Listen to William understand dissatisfaction, nine people did not hesitate, carrying Serena's box, according to Sunday's route instructions, leave the shelter.

Back on the ground, Merlin's truck was parked next to the other two trucks.

Gunner put Serena's box into William's truck, and went to Merlin's truck with the others to kill the remaining werewolves in London.

When the car door is closed, William scans for a moment with his mental strength and perceives that there is a hole on the ammunition box that he doesn't know who made it.

and Serena is awake. William smiles as if he didn't know who had left her alone.

As soon as the nine member mecha team left, 30 battle robots blocked in the escape passage of werewolves began to drag the killed werewolves into the control hole.

These werewolves, who have absorbed more or less silver powder, are not the opponents of robots.

they are killed by robots with automatic aiming system.

After clearing the werewolf corpses in the pipeline and tunnel, the fighting robots entered the air raid shelter one after another.

two robots came up to Lucien and covered his head with a hood again. After waiting for two minutes, a portal appeared not far away.

A cleaning robot in Yellowstone Park in the United States gives a blood box drawn from a werewolf in a secret base to the fighting robot.

The robot that received the box took out a needle and stuck it into Lucien's aorta, which was almost dead, and then hung the box on the wall.

With fresh blood, Lucien recovered a lot in a few minutes. Although he was still so weak that it was difficult to raise his hand, he could not die for a while.

William, who had been waiting, connected Philip's video.

How's it going, William.

As soon as he saw William, Philip asked anxiously, "I've heard from my subordinates that the gunfire on your side has stopped? Is it solved.

"Well, it's settled," William nodded with a smile. "But if you know Lucien, or someone who knows Lucien, you'd better make sure.".

"OK, I'm going to connect count Alexander corvinas, who has been dealing with werewolves and vampires.".

"Wait a minute." without waiting for Philip to connect, William stopped him and said strangely,

"the old devil has been contacting you all the time? Is he not afraid that you people will use him as a test object for research? "

Philip sighed, "since sixty years ago, we have been able to get his blood once every ten years, but no one has been able to work out anything.

as soon as blood and tissue leave his body for half an hour, they will automatically become useless.

moreover, count corvinas is a legend that has lived for hundreds of years. Do you think he has something that we can take care of What should I avoid?

Forget it. It's no use saying it.

Looking at Philip's regretful expression, William can't help thinking silently. It seems that he has to make some hindhand for others to worry about.

maybe it's time to see if the Red Mercury nuclear egg in polar bear's Kremlin Palace really exists in his memory.

Although he has nuclear egg technology in his mind, it's not the same thing that he can build and find the imitation nuclear egg of Red Mercury suitcase.

At least it can explain why he, who has never been exposed to nuclear technology, suddenly understood the problem.

Just thinking, the white haired and bearded count corvinas appeared on the monitor.

Good evening, Lord Devonshire. I'm count Alexander corvinas. Nice to meet you.

I'm glad to meet you, too, count. You are a living legend.

"Well, William, let's take a look at Lucian first," Philip said directly after interrupting William's nonsense,

"once Lucian, the first generation of werewolf with intelligence and ability to recover, is cleared up, the strength of the werewolf will only become weaker and weaker in the future.".

William understands that according to the blood lineage theory, the first generation of werewolves or vampires are often the most powerful, and the offspring they bite are directly the second generation,

and if the stronger the genealogy is, the weaker the future will be.

"No problem",

William nodded and soon sent Lucian's picture to the battle robot on Sunday.

Count corvinas looked at Lucien, who was tied to the wall, for a few seconds, and said with certainty, "he is Lucien.".

Then he hesitated for a few seconds and asked William, "I remember he had a necklace made of brass. Can you give it to me?"

"You say this.".

Taking the necklace from the table and showing it to corvinas, William turned his eyes and squinted,

"I remember it was part of a key, and someone had been longing for it for hundreds of years,

count, who do you think I should sell it to?"

This shocked covinas. He didn't expect that William knew that this necklace was the key to the cage of his second son, the werewolf ancestor William covinas."William, since you know who is looking for the key, you must know what will happen if this necklace is left in your hand.".

"It doesn't matter. I'm looking forward to him coming to me. If you dare not pay, you'll rob him. Hehe, that's a good name and a good word to kill him.".

Looking at the indifferent William, I think that this young man only takes one month to set up and fight for one hour,

not only to capture Lucien, whom these people haven't captured for hundreds of years, but also to kill hundreds of werewolves.

Corvinas could not help but said, "I heard that you like antiques. How about I exchange two Picasso paintings for you?"

"How much is it worth?"

Picasso's oil painting is certainly OK, but the value of oil painting depends on the size of the painting, the level of the painter when he created, and even whether there is any story when he created it.

To put it bluntly, even the paintings of the same painter are different.

In the case of authentic products, price can not explain all the problems, but it is the most direct way to judge.

"About 40 million pounds.".

William's attitude of asking for money made corvinas very melancholy. Then he was not surprised to hear William say,

"not enough, this thing has a lot to do with your family. Besides, you are a man who has lived for hundreds of years,

it's nice to exchange this thing?"

Come on, how much do you want.

William just thought for a few seconds and then said with a smile, "I'll get a 200 million pound antique anyway, and I only want the master's painting,

it's better to limit it to five paintings, such as Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh and so on.".


Not only did corvinas tremble with anger, but Philip looked at William in shock and exclaimed,

"it seems that I have to let Wilson learn more from you, William, you are the most shameless younger generation I have ever seen.".

Corvinas thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll send someone to your manor tomorrow morning. Now you can give me the key.".

"No problem. You'll have someone take it.".