"Well, thank you." she accepted another belief, and Alice giggled happily.

Now everyone knew that Alice could feel their inner piety, and the more pious they were, the more favored they were.

With the exact example of Roland, the ascetics who could not get any return from heaven no matter how they prayed or how devout they were in the past could easily find their direction and hope and become more loyal to Alice.

When all the twelve rings were handed out, Bell's companions came back with them, which were classified by Sunday and stored in five warehouses full of magical smell.

These magic elves born on the magic planet, to be honest, everyone's strength is much better than the Aurors in England. They easily come back with five containers.

Seeing this, lingdang said to Alice in a low voice, "Your Highness, your armor and weapons have been brought here.".

"Is it?" As soon as Alice looked back, she saw that there were five huge mobile warehouses dozens of meters away. "OK, my knights, go and pick the equipment I've prepared for you.".

When she finished her job, Alice said to Strauss with a smile, "Alice is going back to the temple.

After that, lingdang will take you away. If you have anything, you can pray to me, or you can go to William's castle town.

There will be a church of light, which will provide you with the knowledge of light cultivation and also serve as the headquarters of paladins.

"I understand, your highness," Strauss 15 people busy and respectful salute.

Alice nodded with a smile, then flashed back to the temple in a hurry, lying on her bed, happily feeling the blessing and benefits of the power of faith.

"Hee hee, with the belief of these knights, Alice doesn't have to ask the miser of her master all the time.".

Listening to the blackness of William's head, he thought to himself whether he was doting on her too much?

Alice can leave regardless, but lingdang can't, and let these people change their clothes beside the temple. Lingdang thinks it's disrespectful to Alice to do so.

Thinking for a moment, he changed his plan a little bit. "Please follow me, Mr. Strauss.

The weapons and armor that her highness Alice provides for you are all transformed by magic. They are stronger and sharper than the equipment on earth, and they are easier to transmit the energy of holy light.

in the future, you can try to learn enchantment magic and attach Holy Light magic to your armor and weapons.

Hearing this explanation, even Strauss, seaman and Hennessy, who were not in charge of fighting, began to yearn, not to mention the other 12 paladins who had been dealing with demons all the year round.

Lingdang turns his head and tells the other magic elves to let each of them take a paladin and a phantom to move down. All of them come to the edge of the hidden magic circle in an instant.

Then the five mobile warehouses were sent.

They left the hidden magic circle and began to enter the armor and weapons warehouse in batches.

There are two warehouses for knives, swords, axes and scepters, and three warehouses for 100 sets of Asgard soldiers' armor.

The fifteen paladins walked into the three armour warehouses and were swept by a blue light. Then a voice prompted them to stand in the automatic dressing area.

One by one, robotic arms began to help them wear a whole set of body armor with silver and copper edges.

After all the armor was put on, it was probably Odin, in order not to be talked about by William. In addition to having the same function as the armor of the warriors in the divine realm, this batch of armor was also engraved with the magic of limited size change and weight loss.

A magic light flashed, and the armor began to bind itself automatically, becoming more close to the body and more conducive to making various movements.

Moreover, even Strauss, seaman and Hennessy, the three non combatants, can easily wear this suit of armor to move freely. It can be seen that although the armor is heavy after being enchanted by magic, it is actually offset by various enchantment arrays.

Feel the magic of divine domain armor, fifteen paladins are more curious about weapons.

The group probably thought of the reason for concealment, no one chose the more huge axe and scepter, their eyes were on all kinds of swords.

Even Roland, Strauss, seaman and Hennessy, who didn't use swords, chose a dagger as their weapon.

As for swords, except for machetes, all the Europas called swords.

And William doesn't care what weapons they choose, the cultivation of the holy light is the most important.

A person with holy light, even with a stick, can use holy light to bless the stick and kill those demonic projections.

After 15 people finished choosing weapons, they took out their original weapons and chopped each other at the new weapons. In an instant, the weapons on the earth were cut off by the dwarves' swords.

For a time, the voices of surprise and Joy came out from time to time, and everyone was shocked by the sharpness of these sharp swords.

When the crowd calmed down, they put on their linen robes again and covered their armor and weapons. A portal opened in front of them. At the same time, five huge mobile warehouses were instantly put into the storage space by William.Hennessy, it's time for you to do your duty.

William's familiar voice came out of thin air. Fifteen new paladins bowed to say hello, but all the others except Hennessy were smiling in silence.

We all know that Hennessy, a fat guy, also works part-time as William's wine manager. These days, everyone knows that William likes whisky.

"When you go back, you should always strive to cultivate. Maybe soon, you will follow me and go to other worlds to dedicate your sweat and even life to the peace of the nine realms.".

"Understand, crown." all the people who had heard Strauss say this for a long time, endured their inner excitement and saluted respectfully. After waiting for a minute, without hearing William's voice again, they lined up in two rows and went back to the bitter friars' camp in Rome.

When the man left, William said to the house elves, "in addition to Thunderbirds, there will be another 20 flying horses and four unicorns for your tasks in the future. Do you want me to go to Christine and hire some more elves?"

"It doesn't matter, master," said Shan Jinlian, a native of England, without waiting for other elves to speak. "We didn't have much work before, but now you allow Thunderbirds to fly freely on the three islands and the sea.

These days, those Thunderbirds flying to the sea, like golden eagles, often catch all kinds of fish by themselves,

our work has been reduced a lot, and if we continue to do so, we feel sorry for your payment.

Now with those Pegasus, we can feel at ease.

Lingdang and her other clansmen welcome more magic elves to come. You can hear Shanjin's words. These elves, who are born to be busy and always take work as honor, soon nodded and agreed with Shanjin.

