"Wait a minute," cried William, and Christine said hastily, "the best place for the growth of the tree of life is in the forest. The denser and larger the forest, the more suitable it is for the growth of the tree of life.

moreover, the ability of the guardian of the forest God will change with the size of the territory.".

"Understand", William nodded and disappeared. The place where he reappeared was not Oxford castle, but planet x17.

"Have you finished exploring this planet and its galaxy on Sunday?"

"Yes, sir, more than two years is enough for me to explore the whole galaxy. What do you want to know?"

"If you calculate, is it safe to put the tree species of life on this planet?"

On Sunday, after a pause of several minutes, he came back and said, "Sir, according to my calculation, the biggest loophole is the discovery of the iron blooded people on this planet, and the secondary trouble is the possible interstellar pioneers and pirates.

as for the creatures on this planet, no magical creatures have been found yet.

In order to explore in the end, nearly 2000 kinds of microorganisms have also been established to deal with drugs. If you need them, I can produce them at any time. ".

William didn't pay attention to the virus all the time. Fortunately, it has been put on record on Sunday, so there should be no problem.

As for the interstellar pioneers and pirates, it's no problem. If William can't beat these poor people in the universe, he'll be fooling around for years.

Not to mention Odin and the whole Asgard behind him.

Moreover, since planet x17 can naturally develop to the present, there are no intelligent creatures, which means that the galaxy where the planet is located is very secret, and it must be far away from other intelligent races.

"Show me the way, we'll go to the biggest forest on the planet.".

Wearing sentinel armor, he flew for nearly three minutes, spanning nearly 20000 kilometers, to the center of the largest forest on planet x17.

Sir, the area of this forest is about 8.4 million square kilometers. There are two rivers more than 7000 kilometers long in the forest, which flow to the sea from east to west.

the annual average temperature is similar to that of the Amazon rainforest on earth, which should be very suitable for the growth of the tree of life.

With a smile, William asked, "it's three times larger than the earth, but the largest forest is only eight million square kilometers, only one million more than the Amazon rainforest?"

"Sir, the continent of this planet is very broken. The largest continent is only 60 million square kilometers, and there are 11 other continents with an area of more than 10 million.

Fortunately, there are nine forests covering an area of more than 4 million square kilometers, with an average forest coverage of about four layers, which is definitely more suitable for human habitation than the earth. ".

After hearing this, William just nodded, but suddenly said with a smile, "when the tree of life grows up, maybe this planet will become a magic world.".

After that, William looked into the distance and saw that there were mountains in the distance. He took a few seconds to fly over and walked around the mountains for a few times.

soon, from the smart lens of warfighter, he saw a valley marked with an altitude of 200 meters and an area of more than 1000 square kilometers, surrounded by mountains.

After opening the portal to the transmitter, William said to Sunday, "send out explorers to find out if there are any dangerous creatures.".

Yes sir.

Thousands of glowing probe balls flew out of the portal and spread out into the valley.

Soon all kinds of virtual images of animals and plants appeared in the sky in front of William.

After half an hour's exploration of the valley forest, it was determined that even if there were wild animals, they were just ordinary wild animals. William was relieved to find a suitable place for Christine's small town.

Three days later, William appeared on the magic planet in the early morning of the fourth day.

Before he entered the magic Town, a rainbow appeared beside him. Odin was carrying a gun of eternity in one hand and a short hammer with blue light in the other hand, which was more magical than Thor's hammer.

however, when Odin saw William, he asked eagerly, "why can't heimdar see where you are these three days?"

When William heard this, he was very happy. It was strange that Odin didn't let anyone look at him.

"Can't heimdar see where I am?"

Odin frowned and was about to open his mouth when he saw William's eyes staring at his magic hammer.

"What do you want to do?"

William said with a smile, "you can rest assured that I am doing business. Do you remember what I told you before that I asked you to wait for a few days?"

Odin was stunned and nodded in a restless mood.

"Show me the hammer quickly. I promise that as long as the hammer of ice is OK, there will be no problem with the tree of life.".

On hearing this, odinna didn't understand. William didn't tell the truth a few days ago.

Instead, he planned to wait until he really made the hammer of ice to tell the truth.

"You, you crazy, suspicious bastard.".He is the Lord of the nine realms, the king of the Asgard gods. But in William's heart, he has no credit.

The angry Odin could not help holding the hammer of ice in his hand. If he had not been old enough to keep his temper, he would have beaten the smiling bastard down and frozen him forever.

You'd better not cheat a king, otherwise.

"Well, well, what can I do to cheat you? I'm still waiting for the first self-healing deal with Shenyu.".

William impatiently interrupted Odin's words, "give me the hammer to try, other words wait until Christine comes out, so that I don't have to repeat it.".

Looking at William with a calm face and no panic and fear expression, Odin couldn't help thinking that this bastard has gone to the center of the earth, right?

Think of this, in the heart a burst of chagrin, oneself how didn't think of the matter of the center of the earth.

Just as he was about to throw the hammer of ice to William, he heard the sound of a horse's hoof.

"You're ready," Christine asked in a distant voice as he rode out of the town on a colorful deer. However, he saw that the atmosphere between William and Odin was a little stiff. "What's the matter?"

"It's OK, it's OK," William shook his head. "As long as your majesty Odin's reward is OK, I've found you an absolutely suitable place to place the tree of life.".

"Whew ~ ~", Christine grabbed the rein of the colorful deer and stared at William nervously. "You changed your mind and didn't inform us in advance, Mr. Devonshire. Do you know what you are doing?"

William, who had been prepared for a long time, took out the player from the storage space and was still among the three.

A virtual image is illuminated in mid air, and the first thing you see is an endless forest and two winding rivers.

after pulling down the camera, you come to a huge valley surrounded by mountains, which is countless times larger than the valley where Christine town is located.

Looking at the stunned Odin and the excited Christine, William asked with a smile,

"how about such a big forest, enough to meet the needs of the tree of life and the guardians of the forest God?".