Christmas in accordance with William's orders to let Sean - Brill, in the guidance of Sunday in Paris 13 District of an old house to find goner.

Into the room, looking at Zoe in a coma on the monitor, Christmas hesitated for a moment and asked, "boss, do you really want to ignore her life or death?"

This made gunner squint, hang his head and stare down at Christmas, "do you want to save her?"

Although gonna's tone and eyes were strange, he was not angry at Christmas.

Because he knew that gunner was the most ruthless one in the death squads. Now William not only gave him a new life, but also saved his daughter. In addition, his precious daughter heard that in order to catch up with William, he stayed at work in the Chelsea team, so that William, who was worried about gunner's face, didn't want to do it, and always avoided his daughter Sophia.

All these things together, gunner is definitely the most loyal to William in his team.

Thinking for a moment, Christmas explained, "don't you think she's innocent?"

"Are you kidding? Man, as long as it's involved, no one is innocent, "gunner shook her head." if she wants to blame it, she'll blame her stupidity. If she's fooled, she'll have the courage to set off a bomb. Although she doesn't want to kill people, the chaos caused by the bomb attack is much greater than killing a few people. ".

Zoe is as stupid as an idiot. It's a fact that he was fooled into voluntarily setting up a bomb. Christmas can only sigh in silence and sit in a chair silently. He closed his eyes with his clothes and fell asleep.

Goner stood at the windowsill, staring at the opposite building and street with a telescope.

Three hours later, at four o'clock in the morning, gunner said to Christmas, "here we are.".

Hearing the sound of Christmas, he opened his eyes and went to goner. He also looked through a telescope. In a moment, he saw two people in plain clothes walking into Zoe's building with trackers in their hands.

Seeing that the captain of the special incident handling team named ottle Yousu came here to deal with Zoe, goner showed a sarcastic expression at the corner of his mouth, "it can save us a lot of things.".

"Well," Christmas answered silently. Although his hands holding the telescope were a little white, he didn't make any sound or make any other move until otter Yusu shot Zoe, who looked asleep but was in a coma.

Gongna was also relieved. Just now, he was really afraid that the bastard Christmas would suddenly do something bad to William. Soon, they heard Sunday's words in their ears, "the picture is very clear, gentlemen, you have six hours to rest.".

After listening to this, goner stretched himself, went to the sofa and lay down. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took two bottles of beer from the tea table and threw them to Christmas. He opened the bottle cap and drank half a bottle. "I sleep, you wake up and call me in four hours.".

"OK," Christmas opened the beer and nodded.

All the uncertainties have been cleared, and Otto youso is excited to call Victor Gael, director of the interior and chief of police in Paris, to make sure that the plan can go smoothly.

Hang up the phone, you su sat in the car and thought about it. He said to his subordinates, "put the video we took before on the Internet.".

"Understand, head". More than ten minutes later, there were many videos of police beating people, torture asking who the attackers were, and deliberately targeting people in desert areas on the Internet in France.

When Victor went to work early the next morning and was holding a security meeting, Yusu, who was wearing special police uniform, knocked on the door and came to Victor to report in a low voice,

he received a tip that the bomb last night was made by a group of desert people, and the production site was in the community of Saint Denis, where desert people gathered.

Victor listened and looked at you in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir," he nodded affirmatively, "the informant is an undercover agent who has been lurking for many years, and the undercover agent is a French desert man born in Paris.".

"FK", the other leaders of the interior ministry and the police department in Paris who are in a meeting, scolds directly as soon as they hear it. However, if they can find clues so soon, it is absolutely a great good thing for them to solve the case directly.

so whether the tip is true or not, sending a pair of people to search is passed without much discussion, and they are responsible for the action Our team, not surprisingly, fell on the head of the ottle Yousu team who provided the information.

After getting the order, the members of ottle Yousu's team soon rushed to the St. Denis community in full force. With the cooperation of the police, once they rushed into the community, Yousu asked the police to encircle, while his team was responsible for the assault.

There are fully armed special police in the lead, ordinary police will certainly not object, very cooperative surrounded a three story community activity center.

, what as like as two peas in the community center, they are not the assailants, and they are not half a penny of the bomb. Because, as soon as they rush into the activity center,

Ottl and Yu Su's team members take off their backpacks in a room on the third floor, take out a dozen dozen bombs that are exactly the same as those they exploded yesterday, and then face the walkie talkie. Yelling for the discovery of mass-produced bombs.

Then he fired a few shots at some desert people who were under control and killed them. These people also fired the prepared guns at random and put them on the hands of those who died unjustly.The police surrounded the activity center immediately became nervous when they heard the discovery of the bomb and then the gunfire. They immediately called for support and arrested dozens of people in the community activity center.

but the result of this operation was soon deliberately spread out by otel youso and William, who was behind the scenes, and things began to get out of control.

"Sir, do you really want to use Pushkin's dealer?"

"That's right, that's right, don't remind me any more," William complained impatiently. "Pushkin is dead, and I killed Robert McCall who killed Pushkin. In addition, Pushkin was born in a gray society. This time, it's right to turn the eyes of the French to the polar bear,

anyway, these guys have been playing with each other, just catch each other Without the evidence of the polar bear's official participation, the investigation will not be carried out on Pushkin. As for other things, it's all the dregs of the grey society who make trouble, and the law and order in France will be much better if they are settled after autumn. ".

"All right." after a few minutes, it was reported again on Sunday that "21 million US dollars has been secretly transferred into the accounts of 11 non white gray societies in Paris. I believe that in one day, the whole Paris will be in chaos.".

Before Sunday's forecast, chaos began in the afternoon of the same day. In the evening, ottle youso and others quietly spread bad news to the banks. That night, many people began to surround the major banks in Paris.