As soon as Serena got out of the truck, she hurried back to her nest.

Back to the vampire manor, I was surprised to learn that Nash, who had worked with her before, didn't return to the manor.

It took less than an hour before and after William and his gang attacked the werewolf, and the news was blocked,

the vampires who had been used to living a comfortable life would immediately believe what Serena said.

There was only a little unnatural flicker on the face of Cleven, the agent of elder victor. Needless to say, NASS who came back to report must have been killed or controlled by him.

When Serena finished, Craven said with a gloomy face, "I'll investigate what you said, but now you stay in the manor for me.

elder Amelia's messenger will arrive at any time, and you'll have to be my partner later.".

Just as she wanted to refuse, Serena noticed that several people around her looked at her differently than before.

To put it bluntly, Serena suddenly found that these people look at themselves with some cold and dangerous eyes.

Think about it again. In William's truck, I heard the wolf leader Lucien say that Craven and he have been colluding with each other for more than 200 years.

Suffering from her disgust at Craven, Serena snorted and turned to her room.

"Look at her, don't prepare her to leave the manor half a step.".

Craven is not as ignorant of the outside world as he shows.

At least he knows that humans are cleaning up the London werewolf on a large scale, and the principal is William, who has been silent for more than a month.

As soon as he heard the news, craven knew that his plan with Lucien had been revealed.

to his surprise, William's counterattack was so fierce that he could come up with a plan to clean up the whole London werewolf only by pretending to be an honest man for a month, and this plan was not only implemented,

from Nash, who came back to report to him alone, and this one According to the information from the outside world,

in the face of the mecha fighters, the werewolf who has been fighting with the blood clan for hundreds of years has no ability to fight back.

After this shock, craven was afraid. Now he was really afraid that Lucien would be captured by William and give him up.

While he was thinking about what to do, Serena, who came back to her room, didn't stay long,

listened quietly for a moment behind the door, made sure that the people staring at her had left, quietly opened the door,

went straight to the underground of the manor, the secret room where the elders were sleeping.

As the nominal daughter of Victor, the eldest of the three elders, Serena often comes here to talk about her troubles when Victor is asleep.

So the guards in the Presbyterian chamber didn't stop Serena when they saw her.

Half kneeling in front of Victor's coffin, Serena whispered, "forgive me, father, knowing that Craven might rebel,

I don't know who to report to except you what I saw today.".

After a moment's hesitation, Serena squatted on the floor and pressed down the mechanism that kept Victor's coffin. A click came from the mechanism,

Victor's coffin slowly rose from the ground. Serena soon saw Victor's body as shriveled as a mummy,

biting open her wrist, a stream of blood dripping into Victor's mouth.

She did this because Serena knew that the three elders had a special ability, that is, they could extract the memory of the blood owner from the blood.

Stop the wound on the wrist, Serena pushes Victor's coffin into the recovery room, puts more than ten blood bags into Victor's body with an infusion set.

After that, Serena goes to the middle of the chamber of secrets, kneels down on one leg, and quietly waits for Victor to wake up.

Although the guards look at it every 15 minutes, every time they see Serena just kneeling on one leg, they don't care about her.

More than an hour later, elder Amelia's messenger arrived. She couldn't find Serena's Cleven, so she got the news and went into the secret room.

Yelled angrily at Serena, "what did I tell you? The messenger has come, and you are still here.


A low voice came from the secret room, and the angry face of Craven who listened to the voice immediately turned into surprise and panic, followed by fear,

looking back at the shriveled Victor, he walked out of the dark and stood on the high platform of the secret room.

After confirming that it was Victor, Craven and several secret room guards immediately knelt on the ground like Serena,

respectfully exclaimed, "master.".

Looking at Craven and Serena, Victor waves to the guard,

"get out of here.".

Yes, master.

As soon as the guards were about to leave, Serena said, "wait a minute, father, I think it's necessary to keep the room guards here.".

Victor asked in surprise, "why?"."Because," explained Serena, turning her head to Klein, whose face was uncertain,

"I have reason to believe that Klein is a traitor, and many of his family members in the manor have been attracted by him and betrayed you together,

and the guards of the secret room are only responsible for the security of the secret room. Only with them, your security will not be threatened.".

After hearing this, Victor shook his head fiercely, gasped violently and said in pain,

"my child, your memory is too confused. It seems that your strength has not improved in more than 200 years.".

"Well, my master, it's only 100 years since you fell asleep. Now the ruling elder Amelia,

you wake up a whole world earlier," Craven whispered.

As victor's confidant, craven is very clear that in Victor's old and mean character, rules are more important than family affection.

Sure enough, hearing this, Victor's eyes at Serena were no longer kindness and love, but unbelievable and dignified.

Seeing this, Serena explained hastily, "I will bear the crimes I have committed, but I have to suffer from it.

father, three days later, a disaster will come to our whole ethnic group, and the evidence is in my blood. You can know why I wake you up early by carefully searching everything I see today.".

As soon as he was reminded, the memory of Serena came out of Victor's mind, and he recalled with pain,

when he saw the blue light formation of hundreds of werewolves, regardless of the impact of casualties,

Victor could not help but feel pain and panic. He knew that his situation was because he had just woken up Can quietly wait for the strength to recover, these memories can easily be recalled.

Forcibly interrupt the flash of the picture in my mind, feel the body a little shivering Klein, Victor's expression is more and more serious.

This wait lasted for five hours. After Victor's body and face became more and more like a normal person, and his strength recovered a lot,

he used secret arts to search Serena's memory. He saw Lucien, who was killed by Craven more than 200 years ago, locked on the wall like a dog.

Victor's anger could not be suppressed any more, and he flew up to Craven and bit him on the neck.