Why don't we just kill them? That's because these two guys are not dead at all.

William has not been idle since yesterday. He not only went to Brazil, but also talked to Benjamin Arthur on the phone. In the name of bacavi and the rest of the party, he got the authorization of C1a under his direct jurisdiction from Benjamin, and made Sunday stare at the killers. So the two killers learned from the news that Clyde was put in irbilton prison. When they came to check around the prison today It was found out by spider robots and black front helicopters under all-round surveillance.

By the chance they get off the car to check, they are knocked unconscious one by one by William himself.

Then it's simple, interrogation, taking photos, and like Clyde yesterday, the two killers were wiped out for about ten minutes by William with Kingsman's memory erasing needle and amnesia magic.

William didn't kill the two killers who were members of the special incident team of the French Ministry of the interior, because once the two killers were killed, those behind them who planned the four billion dollars might become suspicious and give up the four billion dollar plan for their own safety.

These calculations can't be revealed in the face of Clyde, so William pretended to be depressed and worried and said, "after these two bastards are arrested, they bite the poison in their teeth without waiting for us to crush their jaws and go to God directly.".

Looking at Clyde, William sighed and said, "man, there are few killers who commit suicide as soon as they are caught. You'd better think about what's missing.".

Hell, when he heard that two people who had chased him committed suicide directly, Clyde, who also knew their true identity, could not help getting angry, because in his opinion, when did the French become so tough and commit suicide when they didn't agree?

At this moment, Clyde suddenly felt that the four billion dollar idea was not as easy as he thought before. One bad thing was to be killed directly.

It seems that we really have to use William and the forces behind him to fight with the French who want to kill themselves. At least we have to let William and the C1a protect ourselves before we disappear.

With this idea, Clyde can't help reminding, "maybe we can check the cheetah tattoo on the killer.".

"I'm looking into it, but it takes time. As you can see, these people commit suicide when they can't do anything, which is in line with the habit of desert madmen. So, Mr. Sheldon, I don't have much time to waste on you,

either you tell me all you know, or I'll change the prison for you.".

"Prison change? What does that mean? " Although Clyde didn't show it on his face, he almost had a heart attack in his heart. In his mind, he was thinking about what was wrong. Why did William mean that he knew he had an escape?

"Ha ha, I said that I don't have much time. I have to put my eyes on England or me in front of the rest of Amir bacawi's party, or I don't mind using some special means to you,

or I can walk out of this interrogation room and tell chief prosecutor Nick Reese that you are the owner of the old warehouse tens of meters outside the prison wall, And there's a tunnel under the warehouse that leads to the "super recidivist room" at the bottom of the prison.

He had been preparing the escape route for so many years, but he was told the truth. Clyde couldn't help scolding him in his heart.

Just for a moment, he realized that it was impossible for him not to say anything, but this did not hinder his idea of mixing sand. He pointed to the photo on the table and said, "these two men are members of the special incident handling team of the Ministry of interior of Paris. Most of the members of this elite team are senior elites from the French Foreign Legion who have served for more than six years, so, and Like the infiltrated police in England, these people have also been infiltrated by Amir bacawi.

What members of the Foreign Legion are, what has been infiltrated, these words are all lies, but at this time there is no need to expose Clyde, William pretends to be serious, "continue".

"Hey, hey, although I'm also faced with being chased, it doesn't matter whether I'm killed or not now. So," Clyde said, staring at William with a smile, "why don't we make a deal?".

"What deal?" William said calmly.

Finally speaking of the key point, Clyde lowered his voice excitedly and said, "do something for me, and get me out when I need to"

he rolled his eyes and stared at Clyde. When Clyde was getting angry, William said with a smile, "you're kidding, man. As far as I know, the New York police have no evidence to prove your murder.

he said What's more, you've already prepared the escape route. Don't tell me that you can't transfer from the ordinary cell to the cell on the lowest floor of this prison.

"An escape route is prepared, but I still don't know whether someone will keep watching me when I enter the bottom cell,

once someone is watching, I can't use the escape route to do something secretly, so I need your help. To show my sincerity, I will tell you the mastermind who chased me.".I did so much for this moment, so William agreed, "no problem, deal.".

For four billion dollars, it's no problem to help Clyde kill the judge, and Clyde is ready for what to do and what to do.

what he is afraid of now is just like what he is worried about. The prison guards may be watching him all the time, especially if they want to enter the bottom cell, they must kill another person in prison.

"Victor, Victor Gael, that's all I know.".

William doesn't believe it if he only knows a name. Clyde doesn't think that he should be noticed by Victor garell when investigating this Victor garell,

so that they can't think of the conflict.

Just then, he said in his ear on Sunday, "Sir, in the top official level of France, Victor Gael is the head of the Ministry of internal affairs in charge of French domestic security, and the special incident handling team is in his charge.".

"Very good, very good. Come on, what do you want me to do for you?"

Now that all he wanted to know was known, William was already thinking about how to kill Clyde without any flaw.

But Clyde said with a smile, "I won't let you help me and save me in vain. When it's done, I'll tell you something about 500 million dollars. How about the reward.".

"What?" Then immediately reaction, no card Clyde of course have to take out a new card.

Unfortunately, it's not a secret for a long time. Clyde said it to himself before he lost his memory yesterday, but he still had to pretend when he should. William exclaimed excitedly, "are you serious?"