William called out to go back to hell. The magic circle was completed immediately. A magic force drove the sleeping module to the direction of the star.

Stop it.

A low, majestic male voice came from the mummy princess's throat, and then the sleeping cabin, driven by magic, floated in the air and turned around, facing William and Carol.

At a glance, William felt a different gloomy and cunning breath from Emmanuel,

at this time, her or his face was dignified with greed and desire, and said angrily, "mortals, don't do meaningless actions, you should submit to me, I will give you eternal life.".

"Hey, hey, I'll find it myself.".

William raised his hands and pretended to put the palms of his hands on Emmanuel. The light of the magic circle immediately became more dazzling.

Unfortunately, he only uses 2% of the power of space gems, of course, it is not so easy to dispel Seth who is coming, and directly engulfs the soul of anmanette and takes control of his body.


No matter what Seth says, William just pretends to do his best to output energy. When he uses 8% of the energy of the space gem,

William clearly feels that with 10% of the power at most, he can directly send Seth back to hell.

But how can this work.

Also feel that William's output of power is increasing Seth, at this time which has the appearance of a demon God.

With a ferocious face, he roared and threatened William. When these words didn't work, he actually directly threatened William with Lena.

"You want to die",

William, who has found the reason to fight desperately, is very happy and his whole body is full of muscles. Even in his body armor, he can see the bulging muscles and shout to Carol,

"Carol, lend me your energy. If you don't kill this guy desperately, there will be endless revenge waiting for us.".

"You are crazy"

although the power of space gems, like the power given to Carol's super power, makes her feel familiar and close,

even if the energy comes from the same source, it has become her unique ability after all, and the risk of lending it to William is too big to estimate.

He shook his head hesitantly and said, "I don't know how to lend you strength. As soon as my strength enters your body, your body will be broken by my energy.".

"Listen to me, Carol." when it comes to the most crucial step, William, who pretends to be very hard, will make Carol hesitate,

explains aloud, "if we don't say that we can't expel Seth, we are likely to die.

If you let him go today, how many people do you think will die innocently because of our mistakes in the future? "

"This," he said.

"Come on, Carol, I can't last long, but I feel that if you give me more strength, Seth will be driven back to hell.".

In the heart equally anxious Seth, listens to William's words, that did not understand arrived the most crucial time.

Hell, Seth's main body, dare not leave any backhand, input anmanette this body can accommodate the maximum power.

For a moment, in the whole spaceship, except for the place where William was, and the magic array emitting blue light, all other places were covered with darkness.

In Carol's opinion, it's a little bit precarious.

Looking at William, who has begun to tremble, Carol no longer hesitates, carrying his hand on William's shoulder and pouring his energy into the sentinel armor.

This time, the sentinel armor seems to be reactivated, not only greedily absorbing Carroll's input of energy,

the armor close to William's skin, but also beginning to absorb the space energy from his own body.

The dark armor also absorbed more and more energy and began to emit a light golden light like sunlight.

The basic molecules with the ability to deform form small scales on the surface of the second battle armor, which fluctuate up and down like golden waves.

When the whole armor turns from head to toe into gold, William will understand that the clone of Carroll's ability by sentinel armor has been completed.

Regardless of what ability the armor can gain, William increases the output of space energy, and his mind controls the armor to change from gold to dark color.

it makes Carol feel that William is really absorbing and transforming her input energy into magic power to expel Seth.

"No, no, stop it, stop it.".

He also thought that William really used Carroll's power to expel his own Seth. He growled and cursed Carroll madly,

"I curse you, damned woman, I curse you to hell, curse you to fall into the dark forever, curse you,,,".

Bang! Before Seth finished speaking, when William's input power completely exceeded Seth's, the magic array was forced to start. The characteristics of space energy made the distance of one light year as short as one kilometer.

pushing the glowing Seth, leaving a colorful light for a whole light year. In less than ten minutes, the meat was burned by intense high temperature Body, leaving only the soul, he bumps into the interior of hornet one.At least hundreds of millions of stars are hot enough to burn anything, including soul, to ashes.

This is not, when William and Carol are not sure, in a certain layer of hell, a roar full of anger and pain resounds through the whole plane.

It wasn't long before the princes in hell knew that in the human world of the main material plane, there was another figure who could expel demons.

It didn't take long for William's name to ring through hell as a threat without his own knowledge.

One day in the future, a demon sneaking into the earth, after hearing his name, scared himself to escape back to hell.

As for Carol, the demons and Demons only regard her as a very powerful Superman. After all, no matter how powerful Carol is, he can't hurt them hiding in hell.

And William this kind of magician is not the same, just like this time, don't you burn part of the soul of Seth directly.

Of course, if Carol has the ability to go to hell, then with her strength, it should be no problem that she wants to kill some demons with low strength and occupy those hell planes with low oil and water.

After waiting for more than ten minutes to make sure that Seth's soul entered the star, it didn't rush out of the star and fell to hell.

William was really convinced that Seth's soul had been burned to ashes.

After sitting on the ground for ten minutes, pretending to recover a lot of physical strength and magic, he slowly got up and went to the rest room.

Then he put his head on the bed and pretended to be tired. He told Carol that he would talk about something later. He just wanted to sleep now.

Looking at William, who started snoring only a few seconds later, Carol shakes her head and looks at William's sentinel armour in silence,

then reluctantly goes out of the lounge and comes to the cockpit of the spaceship, and says to Sunday, "let's go home"