Bruce Banner carefully looks at the window of his rented house in Rio polwade slum,

after confirming that no one is watching, he leaves his residence with a hood and plans to take a look at the scattered slum built on the mountain.

Familiar with the nearby streets, easy to escape at the same time, by the way to see if there is a recruitment.

But he did not know that his every move had long been monitored.

In a small truck on a hill two kilometers away, bronsky is watching Benner's every move through a high-power telescope.

Having read Banner's materials and suffered losses from transformers, he doesn't want to engage in close combat with a super violent maniac like hawk, who is still a car, just like baseball.

So he, who has come to Rio for two people, started as soon as he came up.

Through these two days of observation, bronsky can also see that although Benner is very cautious and smart, he is only an ordinary scientist after all.

he never thought that in the slums, as long as he has money, he is willing to spend money, and there are some grey gangs working for money.

These members of the grey gang who live in the slums all the year round, even if they stare at him when they pass by Benner, they will not doubt that they are being watched,

but think that they have no intention of breaking into the territory of the grey gang and leave quickly.

After so many times, banner was not surprised to come to bronsky's area of hope.

On a dilapidated two-story building, there is a sign of a clinic. On the outside wall of the clinic, there is an advertisement for medical staff.

Benner, who needed to work, walked into the clinic without much thought.

Looking at the empty clinic, Benner exclaimed, "Hello, is anyone there?"

"Just a moment, just a moment." a woman's reply came from the second floor of the clinic.

Hearing the voice of a middle-aged woman, Benner instinctively relaxed his guard.

Standing at the front desk of the clinic, I looked around and saw all kinds of pictures hanging on the mottled walls, as well as old simple medical equipment. I felt more relieved.

"Dong, Dong, Dong", a heavy sound of footsteps came down the stairs, and saw a middle-aged woman with a body size of at least 200 Jin, wearing a white coat coming down.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's not, ma'am," Benner explained hastily. "I came in when I saw the advertisement outside.".

"Are you a doctor?" The middle-aged woman looked at Benner happily. After she saw what he was wearing, she could not help frowning, "do you have a license?"

"This," Benner said in a pause, "Ma'am, I am, I am.".

"OK, I see," the middle-aged woman interrupted Benner with a wave. "If you have no status, I can only give you ten reais a day's salary.".

"Ten, ten reals?"

Benner looked at the fat doctor in shock. Three hundred reais were less than sixty dollars.

After staying here for two days, he knows this money very well. In the shop, he can't do anything except buy some ordinary food that can fill his stomach.

But Benner, who had little money on him, just nodded his head and agreed. Moreover, the more stingy the fat doctor was, the more reasonable he felt.

In this way, Benner worked as a black worker in this small clinic and received several patients with intolerable pain, such as toothache and stomachache. Unconsciously, the morning passed quickly.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the fat doctor named Carly said to Benner, "can I help you with your lunch? Just three reals.

To hell with Grandet, Benner cursed in his heart. Then he heard a few grunts in his stomach, and said helplessly, "well, I wish I could have enough.".

It wasn't long before Carly came with two plates.

After taking the plate, Benner rolled his eyes silently. He shouldn't expect this woman. In addition to two pieces of bread and a small pile of beans and mashed potatoes, there was only a little ketchup on the plate.

Carly's plate, in addition to the same several kinds of food and their own, there is a large piece of barbecue.

Carly looked at her Benner and said, "I'm sorry, if you want to have a barbecue, ten reals.".

With a silent sigh, Benner could only take the spoon and start eating lunch.

Seeing that Benner had eaten all the food, Carly was very happy. She was eating the barbecue while waiting for Benner to fall down.

But after waiting all afternoon, Benner was busy in the clinic as if nothing had happened.

Fortunately, this woman named Carly is an old hand who has been hiding for many years. Even though she was shocked by the anesthetic, there was no flaw in her expression and tone.

At eight o'clock in the evening, she knocked three reais for dinner, and Carly gave four reais for him to leave work.

Bronsky, two kilometers away, was on the phone with Ross.

After hearing that Benner was fearless and could numb the elephant with a drop of medicine, Rose had a headache.

Anesthetic is useless. It's also unreliable to attack by force. Once banner turns into hawk and hides in the rain forest, it's even more troublesome to catch him.

Moreover, this is Rio. If there are a lot of casualties, even if he has great power now, he will not be impeached by the parliament.After thinking about it silently, he said, "since he works in the clinic, do you think he will use the clinic equipment to do all kinds of tests for himself?

And isn't he looking for a plant? Let people touch him, stabilize him, and then we'll find a way to control him. ".

"Hey, hey, got it, sir.".

In this way, Carly, who received the order, connected to the phone the next day and went out with a medical box, but the clinic didn't see a patient all day.

On the third day, after Carly visited the clinic again and no one came to see her again in the morning, Benner could not help looking at the old equipment in the clinic while he understood why Carly was so stingy.

I struggled all afternoon. In the evening, Carly, who didn't come back for long, got a phone call when she was cooking dinner. Then she mysteriously asked Benner if she would have an operation and whether she wanted to earn some extra money?

After only a few seconds of thinking, Benner knew that there must be some people in the gray gang who were injured and asked Carly to come to the door and perform the operation for them.

To understand this, Benner shook his head and said he had never had a scalpel.

"Fool, no wonder I'm still a poor man at the age of several decades.".

With a sneer at Benner, Carly changed her white coat and went out with the box on her back.

As I was leaving the house, I turned back and yelled to Benner, "I won't come back tonight. You'll stay here so that when I get home tomorrow, the clinic won't be empty.".

"OK, OK.".

As soon as Carly left, Benner's mind began to perk up. He hadn't checked the gamma ray concentration in his blood sample for nearly ten days.

Even if the equipment of the clinic is very backward, at least there are microscopes.

After closing the clinic in the evening, banner began to test his blood, and his every move had been transmitted to bronsky by the hidden camera in the clinic.

Pick up the walkie talkie. "Carly, it's your turn.".

"Bang, bang, bang, Bruce, open the door.".

Benner, who just wanted to have a blood test, heard Carly's anxious voice outside the clinic.

One of them was caught by the current Benner, who hid the blood sample in the drawer and got up to open the door for Carly.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"