After hanging up with Pierce, William asked Sunday, "where's Serena? Ask her to wait for me in the basement of the manor immediately "

" OK, sir, Ms. Serena is in the manor right now. ".

Open the portal to return to the basement of the manor, and soon see Serena walking out of the elevator.

William went up to Serena and hugged her. After a few mouthfuls of incense, he said, "help me go to Washington and get back a treasure.".


during this period, she and Nisa were with William, so Serena didn't say much and nodded her head,.

He took William to the equipment room, put on his bulletproof combat suit and weapons, and then asked, "how can I get there?"

Waving his hand to open the gateway to the Sahara desert, William said with a smile, "let's go to the desert base and drive the spaceship.".

Led by William into the portal, Serena saw a robot come to her, "Sir, Ms. Serena, it's Sunday. Please follow me.".

Take Serena to the dock of the internal spaceship of the base. Before boarding the spaceship, the robot controlled by Sunday takes out a smart glasses and gives it to her.

Then William said, "this is a new smart glasses with energy detection. When you see the magic cube in the universe, if the smart glasses give a warning, it may be that the energy of the magic cube is too large, exceeding the maximum limit of detector calculation, and the chip may be burned. You should remember to take off the glasses as soon as possible.".

Serena nodded to understand that she thought she was going alone, but saw William sitting in the driver's seat.

This time, Serena's heart, which was still a little rough and uneasy, immediately calmed down and sat in the co pilot's seat with a smile on her face.

After a period of self-test, the dome above the base slowly opened automatically, and the self piloted spacecraft flew out of the base without bumps.

However, he didn't turn on the stealth function. He just showed up in the sun and began to accelerate. He flew close to the sand dunes for dozens of seconds and out of the sand dunes for tens of kilometers.

only then did William take over the driving system, pull up the control bar, rush into the sky and go to the headquarters of aegis.

The situation of the spaceship flying in the desert was seen by some desert people without any accident. I believe it will not take a day for anyone who should know the news to know.

Similarly, the speculation that there are bases in the desert will surely spread to the intelligence community, attracting a large number of people of all kinds to enter the desert to find bases.

"Once someone does find the base, inform me and start destroying all the security equipment in the base",

"understand, sir".

This desert base, with the number of robots now controlled on Sunday, can be rebuilt in less than 10 days, and it doesn't cost a dime, just need to open a portal connecting to planet x17,

so William doesn't feel sorry about destroying the base at all.

It took pierce more than ten minutes to look at his watch for the third time. Just after 18 minutes, a shadow suddenly appeared outside his office window.

Pierce, who was sitting in the boss's chair, almost jumped up and hid behind his desk.

I was relieved to see that it was a 30 meter spaceship.

But then I thought that when the spaceship approached the aegis building, the detection and defense system of their headquarters did not respond.

His face was very ugly again.

If the spaceship comes with hostility and destroys the missiles and eggs in the high altitude, do they not even know who the attackers are?

"Doodle, doodle.".

Pierce's face was made worse by the harsh alarm.

Especially in the cabin less than 10 meters away, the pilot with helmet, big black anti vertigo mirror and oxygen mask waved to him, which was regarded as a greeting. Then he zipped his mouth and signaled to turn off the air defense alarm.

I don't know that William's Pierce is the one who gestured with me. He was very angry originally. Now a spaceship pilot dares to order him,

that's all right. I don't want to teach him a lesson. In the future, when I face William, I will have no position.

So, pierce just frowned and stood by the French window looking at how the spaceship would deal with it.

Ding Ling, Ding Ling.

A bell suddenly came from the office. As soon as the microphone was picked up, pierce heard William's sarcastic voice, "old man, are you going to try the ability of the spaceship? There's something wrong. You're responsible for it.

Before pierce could speak, William's phone hung up, and then he saw William in the pilot's seat of the spaceship, pretending to press on the helmet headset,

nodding as if he had received an order.

Then, under Pierce's nervous eyes, he raised his hand and pressed the control button above the driver's seat for more than ten times. As soon as the control bar was pulled, the spacecraft flew sideways and left the headquarters building of aegis.

He began to circle around aegis, swaying his wings from time to time, or turning 360 degrees in the air.It was like waiting for the aegis to launch a missile, and the phone on Pierce's desk was ringing.

You don't have to think about it. It's a call from the aegis.

But Pierce was stunned by the spaceship that suddenly hovered, suddenly accelerated and circled in place, then broke through the speed of sound in a few seconds in a row, and then slowed down in a circle.

This is the spaceship?

Even if we know that the technology gap is big, we don't have to hit everyone in the face in front of everyone in Washington, right?

With such flexibility and predictable super speed, what missile in the world can nm hit this spaceship?

At this moment, pierce never felt that he would hate William so much, and he looked forward to bringing him into the Hydra group.

Pick up the phone and tell your men to turn off the alarm.

Pierce took out his cell phone and tried to dial it according to the direct call from William.

I didn't expect to hear the ring. Fortunately, it took nearly two minutes for the phone to connect. Otherwise, Pierce would be crazy.

If it only takes more than ten seconds to connect Mars from the blue star, what else can William not do?

After the phone call, Pierce said, "let your spaceship leave first, or I will be targeted by all kinds of fighters and missiles in a moment.".

"Hey, hey, what's that got to do with me?" William landed the spaceship out of the window of Pierce's office. "You see what you want to see. Should I see what you mean by super energy?".

"Ha ha, I dare to show you, but your driver dares to enter my office?" Pierce held his cell phone and joked, "are you not afraid that as soon as the pilot leaves the spaceship, the spaceship and people will be controlled by us?"

"Don't worry, ordinary people see you, I don't worry.".

William said, pierce saw the spacecraft turned 90 degrees, the side of the cabin slowly opened, wearing a close fitting leather coat and fur coat of Serena appeared in the cabin door.