in his hand, they thought he was reporting to William about security.

And it seems that it should not be a bad thing, otherwise people with William's identity must be in danger and will be taken away by the security.

William put his hand in front of his chest, and secretly waved to Tchaka and tchara, indicating that there was no problem. They were really relieved.

Although the start time of the meeting was delayed because of William, techaka had the wisdom to reduce the 45 minute speech to half an hour.

At 11 o'clock sharp, he said with a smile to the person who had been looking at his watch and mobile phone, "because of the time, if you have any questions you want to ask my classmates,

you can wait five minutes after the recess for those students who have planned their journey and are in a hurry to leave, and then we can continue to talk.".

This method of not delaying time won the favor of the vast majority of people in an instant. After leaving some people who were really in a hurry or didn't want to hear, nearly nine people were left on the scene.

William said to Sunday, covering his ears, "tell Gordon that we should be an hour late.".

At 12 o'clock at noon, after dealing with the last question and taking a picture with all the people who want to take a picture, William and terchaka are free to leave London University and go to Gordon's restaurant.

As for those school people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to get some donations from William, William just politely said a few words and ignored that guy.

He would rather donate it to the women's and children's fund, or to the College of Arts at Oxford University, than to engineering colleges in England.

No amount of achievements made by writers will accelerate the progress of science and technology in England.