This time, the machine is a large vacuum cleaner. The accuracy rate of collecting gold dust is only 92%. The remaining 8% gold is confused with red gold and gravel. William doesn't want to take care of it.

Anyway, the so-called Golden Canyon is just for show. I really want gold, not to mention Mars. On Sunday, several bases were opened on planet x17, and there were more than 400 tons of gold in the warehouse.

There was no intention to look for gold, but when the base was built, part of the rock excavated was a rock gold mine with a gold content of 9.1 grams per ton, which was easily extracted on Sunday.

So for William, instead of spending that time and energy on his own, it would be better to send 100 more engineering robots to the gold mine of Olympus volcano on Mars.

Although the accuracy of gold extraction by the hand machine is not perfect, the efficiency is really strong. In less than three minutes, the 1000 kg deposit box of the machine is full.

Two small robots were instructed to move out the 40 cm long cube deposit box. William laughed at the live broadcast ball and said, "a ton of pure gold is a cube with a side length of 37.2 cm. This metal box full of gold should be much heavier than a ton.

After all, gold sands are not pure gold, so it's no problem to extract one ton of pure gold from such a box of gold sands after they are transported back to London. ".

After a demonstration, William was not interested in doing it himself. He let the camera of the live broadcast ball point at two small robots who were sealing the gold box.

He ran to dozens of meters away, has finished taking photos, is using a shovel to dig Sands of Nisa and Serena side.

Holding Serena from behind, she said with a dirty smile, "don't dig, honey, do we think about doing fitness on Mars? Maybe there will be a different feeling.

At this, Serena and nisana don't know what William wants to do.

Give William a big white eye, William saw Serena's expression, he laughed.

Take one in one hand and walk into the spaceship.

Two hours later, William walked out of the spaceship with a clear mind. At first sight, he saw the gold box placed on the gravel ground by two small robots.

After only a few glances, he figured out that there were at least forty gold boxes on the ground.

Hell, in his mind, William soon thought of the problem.

If you collect 20 boxes of sands an hour, that's more than 20 tons, and 480 tons a day. Only 600 tons have been buried in this section of the canyon.

With two robots and machines, the sands of the canyon will be emptied in two days.

The gold mine of Olympus volcano has only been mined 350 tons a month, which is larger than the annual production of most countries.

"Honey, what are you doing here?"

Serena, who had changed her clothes and space armor, looked at William staring at the cabin door, and then looked at the neatly placed gold boxes not far away, and asked,

"what's the problem?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. He and Sunday knew about the golden Canyon, so William changed the subject and said, "don't worry, it's not a big deal. We'll go back to the base at the other side of the cave for the night. I suggest you and Nisa dig some gold sand and take it home to make a souvenir.".

"That's a good idea," Serena's attention was deflected and glared at William. "If it weren't for you bastard, we would have finished everything.".

Looking at Serena pushing herself away and stepping off the spaceship, William didn't mean to be angry at all. He just recalled the one-on-two fitness competition before with a smile.

To be honest, if you want to get a different experience, this place is still very important. No matter William himself or Serena and nissa, everyone is very devoted to the fitness on Mars, so nissa is still tired in the lounge and doesn't want to come out.

After loading a bag of Jinsha, Serena thought whether she should bring some back for the rest of the family. Looking up, she saw William, still standing by the cabin door with a smile on his lips,

she was upset, "you bastard, you can't help me.".

Don't take pictures of yourself and Serena on Sunday. William jumps out of the spaceship and walks up to Serena. "A bag is enough. Do you still want to build a gold statue of yourself?"

"I have to take some back for Abby and them," he said, glaring at William, "so that they don't think me and Nessa are rude.".

"Ha ha", William never cares about this kind of thing. He reaches out his hand and waves to the sands on the ground.

The Sands and hematite gravel on the ground first separate automatically, and then a large group of sands, like the upward flowing water, automatically converge into the mid air of William's hand.

A flame appeared around the sands without warning, melting the sands into liquid gold in just a few seconds.

Serena palpitation this group of flame at least a thousand degrees, but also for William strength increased and happy.

Just thinking about it, I saw William wave his left hand, a piece of metal which is more dazzling than gold, and the light is so strong that it looks like liquid in the air, and slowly melts into the liquid gold.Serena only thought for half a second to understand that this metal was the one William used to make Devonshire gold coins.

This time, however, the proportion of new metal added is much larger, so the molten new metal mixed together looks much more dazzling than the Devonshire gold coin.

Then, under the action of mental force, the metal slowly stretches and deforms, showing a woman's figure bit by bit.

Serena looked at the smiling William with some surprise, and she was very nervous looking at the gold statue.

After waiting for a few seconds, Serena, with the answer in her heart, could not help holding William's left hand. She felt that she had sucked Alexander corvinas's blood, and her heart was beating faster now.

Feeling the power of being held on his left hand getting stronger and stronger, William smiles and looks back at the blushing Serena. Together, the face of the statue turns into a vivid Serena.

"It seems that you must like it very much, honey, without my asking.

"Of course, of course I like it." if it wasn't for the amazing temperature on the statue, Serena would have caught the statue by herself.

"You just like it, but it's still one step away from the completion of the statue."

with that, William had an idea, and words began to appear on the base of the statue.

While the words are portrayed by the spirit, Serena can't wait to read out, "to my love Serena, William Devonshire.".

"The God of blood is above.".

At the moment, Serena can no longer help holding William's waist in her hands. If they were not both wearing space armor, they would not just be holding together.

Serena, with her head resting on William's chest, looked at her statue with some obsession, then said without looking up, "let's go back to the settlement now, honey.".