Ethan waited outside the palace for more than ten minutes before receiving a reply from Jane Carter's hacking security system,

bangie came into the palace with two boxes and handed over his identification to the security.

While waiting for the security guard to check in the computer, Ethan's eyes still see a middle-aged man behind him, also waiting for the security check.

Polite and smiling middle-aged people greeting themselves nodded.

When Ethan and bangie enter the Kremlin, Kubo Hendrick, a middle-aged man, takes out his device in his pocket,

seeing that he has hacked into Ethan's communication channel, he can't help smiling. He takes out his ID card to the security check and hangs his earphone on his ear,

listening to bangie's chattering and chatting with Ethan.

While Ethan and Edward were waiting outside just now, the church, Marvin and Edward not only found the tunnel entrance to the Kremlin Palace,

Marvin also quietly broke the wall with the small resonant impactor he got from contacting William last night.

Seeing that there was a server warehouse outside, Ma Wencai took a breath, put away his gun and nodded to the church, "safe.".

Looking at the resonant impactor on Marvin's hand, Edward asked in surprise, "is the technology so advanced now?

In my time, this kind of instrument was only theoretical.

"It's no use asking me, I only know how to use it." Marvin pressed the impactor a few times and threw it away a few meters away.

in the surprised eyes of church and Edward, the impactor began to ignite,

"don't worry about it. If you have any questions, wait until you find the nuclear egg and go out.".

"Well," the church nodded.

With Edward leading the way, the three turned left and right. It took less than ten minutes to find the storage room with red mercury eggs.

Edward took out the dusty aluminum box disguised by Sunday and opened it on the table.

As soon as the flashlight was illuminated, the three people saw the red mercury tube emitting oil red color,

"I always thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes one day." the church shook its head,

said in fear, "God, this thing must not be given to any country or individual, otherwise, the pattern of the whole world will be changed immediately.".

"Hehe, this is not wrong at all," Ma Wen nodded and agreed, "this is the manufacturing technology 31 years ago,

with today's technology, a tube of red mercury can absolutely create a nuclear egg with no radiation, no signal, and the size of a stationery box,

as long as it is disguised as oil paint, even if it is put in a backpack and brought into a white palace, it can't be detected with the current security inspection technology,

this is the best way to make a nuclear egg r>

frank, even if we destroy this thing directly, if the news is leaked out, there will be people chasing us in the future, because no one will believe that we intend to destroy it. ".

All right, let's go out.

The church understands that Marvin is right, but it's OK to understand in the heart. Is it necessary to say it directly?

Close the suitcase, the church quickly out of the storage room, along the way back to the secret road.

When passing through the central area of more than a dozen columns,

on the front, you can see Ethan disguised as general antoli Federer and the following Bangui.

Look around as long as the rank of the polar bear is lower than the lieutenant general, all stand to salute.

Wearing the uniform of the colonel and the middle school, Marvin had to stand and salute.

But Edward Bailey around them made the church and Marvin stand out a little.

Ethan just glanced, and his eyes couldn't help shrinking.

For him, the church that once upset their "impossible task" group was too easy to recognize.

Bangui without makeup is also easy to recognize for the church.

It's not so hard for the church to recognize Benjy, who is the same as the class, when we look at Ethan again.

They all look at each other with shocked and flustered eyes, and make eye contact with each other for a few times.

they pass each other as if nothing happened,

while Cooper Hendrick, who is not far behind Ethan and bangie, looks at Edward Bailey, who is smiling in secret when passing by the church,

he turns over and passes by, pretends to scratch his ears and nods slightly Nod.

Seeing Ethan leave, the church is busy with Marvin Road, who doesn't know Ethan,

"let's go.".

After looking at her watch, she said anxiously, "call Victoria and ask her to take Sarah and retreat to ukulen,

we'll take a round in Budala.".

"What's the matter?" Marvin asked in surprise.

Ignoring Marvin's question, the church growled in a low voice, "no time to explain. Call.".

Then he took Marvin and Edward out of the secret road.

When they run in the tunnel at the same speed of 100 meters,

Ethan and bangie, who are also shocked by the pounding heart, have to face the problem of whether to retreat immediately or to continue the mission at risk.Finally, under the nuclear crisis, Ethan decided to take a chance.

After Jane Carter entered the security system of the Kremlin, his ID card has been authorized,

in addition, he has entered the center of the Kremlin and ventured into the database. It won't take much time,

"Ethan, should we withdraw?".

Ethan made up his mind, but Bangui didn't have as much consciousness and sacrifice as he did.

Shut up, bangie. We can handle it.

Seeing Ethan walking forward, Benjy hesitated to slow down and clench his teeth. He could only follow quickly.

When he comes to the corner of the information room, bangie doesn't need Ethan's instructions, so he puts his two suitcases on the ground, takes out a trumpet shaped loudspeaker, and presses the switch on the corner,

"tick" again in a few seconds.

The guard outside the data room listens to the sound of "tick" and then gets up and goes to the bathroom to see if it is leaking.

As soon as the guard leaves, Bangui just wants to take out the invisible curtain and deceive the guard who comes back, but he sees Ethan walk directly into the passage,

before the guard leaves the bathroom, he scans with his ID card and enters the database.

When he entered the database, Cooper Hendrick also used his role as the strategic impeachment adviser of polar bear to enter the safe keeping room of the portable impeachment launch box.

After killing the guards, Cooper hacked into Ethan's walkie talkie, adjusted the channel to the Kremlin guard walkie talkie channel,

installed the portable impeachment launch box, waited for a moment, and heard his staff report that the three church members had left the secret passage,

and were probably in a hurry. At the same time, in order not to affect Ethan's task, they did not destroy the secret passage

so Cooper's men have now entered the secret passage and are installing explosives in it.

After a while, when Ethan found out that the file in the database was empty,

began to suspect that he had been cheated and said "retreat" to Bangui and Jane Carter on his walkie talkie.

Bangui again used the sound of water drops to lure the security personnel to go to the bathroom for a second time.

Ethan took the opportunity to slip out of the reference room, Cooper carrying impeachment launch box, out of the safekeeping room, mouth smile, open the walkie talkie said.