
A wolf's roar, which was obviously lower than that of ordinary werewolves, came from far and near.

After hearing the roar, the werewolf, who was surrounded by Laura, stopped for a moment and turned around and ran away.

Just as the three people who don't know whether to pursue or not, they heard Sunday's words in their ears, "aegsy, Laura, Wesley, the second batch of airdropped ammunition, spare batteries and rapid reaction armor will arrive in ten seconds,

your next task is to support the death squads and kill any werewolf you encounter.".

It's because of killing nearly 40 werewolves, and the excited Agassi didn't think much and replied, "no problem.".

Laura thought for a moment and realized that the three of them must be bait. They attract most of the werewolves, while the death squads directly attack the leader of the werewolf.

But for the sake of William's and Sunday's proper arrangement, she didn't let herself be in danger.

without much hesitation, Laura replied, "I understand.".

Wesley didn't talk much at all. He just nodded and jumped from the third floor of the underground building to the dilapidated square on the bottom floor, quietly waiting for the support aircraft.

Aegsy jumped to Wesley's side and said excitedly, "man, after today, do we have to get rich? How much bonus do you guess boss will get? A hundred thousand pounds? "

"Probably," Wesley said as soon as he heard Merlin's voice coming from the communication channel,

"for your good performance in killing nearly 100 werewolves, I would suggest to the boss that you should be paid 100000 pounds, plus 1000 pounds for killing a werewolf.".

"Yes, I love you, Merlin.".

After calculating that they can get nearly 140000 pounds, both eggsey and Wesley are excited.


Laura is not happy to look at the mood of the two people, aegsy and Wesley, money she does not care about, care about their performance at the bottom, lost face.

The Crawford family is a real consortium. Laura, who has not inherited the family's wealth, doesn't know how much, but tens of billions of dollars should be OK.

Twenty seconds later, the three hung their batteries and some damaged external reactive armor on the aircraft and watched the aircraft leave.

Just put the new batteries and reactive armor on the armour, organize the ammunition, and then follow the instructions on Sunday to the direction of the death squads.


as soon as the three leave, Serena walks out of her hiding place and silently looks at hundreds of Lycans with blue blood vessels all over her body. She is silent for a long time.

She knows very well in her heart that if the mecha fighters we meet today, once they form a large scale, it will not take long for them to completely hide in the dark, or even be driven to a deserted place to live the life of a savage.

Thinking of the boss behind the scenes mentioned by Agassi, Serena can't help but want to see who is behind the scenes.

As soon as this idea came out, Serena took out her mobile phone and took a dozen photos of the werewolf corpses around her, then quickly chased the three of them.

After a minute's running, as soon as she turned a corner, a huge force pressed her on the wall, and then she saw a change of light,

Laura's infiltrating armor removed the light invisibility function, grabbed Serena's neck, and put the dagger on her neck,

"I found you before, just because you didn't hinder us, I didn't expect you to suck blood Ghosts have the guts to follow us.

"Why don't we get rid of her," aegsy said from a bunker not far away, "so that we don't get in the way of our mission.".

"Let's do it." Wesley, surrounded from the other side, saw aegsey and gave advice directly. He didn't have a good way. "Don't worry, Merlin said that today's target is werewolf,

and vampires and werewolves are feuds.".

This reminds Agassi and Laura that they can't help guessing that William wants to unite with vampires to clean up werewolves before dealing with vampires.

However, although he is not in tune, he has a lot of thoughts. On the communication channel, he said to Wesley and Laura,

"boss is not afraid of vampires. Is it more difficult to deal with them? Or a vampire.

"Shut up, Agnes," yelled Merlin, who was in the truck. "Don't bother us with your own idiots.".

Laura looked at Serena with disgust, released her hand, patted him silently on the shoulder when she passed by egsey, and ran to the expendables without saying a word.

Looking at Wesley, who also patted himself on the shoulder, just behind Laura, Agassi patted his helmet and yelled, "hell, you have to keep a secret for me.".

After the three left, Serena rubbed her neck, picked up the m416 on the ground and followed up silently.

She is now convinced that the boss behind her is not hostile to her for the time being, otherwise Laura and her three will not let them go again and again.

Running for dozens of seconds, hearing the gunshot coming from the front, Serena knew that she was approaching her destination.Along the werewolf's corpse, we got into a ventilation pipe more than one meter high, squatted for several tens of meters, turned a corner, and saw an open underground building.

"Damn it", look at the building in front of her. Serena can't help cursing. She doesn't think that the werewolf has been hiding in the underground air raid shelter in the east end of London.

Squatting on the ventilation pipe, watching more than ten meters down, in the huge air raid shelter, nine battle armours emitting blue light are fighting fiercely with hundreds of werewolves.

Just looking for a moment, Serena quickly finds out that the target of the werewolf is an unconscious man with long hair who is guarded by three battle armor and locked in the corner.

Looking at the man's face, Serena exclaimed, "Lucien?"

"Damn it." without thinking for a few seconds, she raised the m416 in her hand and opened fire on Lucien.

"Dada, dada, dada".

Several silver bullets hit Lucien in a coma.

Looking at Lucien who was awakened by the silver bullet and on the road above the air raid shelter, William in the truck looks at Serena and smiles,

"when you find that everything is a fraud, what will you choose?"

"Send battle droids and let Wesley shoot Serena away. If you don't listen, you'll hurt her," he ordered on Sunday.

Yes sir.

As soon as the voice dropped, a door opened automatically at the bottom of the car of another truck behind William's truck,

a "click, click" sound came from the car. Then, a combat robot lay on the car and reached out to lift the manhole cover on the road under the truck.

A battle robot from the middle of the car, then car cover, jumped into the sewer.

When the leader was attacked, the werewolf immediately sent out a lot of hands to rush towards Serena along the wall,

and Wesley, who received the tip from Sunday, also raised his gun and hit Serena's pipe wall with "bang bang bang" shots.

Looking at Lucien protected by a mecha fighter behind him, and the bullet hole on the wall one meter away.

Looking at the werewolves who are constantly being killed, Serena only wants to understand in a second.

These mecha fighters use Lucien as bait to clean up all the werewolves who come to save Lucien.