"Damn, how am I supposed to connect with the Devonshire family.".

Heart has decided not to wait for Pierce, but found that he seems to have no reason to contact with William or Lena.

Did you sell the black widow, Natasha Romanov?

If we really want to do this, we will only cut off one of Nick Frey's effective subordinates. It can not eliminate Frey's suspicion, but also indirectly prove that there are other forces in the aegis.

Even if there is a reasonable reason to evade the past, then in the future, the head of aegis, who betrays his subordinates, will not want to win the trust of those non Hydra subordinates.

What's more, William Devonshire has known him for a long time that Alexander Pierce is a hydra. He only relies on some small favors, not to mention moving William.

thank God that he won't be blackmailed and blackmailed in turn.

This is one of the reasons why he did not dare to take the initiative and say the magic cube of the universe, for fear that he would be blackmailed by William.

But William also has something that pierce is salivating about, otherwise he would not deliberately want to pull William into the hydra.

But wait and wait, just can't wait to let William mountain and water exhausted dangerous situation appear.

Moreover, in terms of time, the spacecraft secretly built by the Devonshire family may be completed in a few days, or even completed. After some necessary tests, it will fly directly to Mars and pick up William to blue star.

Maybe it's really necessary to take out the magic cube of the universe. Pierce comforted himself and tried to find out if William's Mars spacecraft engine could only produce 10% of its power because of energy.

If it's true, it's very likely that the search for longevity mentioned by William is also true.

It was reported on Sunday that William was talking to London when pierce left Washington, where the aegis headquarters are located.

Several days have passed since he cleared the werewolf. London doesn't want to contact William, but the communication can't be connected all the time.

Even the Mars live broadcast, which has never been interrupted, has also been interrupted in recent days.

This makes London worried, irritated and afraid of William's troubles, which are too big to maintain normal communication.

Due to the interruption of live broadcast, the media and people of Bluestar countries are full of all kinds of speculation, analysis and rumors in the market.

Fortunately, William reappeared in our eyes in a few days. Although the call lasted only ten minutes, the relaxed William still clearly conveyed the safety signal.

William explained that the reason for the outage was to repair the spaceship as soon as possible, but we didn't pay much attention to the fact that there were too many confidential technologies and equipment involved.

For the audience, it's very normal that the spaceship needs to be kept secret. What they are most concerned about at the moment is that William doesn't have an accident, so their bet can continue.

The second game set the winning rule is, guess the number of less than 10 grams, there is a prize, the probability of winning all of a sudden increased ten times.

According to the 36000 people for the first time, the number of people who won the lottery this time is likely to reach more than 300000, so there are 600 million Internet users in the world, and now there are more than 200 million people who have paid to participate on Facebook.

After greeting the netizen audience, William put away his smile and frowned at Lao Mei's foreign affairs embassy.

Mr. ambassador, who originally wanted to ask questions, was staring at by William. He couldn't help thinking of the three unfortunate people who were killed by the whole family. When he came to his mouth, he changed his words to greetings.

This made the Minister of foreign affairs of England who accompanied him scold the American ambassador for bullying.

To him, though not cocky, the foreign secretary of England was fed up with that aggressive tone.

So now, seeing that he was frowned by William, he was afraid to ask. The foreign minister of England was so happy that he didn't look at the American ambassador for help.

Of course, William saw the foreign secretary's expression. In addition, pierce, who had been waiting for a long time, finally made an action. So at the moment, he didn't have the heart to argue with the old us.

"If you don't have anything else to do, leave first and find someone who can make the decision to talk to me, or I can talk to Lord Benjamin Arthur myself.".

The old American ambassador, who was annoyed at William's rude drive away, was frustrated when he heard the second half of the sentence.

He is very clear that he is also a forward player to test William's attitude. Now he gets William's promise to talk about it, so he will stop talking nonsense.

"I hope you don't make us wait too long.".

As soon as the American ambassador left, the Minister of foreign affairs of England swore in a low voice, "waste", nodded to William and said, "your action has caused us a lot of unnecessary trouble, your highness.

therefore, I hope you'd better inform us in advance of your next action.".

"Sorry, what are you talking about?"

William said so, but his smile showed that he did it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter"

the Foreign Affairs Minister of the cabinet didn't recognize William and didn't care about him, so everyone knew it.When it happened, everyone thought William was too reckless, but in the past few days, there was no other action except a few words of protest and forcing them to contact William.

This makes the English people doubt whether the United States is preparing any retaliation plan, but at the same time, they can not help but doubt whether the United States is frightened and recognize the reality.

As a person who has already rushed out of the blue star and can survive in the outer space, it's too late for William to leave in his spaceship. Can the United States still fly a fighter to chase Mars?

In that case, the offensive and defensive situation is completely reversed.

How William wants to fight Lao Mei? He can fight in outer space, and even throw nuclear eggs directly. All the blue star forces can't help him.

With this in mind, all the forces in England have to start reassessing the importance of William.

As long as you always keep a spaceship with weapons floating in space, the deterrent force is much stronger than any impeachment submarine.

From now on, probably no country will dare to threaten England with war.

Therefore, at the moment, the foreign minister of England doesn't care whether William admits it or not. Anyway, the United States has not decided what to do, and England doesn't care if they don't have a definite threat.

However, there are some things that need to be reminded so that William doesn't make any mistakes.

"I hope you don't leave any beginning or end. Otherwise, if you are caught by the United States, you will be powerful. Unless you break with the mainstream world completely, no one will escape the punishment of the law.".

"OK, I'll hang up if I don't have to. There are still many places for me to repair the spaceship. And from the probes sent out these days,

I found that Mars mariner Grand Canyon is actually very suitable for building settlements.

Maybe it won't be long before I become a resident of Mars. If Lao Mei has the ability, let them come to Mars to catch me. ".

"But if I'm wanted, I'll hang the Devonshire flag in the town at that time, so as not to make it difficult for you to catch me if you hang the flag of England.".