I thought I'd find a monster planet full of dinosaurs and King Kong, but I didn't know that besides Thunderbirds, there were dragons, unicorns and elves.

With the gateway to the earth storm Island, William can't help guessing that this is not the real source of those magical creatures on earth.

Close your eyes and carefully feel the distance between this planet and the earth. Compare it with the star 275 light years away that Captain Marvel went to, and find that this planet is very close to the earth.

If it is hard to estimate, it is less than one twentieth of 275 light-years, or about a dozen light-years.

With this estimation, in order to cover up the fact that he had sent out spaceships and detectors early in the morning, William photographed the sentry armor that had become casual clothes on his body,

according to his idea, the armor was divided into a big piece, which was like a two meter high launch tower with thick arms.

"To determine if this is an alien planet, just try to see if the signal from here can reach the earth," she said.

"That's a good idea," Laura nodded happily, but soon she asked anxiously, "but if this place is very far away from the earth, thousands or even tens of thousands of light years away,

how many years will it take us to receive the signal from the earth?".

Ha ha, don't worry, I can think of all the problems that you layman can think of.

When Laura twisted his arm, William laughed and said that the technology of the Kerry spaceship captured from Scrooge's hand, which was studied on Sunday, was invented by himself.

"the information transmission means designed according to the principle of quantum distortion can reach the speed of light more than ten thousand times, while the technology I invented can reach the speed of light In other words, if the planet is 10000 light-years away from the earth, it will take 3.65 days for the signal to reach the earth.

A thousand light years is 8.76 hours, a hundred light years is 53 minutes, and ten light years is 5.3 minutes.

maybe when we finish this barbecue, the signal will come back.

"I hope so.".

Laura couldn't bear to disturb William's optimistic attitude. She smiles and puts her T-Rex kebab to his mouth,

"try my kebab, which is filled with some plant seasonings I collected here, and all of them have been tested with King Kong.".

Before barbecue, William silently released the magic of poison detection, so, smelling the smell of barbecue, he bit off the large pieces of T-Rex meat.

As soon as the meat was eaten, William, who was already very picky about the taste, could not help but brighten his eyes. "It's really delicious, and your technique is good, dear.".

When she heard William call her honey, Laura was very happy. Then she slapped him and said, "you bastard, you were so accommodating before, but you didn't even hear you call my honey. Now you call me when you have food.".

"Woo, woo, woo", when they were making love to each other, King Kong, who had been hungry for a long time, smelled the meat but could not eat it, immediately roared in a low voice.

William, who was in a good mood, used his mental strength to select a few large pieces of T-Rex meat, cut them into more than 100 pieces of palm sized meat, suspended them on the fire, flipped and roasted them casually for a minute, sprinkled them with spices, and gave them to King Kong.

I didn't expect that this guy was quite satisfied with William's barbecue. After eating dozens of kilos, he urged William in a low voice.

While William is helping King Kong barbecue, Laura is also helping him roast and delivering it to his mouth.

So, idle is also idle, he had to help King Kong roast five times in a row, after eating more than 300 kilograms of meat, King Kong went to the downstream of the pool contentedly, and began to soak in the water while drinking.

While enjoying the delicious food and the beauty's personal service, on the Sunday when the time is fixed, there is a sound of "Di, Di, Di" in the signal transmitting tower.

"What's this?"

Laura, who was holding the kebab in her hand, was stunned at the sound and then reacted. She happily threw away the kebab in her hand and walked to the side of the launch tower in a few strides,

exclaimed excitedly, "William, William, what's the matter? Can't it be said that.

"That's right, that's what you think." William came over, put his hand on the launch tower, and the whole tower began to decompose into nano particles, followed his hand, and blended into the casual clothes.

William closed his eyes for more than ten seconds, and then said to the expectant Laura, "we are lucky that this planet is only 12 light years away from the earth,

so it took less than 15 minutes for the signal to come back. At the same time, two spaceships will arrive here by space jump in half an hour.

At that time, the equipment carried by the spaceship will help us find out the situation of the planet and the species living on it.

moreover, if you want to go back to earth, it only takes half an hour to go back to London. ".

"This, this and this.".Laura, who was smiling just now, changed her expression when she heard this. She sat by the fire pile silently, holding her chin and looking at the fire. She didn't know what she was thinking.

William shook his head. Of course he knew what Laura thought.

Two people have been staying on this planet, do not have to consider other women on earth, but once back in London, she either into William's life, or can only give up.

For William, that's why he didn't want to touch Laura in the past few years, and there are already another table of mahjong people in his family, and he doesn't want to continue to bring people home.

Laura leaned on William's shoulder as she sat next to her. "You probably won't marry me, will you?"

Unless you can accept the women in my family.

Otherwise, William doesn't have to say that Laura knows, "well, I'm actually a latecomer, and I can't stay at home and be the Duchess of Devonshire for you.".

"But," Laura said fiercely, grabbing William's collar, "before I fall in love with other people, I want you to be on call. Do you understand?"

"no problem". This kind of thing is good for William, but he doesn't need to be responsible. He will refuse. "If I can do it, I will help you with anything,

maybe", William thought about it and laughed Hehe said, "or, you can be a heritage hunter of Devonshire family,

first you practice on earth, and then maybe I will take you to outer space to look for more mysterious and adventurous treasures and relics.".

"Looking for the remains of outer space?"

This proposal made Laura's eyes shine. By looking for his father, and then following count Crawford into the mysterious ancient tomb of yematai, to enter this strange planet,

Laura's restless heart actually fell in love with exploration.

As she said, even if she became Duchess of Devonshire, she would not be able to settle down for long and encourage William to take risks with her.