Walking into the mainland Hotel, John wicker smiles and says to the lobby manager Karon, "release the mission, one million dollars to find the trace of ilsov Tarasov,

if you help me catch him in front of me, double the Commission.".

With that, he took out a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the stunned Kalon.

Yes, Mr. wicker.

"Thank you" and without waiting for Karon to finish, John wicker turned around and wanted to leave.

In the lobby, more than a dozen killers who had not slept in the early morning turned around and handed him a gold coin and said, "help me spread a message.".

"No problem, Mr. wick," Karon took the gold coin, but he probably knew what it was.

"Tell the people outside that I've killed Vigo Tarasov," said John wick, who turned his eyes solemnly and pricked up his ears.

"Those who want to get a reward of 10 million, it's better to think carefully, whether the reward can be obtained, whether it's so easy to get, thank you.".

"You're welcome, Mr. wick. I'll send this message to Mission Center right away.".

Kalon narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Vigo Tarasov not only offered a reward to the members of the mainland hotel in the underground world, but also issued a reward around the mission center.

now that he is dead, I think those people in the Mission Center will be very happy to help you.".

John wick was stunned, then he understood, nodded with a smile and said, "this is the first time that I thank myself for being a member of the mainland hotel. Goodbye, Karon.".

Karon nodded. "Goodbye, Mr. wicker. It's my pleasure to serve you.".

The conversation between the two people, without accident, came into the ears of the killers in the lobby.

These people have been concerned about a large number of people outside the hotel. Now when they hear that the employer is dead and may not be paid, most of them withdraw their eyes and stay quietly in the lobby.

After leaving the hotel, they were attacked by unknown killers and left quickly.

After the car left for several kilometers, Colson was relieved and asked, "where can we find the devil you said?"

"Well," John wicker said after thinking about it, not knowing where to go. "Why don't we try the nightclub?"

Speaking of this, John wicker seemed to open his mind, looked at his watch, and then said definitely, "it's early in the morning. Among the people who don't go home at this time,

are either playful or indulgent when they encounter various problems.

The devil likes the fallen, confused and helpless soul most.

After thinking about it, Colson agreed with John wicker, reached out and photographed the co driver's seat, "to find out which nightclubs in New York are the most mysterious in the industry, or often associated with missing persons.".

"Yes, sir.".

It didn't take long for his staff to report that "head, according to the database of the Bureau, the most mysterious bar should be a bar called midnight. As for the bar related to the missing persons, it's the bar called midnight.".

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "there are at least 17 nightclubs that can be connected with many cases of missing persons.".

John wick is used to this kind of thing. There are all kinds of disputes and grey society forces in the nightclubs in New York. It's very normal to lose a few people.

Then go to the midnight bar first.

But the information shows that if you want to enter this midnight bar, you must guess the card of the bartender at the door, otherwise the bar will refuse the guests to enter.

Colson, who was still hesitating, immediately said, "let's go to this house.".

The party soon arrived at the bar in downtown Manhattan.

Looking at the deserted street with few pedestrians, Colson was more sure that there was something wrong with the bar.

No real businessman would open a bar in a place with few customers, and would not take the initiative to turn away customers.

The motorcade stopped at the corner outside the bar in the middle of the night. After observing for several minutes, no one went in or came out.

Knowing that waiting is not the best way, Colson turned to John wicker and said, "John, I'll go into the bar with you and have a look. When other people receive the support signal, they rush in immediately.".

"Yes, sir.".

Seeing that Colson had given orders, John wicker led the way out of the car and headed for the bar.

When they walked into the front desk of the bar, they saw a strong bald man in a leather jacket standing in front of John wick with a card in his hand.

This is for people who want to enter the bar to guess the pattern on the front of the card?

Just when he didn't know how to do it, John wicker's eyes automatically flashed the Holy Light rune, so he could easily see through the card, "squirrel".

The strong man turned the card over and Colson saw the squirrel pattern on it.

Then the gatekeeper reached out and signaled John wicker to go in.

As for Colson who wanted to follow him, he was stopped before he took two steps.

The goalkeeper took out the card and put it up in front of Colson."Squirrel?"

The goalkeeper grinned and turned the card around, and Colson saw the arrow frog on the front of the card.

"Hell," Colson, who seldom scolds, can't help but scold, but he understands that it must have something to do with magic. But without waiting for him to think more, he was pushed out.

When he didn't know the situation of the bar, he was afraid of fighting when he forced into the bar, so he had to go back to the car outside the corner.

"Raise the bar's surveillance level to level six.".

After giving orders to his subordinates, Colson took out his cell phone and called nikfrey to report.

As soon as John wick enters the bar, he pushes the door open and steps into the bar, the magic circle in front of his chest opens automatically.

For a moment, all the customers in the bar looked at him.

Several close customers are not only forced to retreat by the holy light, but also begin to appear coking images on their faces where the holy light shines.

Looking at a room full of people looking at themselves in horror, John wicker could easily see that a room full of vampires, werewolves, demons and even a skeleton were drinking with a glass through the Holy Light Rune on his eyes.

I don't know that I'm in the devil's nest.

"Get him.".

A roar, like thunder, exploded in his ear, shaking John Wick's head.

Without thinking about it, John wick pushed the light out of his chest.

Then, with tinnitus and nausea, he turned and escaped from the bar.

Staggering across the street, pulling open the door, anxiously yelling to Colson, "go, go.".

The agent in charge of driving didn't need to talk to Colson at all. He got into gear, stepped on the accelerator, hit the steering wheel and ran away first.

When other cars saw Colson leave, they didn't have to tell them. They started the cars one after another and followed up.

Just a few hundred meters after they left, before they could relax, a slightly nervous voice came from the car walkie talkie.

"Sir, someone's following us.".

Being followed by the supernatural powers, Colson picked up his walkie talkie and said, "call for support, get ready to fight. Anyone who attacks us is an enemy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir.".