Taking Odin to the suburban manor, they didn't stay much. While the sun was still strong, the light of rainbow bridge would not be obvious.

a light column broke through the distance limit and took them to Asgard in a few seconds.

Welcome, William. This is Asgard.

Odin, who was still in casual clothes just now, has changed into a king of the divine realm with a golden armor and an eternal gun.

Pointing to the same golden armor, the black man explained, "this is the guardian of the divine realm, Heimdal. When you want to come to the divine realm in the future, you'd better talk to Heimdal.".

"No problem", William nodded with a smile, and then in Odin's clear, Heimdal's surprised eyes, the figure appeared a few seconds of flicker.

Odin shakes his head helplessly. It seems that William wants to go, and no one can stop him.

Wave to heimdahl, signal him not to inquire, some things in mind to understand, there is no need to speak out his background in front of William.

The transmission of that moment just now is no secret to heimdar, who has been sticking to rainbow bridge for many years and is familiar with space transmission.

Welcome, Midgard. I'm heimdar, the gatekeeper of Asgard.

"I'm honored to meet you, patron saint of the realm. I'm William Devonshire.".

Seeing that they had known each other, Odin grasped the gun of eternity and knocked three times on the ground of rainbow bridge.

After three dull thumps, there was a loud horn in the distance. Odin said to William with a smile in his surprised eyes,

"let's go, William. God has finished the ceremony to welcome a new friend.".

When he follows Odin out of rainbow bridge, William will know why hamdal is surprised.

From a distance, hundreds of Asgard's cavalry, armed with gold armour and huge flags, came to meet him.

After seeing Odin, the cavalry pulled the horses from a distance and saluted Odin on the horses. Then the two cavalry jumped off the horse and led two magnificent horses to come.

Salute to Odin, then turn around and wait for Odin and William to mount.

You can ride a horse, right.

In Odin's teasing eyes, William's hand was shining with natural magic, touching the whole black horse's neck in front of him.

The horse, which was a little restless just now, soon calmed down.

Not only that, after the magic effect, the horse also rubbed William with his horse's head, and then hissed to signal him to come up quickly.

Don't see the good play of Odin, turned over eight legs of pure daytime masleibunier.

Looking at all the white horses except his own, William's clothes turned into a set of glittering body armor in the surprised eyes of the Asgard soldiers,

then a big red cape slowly dropped from his shoulder and floated with the wind.

See other people's horses have a coat, William an idea rise, the body of all black horses, put on a thin and dark to shiny coat.

Not only that, when William felt that his clothes, though elegant, were not different from those of his fellow asgards, a dark blue flash of lightning appeared on the vests of his armor and horses.

This is equivalent to adding a special effect, which instantly compares the costume of the asgards.

While Odin is funny, he also thinks that this is just like the mentality of a young man in his twenties.

It wasn't long before I came to odinkin palace.

Before getting off the horse, we can see that the golden palace is full of people. After following Odin through two teams of soldiers with full armor and cold weapons, the people begin to get off the horse.

William's extremely fashionable dress makes it hard to see sol and rocky standing under the throne.

The people of Asgard are very curious about William, who can receive the most ceremonious reception besides the victory ceremony.

Many girls screamed with excitement when they saw William's body, changing his wings into a cape, and the sacred coat marked with the deer head and family emblem of Devonshire on his helmet.

"This guy's worse than you," Rocky whispered to Saul. "How about we find a way to get two of these armor from this mortal?"

Remembering that he was controlled by the sentinel armour and was still absorbing thunder and lightning, sol suddenly felt that the sentinel armour and he were the best match.

Even though he can't fight, he's a mortal and a magician. He doesn't believe that he can be better than us in alcohol consumption.

Sol's eyes brightened and he patted rocky on the shoulder excitedly. "Yes, just fight with him. Rocky, you've finally come up with a reliable idea.".

Rocky gave Saul a white look and was about to retort when he heard Freya, who was not far from the throne, coughing gently. When the two brothers recovered, they saw Odin taking William up the steps under the throne."Welcome back, father," he said.

But to William, the brothers just nodded.

Odin looked at them helplessly, stood on the huge platform, holding the eternal gun and knocked on the ground.

"Dong" sound, can accommodate thousands of people in the hall of an instant quiet down.

Odin pointed to William and said to Asgard, "this is the legendary mage of Midgard, Sir William Devonshire, a new friend of the divine realm,

he has brought us a gift that I can't refuse.".

Odin took out the car of the country manor. William gave him a self-healing charm and said to his subjects, "this is a magic item that can instantly cure trauma.".

Before Odin finished, William's face changed slightly.

Before the price was discussed, the old man announced to everyone that he was going to advertise and use Asgard's public opinion to suppress William, or did he think that William would be satisfied with his offer?

If you don't understand, William simply doesn't want to. If the price is not suitable, the output will be reduced, and the artificial construction will be more expensive.

I don't believe that Asgard, who is in turmoil and needs to send troops to put an end to chaos, can make a decision to ignore the lives of soldiers for some money.

Odin soon noticed the change in William's face, but as king of Asgard, he wasn't just thinking about business.

Although people in Asgard regard death as glory, as long as they are normal people, no one will think that they live long enough.

At such a time when troops are about to be sent out, the good news of self-healing talisman is released to the subjects, which can not only reduce the worries of the asgards about their death, but also stimulate their courage to participate in the war.

it is more conducive to Odin's rule. With self-healing talisman, a soldier on the battlefield will have one more life.

An army that is not afraid of injury is absolutely a road roller on the battlefield. It can easily defeat the enemy's troops.

No matter what kind of war, the less people die, the more brilliant the victory will be