With the base soldiers attacking, the two transformers who only focused on destroying tanks and other big guys before also turned to the American soldiers with weapons.

After several rounds, the combat program of the system came into play. Two transformers that can deform freely scanned an armored vehicle that was firing.

When they start to move, Gatling on the roof of the car starts to fire fiercely at the old American soldiers around them. They even know that with the help of their camouflage as old American armored cars,

they travel around to hunt and kill. At the same time, they also know how to get into the weapons warehouse and look for ammunition to save their own energy.

Only when you meet a big defensive guy like a tank can you change back into a robot state and bombard it with energy.

In only five or six minutes, the base, which was garrisoned by thousands of people, was attacked by two garrisons. At least 300 people were killed. The rest of them either fled or hid.

As the resistance became weaker and weaker, the two transformers began to attack the barracks and buildings in the base after exploding the weapons and equipment in their sight.

Looking at the soldiers who were blown up and fled everywhere, William tilted his mouth and said with a smile, "ha ha, on Sunday, I suddenly like these two crazy transformers.".

Thank you, sir. Just like it.

Yes, of course.

When the two transformers entered the ammunition depot again and saw that the base had no complete equipment and buildings, William snapped his fingers and sent them back to planet x17.

"After being destroyed for so long, these two guys should be less irritable. On Sunday, try to communicate with them.".

"OK, sir.".

The fighting has stopped, but the losses are too heavy for the United States.

If it wasn't for transformers this time, Lao Mei might have been desperate to deal with him.

The news of the attack on the Qatari base was soon sent back to the United States. Looking at the robot that can deform at will in the video, a group of senior officials and generals of the United States were sad, but their eyes were all shining.

This time, no one suspected that William was responsible for the incident. They all thought that the Decepticons were avenging the previous exchange of fire in Sahara.

A whole base has been destroyed, which is probably the most serious loss of the United States in recent decades.

therefore, within a few hours, the United States decided to set up a special force to deal with transformers, and a large part of the main body of this force is the members of the Sixth District who were responsible for freezing and studying Megatron.

Although most of the members of the Sixth District were slaughtered by William's iron soldiers, the main target of that mission was Megatron, so many people in the Sixth District survived.

These survivors, who have lost their teammates and friends, and lost their jobs because of the cancellation of the Sixth District, are now recalled again. We can imagine their attitude towards aliens.

The sixth area has been studying Megatron for decades. It has equipment for exploring transformers. Now it can revenge openly. After finding a transformer and killing it, the official support of the United States for the sixth area troops has reached a new height. In the next few months, whether it's Decepticons or Autobots, they have been hunted down wantonly and stayed in the territory of the United States more and more The more dangerous it is,

the Decepticons are hiding in Africa and desert areas. To William's surprise, most of the Autobots are hiding in Cuba, but the bumblebee is running to falger castle in England.

Now, Optimus Prime is destined to come to England.

It's not good for the English.

No matter how principled and kind the Autobots are, there is one thing that no one can deny. Where there is Optimus Prime, there must be all kinds of disputes, battles and destruction.

But it's all months from now.

At this time, William didn't have the ability to see the future. He didn't realize at all that the sudden attack of transformers on the old US military base would have such a big impact on the fate of transformers because the old us wanted to seize the spaceship technology.

Because the Qatari base was attacked, many of the upper echelons of the United States unexpectedly strongly opposed it. At the moment when they were already against the alien robots, they offended William to death.

So, in the unwilling Loma company, they had to hire several mercenary teams to enter the Sahara spaceship base one after another, but without exception, they lost communication. No mercenary regiment would dare to take on such a task.

The old US military, however, saw dozens of mercenaries hanging up in only two days. No one knew that they were dead before they gave a clear order, and they foolishly sent them to death.

In addition, a few days ago, the U.S. military industry group, which promoted the stealing of spacecraft technology, saw the corpses left by the attack on the Qatari base, as well as the ruins of the base.

These old guys say they're not afraid. It's fake.

Although there is no evidence that William was responsible for the attack on Qatari base,

but the timing of the attack is too coincident, which makes people worry whether there is something they can't predict.Several groups that did not intend to participate in the first time found reasons to refuse and left one after another after saying hello.

Justin hammer thought that he was also a person against the action. As long as he put down his position, he should be able to join several groups that were about to leave.

what he didn't expect, reality hit him again.

The old men just smile politely and let the bodyguard stop them to come to Justin.

When Justin left, obadai stood up and straightened his clothes,

said with a smile to some people who were not willing to give up, "if I were you, I would give up.".

For Loma, whose core business is aerospace, to give up this opportunity is to give up the future and not try again. They are not willing to give up.

Looking at the faces of the people in front of him, obadai knew that he had been persuaded.

If these companies had not done a lot of business with their stark group, he would not care whether they died or not.

"Since you don't give up, I'll give you one last piece of advice. With William Devonshire's character, since he wants to play with you when he has a chance to destroy the base directly but doesn't do it,

so it's OK for you to invade the base before he comes back,

but if you still do it after he comes back, you'll wait to be killed However, I think the probability of your death is too high, because if I were you, I would definitely go to Mars and smash another billion or 800 million dollars. It's impossible for you not to die. ".

After that, obadai stopped caring about these people, politely said goodbye, and quickly walked out of the meeting room,

seeing some depressed Justin, obadai showed a smile on his face, quickly stepped forward, put his arms around Justin's shoulder,

"Hey, Justin, thank you.".