William didn't care. "You've been in my territory for years, but I haven't seen any new kids. Why?"

Now all the elves are wriggling, William said with a smile, "well, I won't ask the reason, but I hope you have more people,

whether you elves born on the magic planet combine with each other, or go to find the same kind of marriage in England like flashing gold and bells, I don't mind, or even welcome.

The only problem is that if any elf born in England wants to join you, he must investigate for a period of time, and he is forbidden to contact Alice. Do you understand? "

"Understand, master", a group of house elves busy happy nod salute.

Shanjin thought for a while and then said, "master, if you can, please allow us to build a small village in your territory.

after marriage, our companions can settle down in the village first, use phantom to travel back to the fairy forest when they work, and go home to reunite with their wives and husbands when they have holidays.

after several years of investigation, we get the first batch of all of them With your permission, you can join the family of Thunderbird cliff.

As for your highness Alice, we all promise to keep this secret forever without your permission.

As soon as she finished, the other magic elves nodded in agreement.

William laughed. "Well, where is the village to be built? After you choose it, tell him on Sunday that he will help you build your own home.

As long as you elves are loyal to the Devonshire family, I promise you in the name of Devonshire that the village will belong to you and your descendants. ".

Thank you, great master.

Hearing that these people would get a village territory and own their own land, all the elves knelt down trembling with excitement and swore allegiance to William.

And William was very clear in his heart that among these magic elves, there was flash gold, a native family elf. He would definitely not choose places like plains and human settlements.

Forests, valleys, even cliffs and mountain tops are their first choice.

And these places, for William, are just waste.

Before I saw that any one of these elves could move with a huge phantom of mobile warehouse, which made William feel that instead of wooing human beings, it would be better to increase the number of more grateful and loyal elves.

In the future, maybe he will let the elves into his family and be a servant as well as a guard of a pure wizard.

After handling the matter, William flashed back to the temple and felt that Alice was asleep again. With a frown, he went back to London, quietly waiting for the news that Odin had sent Warner Heim and forged the spear of fate.

During the waiting period, I accompanied my mother Lena, Abigail, Jesse, Serena and Nisa to Bond Street in London for a whole day.

The next day he went to Surrey to meet Laura Crawford, who had not seen her for months.

Now that super soldier serum has been successfully tested on 007 Craig, William certainly thinks about what he promised Laura.

During the day, he had a tryst with Laura. At night, he went back to his home in London. After three days, he reported on Sunday that the experimental equipment of Oxford underground laboratory had been prepared and installed. Then William took the Black Ghost leizang back to the castle.This time, William didn't have to do it himself. Except for the possibility of releasing the holy light to help Lei Zang improve the success rate of the experiment, all the other processes were done by medical robots.

William looked at leizang in his hospital uniform and asked again, "are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes, sir, I have no problem.".

Leizang, who has been secretly guarding the Devonshire family for six years, is now 32 years old.

At the age of 20, he defected from the Asian assassin organization Ozu Nu and hid for five or six years. When he met William again, he became a shadow in the dark and lived quietly for six years.

Leizang obviously feels that no matter how he trains, his physical fitness will inevitably deteriorate in the past two years.

So when he heard William say that his research project to enhance human potential has been successful, leizang only wanted to find William in one night and asked for the super soldier experiment.

Looking at leizang with a calm face, William asked again, "you are not afraid of the failure of the experiment, I will drive you away? And have you asked your girlfriend of two years? "

When William talks about his girlfriend, leizang, who has no expression all the year round, seldom has a trace of tenderness in his eyes. "Since you said that even if the experiment fails, there will be no danger to my life, then I just put everything down and take tessy back to Asia to spend the rest of my life peacefully.".

William frowned. The bastard had this idea. Is he going to let him become a super soldier or let him go now?

But let him just let go of a gray society that has been guarding his family for six years, secretly killed more than a dozen groups of people, and attacked his mother and other women's ideas. William was reluctant to let go of the super shadow that never made mistakes.

Moreover, Lei Zang is a rare person he can trust. It's also a headache to find someone to replace him after this guy leaves.

"Don't worry, you can't leave," William said, "after your experiment is successful, I'll ask Abigail to prepare for your wedding. Let's get ready. We'll start in ten minutes.".

William is very clear about his reputation as a woman. If he can avoid contact with his daughter, he will avoid it.

And then there was Sophia, the daughter of gona, who worked at Chelsea after seeing him.

It was not until five years ago that Sophia, who was twenty-four years old and had not received William's reply for a long time, tried to associate with other people under the persuasion of gunner.

When he heard the news, William felt a little pity. After all, goner was a big, ugly girl, but her daughter was a long legged beauty.

In fact, when he thought of being with his daughter, his heart became twisted. He was even more afraid of causing a series of chain reactions and alienating from his subordinates.

After learning this lesson, he never cared about his women and daughters, or even mentioned it once, so as not to know what would happen after meeting.

Otherwise, gona of the expendables would not be the one who is most loyal to him in the expendables because of this. He has been working as a security guard at Chelsea.

Ten minutes later, sitting on the high platform, William silently watched the super soldier serum, which was automatically injected into Lei Zang's body by the instrument.

The process of the experiment is the same as I imagined.

Although leizang is a murderous assassin, he is more peaceful and kind than 007 Craig, and he probably takes commitment as his life belief.

In the course of the experiment, William used the magic of detecting evil from time to time, but no negative emotion came back.

Release a strong light energy into Lei Zang's body, let him get a stronger promotion, William quietly waiting for the end of the experiment.