No matter how the Oxford doctor guessed this conclusion, no matter whether it was right or not,

but with the popularity of talented students from various famous schools in this group, all netizens soon understood what the mini ark reactor was and what they could do.

Once this reactor, which seems to be only one meter in diameter, is actually created, many professionals estimate that if the spacecraft's own nearly 30% energy is added, William will probably return to the blue star directly from Mars as long as he finds suitable radioactive material on Mars.

These conjectures, after the news that the support spacecraft was attacked and a new spacecraft was built,

the arrival time to Mars was delayed for at least 20 days was known by the media, became out of control.

Many people immediately posted on Facebook, vowing that when William planted potatoes before,

had expected today's situation, and even probably knew long ago who didn't want him to return to London.

For a time, conspiracy theories spread all over the Internet, and everyone felt that William did not believe in England, even all the blue star people.

In order to survive, he began to open the super God state on Mars, and planned to solve all problems by himself.

So in the next few days, even if William seldom talks on the live broadcast, the audience will watch him write and draw, or use tools to knock on all kinds of metal objects,

and even fix several metal objects and molds on the rocks of Mars, and then drive the spaceship to burn metal directly with the tail flame of the spaceship and flow into the molds.

Everything proves that he really plans to make his own energy and find a way to return to the blue star.

On the 30th day of landing on Mars, William wakes up early in the morning, and after washing, he stands still and asks Serena and nissa in pajamas to help him get the oil on his face and the four style space suit.

Ready, open the portal to Mars, open the live broadcast, also pretend to tidy up their appearance.

"Today is the 30th day of my landing on Mars. It's not only a special commemorative day, but also two days of good news to share with you," he said.

"I never thought they would bear fruit so soon," he said, holding the live broadcast ball to the pot where potatoes were planted.

"But the fact is that they really bear fruit so soon"

with that, William carefully peeled off the soil under a potato seedling, revealing potatoes only the size of a fingernail,

said with a smile, "they not only grow nearly twice as fast, but also increase a lot in the number of results.

I peeled off the soil in the morning and counted the potatoes Eight small potatoes the size of beans grow on the seedlings.

Looking at the soil that William gently peeled away, the audience could see eight small potatoes, which made the audience feel relieved.

to be honest, with hundreds of millions of dollars going on for one month's activities, the audience really didn't want William to have an accident.

"Well, with potatoes, let's talk about another achievement in the past half a month.".

Holding the live broadcast ball, William went to the worktable in the corner of the cargo hold and pointed to a circular instrument with a diameter of more than one meter,

"since some of you have guessed what it is, I won't introduce it more, but the actual use is just the opposite to what you guessed."

with a smile, William took out a closed box, put on his helmet, opened the box and took out one with a tool A metal plate the size of a cigarette box, facing the live fairway, "I won't tell you what this thing is called, so as to avoid problems.".

"You just need to know that it is the energy of the spacecraft, and the semi-finished ark reactor that I spent 15 days building is just an energy converter.".

After that, he inserted the energy board into the ark. William took it out of the spacecraft and put it under the sun. Then he pulled out a cable from the tail of the spacecraft and connected it to the converter.

"The shell of the whole spaceship can absorb heat and solar energy, and this function has been used all the time, so I can't see it clearly.

that's because the conversion rate of heat and solar energy is too low compared with the direct use of nuclear energy, but now it has become my life-saving straw.

If my calculation is correct, I can make sure that potatoes have 12 hours to absorb sunlight every day. For the other 12 hours, I can drive the spaceship into the crater of Olympus.

Blow a hole in the crater to expose the molten slurry inside, allowing the spacecraft to absorb solar energy and heat at the same time.

It is estimated that it will take 20 days to fill one such energy plate, and in 10 months, 15 full energy plates will be enough for the spacecraft to fly back to the blue star.

Even if this energy converter is a waste, William said it works, it works. Big deal, just open a portal and deliver 15 pieces of nuclear energy plates from week x17.

He said that if these new energy panels are charged, they are charged.

Just thinking, the spacecraft absorbing solar energy will soon have energy transmitted into the energy converter through the cable.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect it to work.",Looking at the energy converter that has been on, the audience watching the live broadcast in the blue star can't believe staring at William with messy hair and oily face.

Is that the difference between super genius and ordinary people?

Just use the parts that can't be used in the spaceship for the time being, knock them by yourself, and make dozens of parts with the tail flame of the spaceship,

to build the energy instruments that all the scientists can't get out of Bluestar?

Even many big men in the scientific community predict that the conversion rate of this energy converter is still very high on Facebook,

otherwise, it would not be possible to fill up an energy board that can provide energy for the spacecraft to travel for one or two days in 20 days.

Many people have also vowed that if the converter is taken back to Bluestar, maybe every family will buy one, and they will never have to buy electricity from other countries in the future.

And the most responsive are the investors, who are scrambling to buy shares in England power at the moment.

They don't know if William will make it suitable for home use, but they know that once William returns to London, the cost of generating electricity for the company will be reduced again.

The goal of monopolizing the power industry in the three British islands is even closer.

Even if it is a monopoly, as long as the electricity price is lower than before, and lower than that of neighboring countries such as France and Spain,

even if you want to sue England for power monopoly, you can't help it.

Is it hard to realize that after splitting this company into two, the electricity price will become more and more expensive?

In this way, there is no need for William to do it by himself. Some voters will drive out those who have made the split decision.

As soon as he saw that William could replenish his own energy, many people and forces in the blue star who were ready to move because of the destruction of the support spaceship immediately put up with it again.

Especially Amelia, who knows that some blood clans are planning to attack Lina, hastens to stop their action.

Some disobedient clans were either killed by Amelia's undercover agents or sold directly to Serena by her.

And Alexander Pierce, who has been watching William for a long time, after seeing the energy converter,

said with a gloomy face, "if you can come back by yourself, how can I drag you into the Hydra?"