"No, no," he forced himself to calm down. After thinking about it, Charles denied, "that dagger is at least 15 cm long. It's impossible to insert all the daggers into Marco's chest with Susie's shape.".

You still love her.

Regardless of whether Susie is the real murderer or not, William looked at Charles who tried to defend Susie strangely, "man, do you have self abuse? In that case, you really have to see a psychologist.".

"Fku's psychiatrist, Susie is suspected by you, so I will be suspected by you. Hell, don't think I don't know. No one you're targeting will come to a good end.".

"Ha, it seems that your uncle values you very much, and even told you all these things." William squinted at Charles, and within a few seconds Charles felt uncomfortable,

said with a trembling voice, "William, believe me, I thought about Marco's accident, but it was not yesterday,

before I got on the yacht yesterday, my idea was just to disturb Marco's wedding After the trip, the first dinner I met with my family was

but before I got into trouble, Marco drove out the captain, waiters and other unrelated people in the yacht hall, and then he told us a lot of nonsense, mocking us, who have the right of inheritance, as moths, blood sucking ghosts and waste,

finally, he said in front of us that he wanted to deprive everyone of their right of inheritance They are all annoyed by him. Although they are full of thoughts that he doesn't want to die, I didn't kill him.

In a panic, Charles even said that he wanted to die for Marco, which made William feel stunned. He couldn't help believing what he said. He said with a smile, "so quickly, I don't care about your beloved ex girlfriend.".

"Hell dear, I have no love for her for a long time. If I were not afraid that you might doubt me, I would care about her when I saw hell.".

"You're heartless, Charles, but I like it, because I hate islanders as much as your uncle, understand?"

William patted Charles on the shoulder. Charles nodded, "I understand.".

"You're going to do one thing now, find someone to take Marco's and Toby's hair for DNA testing, and I have to make sure it's Marco who died.".

"What do you mean?" Charles asked William in surprise, "God, do you think it's Marco's double who died? How is that possible? "

"Idiot", staring at Charles, William said quietly, "since Marco can have grace Ballard, can't he have other illegitimate children?

You said that if he deliberately let you kill each other, when you are all dead or arrested by the police, will his wealth be left to the illegitimate son? "

"It's impossible. We are all his relatives, or the people who saved his life. How could he be so cruel?" Charles said in panic.

"If it's possible, it depends on the test report. If it's really Marco who died, everything will be easy to say. If it's not Marco, hehe, there will be a good play to watch.".

Looking at Charles in panic, William shakes his head, "OK, you can go.".

"OK, I'll check it now.".

As soon as Charles left, he played a few shots alone and looked at the beauty coach beside him. As soon as William turned his eyes, he proposed a game between them with a smile,

he would pay $10000 for one shot he lost, while the beauty would pay $10000 for one hour.

The face of the four nation mixed race named Elaine turned to desert race, and the exotic beauty excitedly made a kiss to William.

It's a pity that things didn't end as Irina's wish. Starting from the first kick-off, the more I hit Irina, the more I felt cheated by William.

When the kick-off point is about 100 yards away from the green, her strokes can keep up with William who is not very skilled, but when she gets to the track more than 200 yards away,

William, who is more than ten times as fit as an ordinary person, often needs only one shot to get near the green.

How can this be compared?

In addition, when putting, William does not need to use mental power to control the ball. He only needs mental power to scan the path of the ball. Even if the ball is three or four meters away, he can enter the hole with one stroke.

By the time she hit the seventh hole, Elena had already lost William's six.

Watching William hit the ball near the green with a super long shot, Elena covered her forehead, looked at the ball's landing point, and asked the two caddies, "this shot is 400 yards?"

"No," said an older caddie, putting his palm on his eyes to block the sun and watching carefully for a few seconds. "I think it's at least 430 yards, because the distance from the table to the green is 472.".

"416", surrounded by spiders and black front drones, William soon heard Sunday's report from his headphones.

Then he shook his head. Although he only used five layers of strength in the shot just now, he was not satisfied with the shot just now. He waved to the caddie for a ball and put it on the table again.

just as he was about to kick off, the caddie said, "Sir, I don't think your waist twist is enough when you start.".William is willing to listen to what he doesn't understand. He has tried to swing without the ball for more than ten times. After each swing, he listens to Sunday's tips, and his movements are becoming more and more standard.

Soon found the point of power, which made the two caddies and Elaine almost drop their mouths on the ground.

"God, what kind of monster is this?" Elena asked William's caddie in a low voice.

"This is God's illegitimate son, which is better than genius. What can we do?" shrugged the caddie, fearing that William would be angry. The three of them would talk about him behind his back and flattered him,

"well, don't envy me. Mr. Devonshire is born to attack us ordinary people.".

When William adjusted, he swung the ball straight to the green, fell, played a few rounds, and even rolled directly into the green. The caddie could not help but stay for a few seconds and swore in an unbelievable low voice, "Damn it.".

"It's breaking the record of our pitch's kick-off distance?"

The caddie helplessly looked at William, who was walking to the green. He envied, "no, 470 yards is the record of the open track. Elaine, dear, it seems that you will have a wonderful night.".

Elaine doesn't plan to kick off any more. She needs more than three strokes from 472 yards to get to the green, so there's no chance of winning. William also understands that, so he doesn't ask her if she can kick off.

Keeping up with the two caddies, Irina whispered, "I just wanted to kill a fat sheep to buy a house loan.".

"God, are you kidding? You're going out with William Devonshire. It's funny. What's your little house? And you're single now. What's wrong with you.