"Are you the one who helped me?" Clarence Dobby's frightened face immediately showed a look of surprise. "Thank you, man. I'll thank you when I get out of here.".

"Ha ha ha," said dobby. As soon as dobby finished, William began to laugh. He looked at Clyde Shelton in his police uniform, staring at the speechless rearview mirror and said, "Mr. Shelton, how incompetent you had to be ten years ago to be ruined by such a fool.".

Clyde shakes his head, looks sad and says, "I'd like to know too." Clyde knows that he can't put it on. He looks at William and says, "we have a grudge.".

"No, but it's a little bit too small to be true.".

"Holiday?" Clyde Sheldon looked into William's eyes. "What kind of holiday?"

"Fku", listening to the dialogue between William and Clyde, dobby didn't know that the two people on the bus were unkind to him. That would be a fool.

It's a pity that the expected gunshot didn't ring. Instead, a stab came from his palm,

"ah, ah", dobby quickly found that his voice was getting lower and lower, and he couldn't even make a sound in a few seconds.

"Tetrodotoxin?" William, who knew the story, asked Clyde.

"Yes, it's extracted from the liver of the Caribbean puffer fish. It only needs a little dose to make people paralyzed. The only advantage is that the perception of the outside world and their own pain will be a little stronger than normal people.".

Clyde Sheldon pulled off his wig and beard, took out a flashlight and looked into Dobby's eyes. "Well, next, we'll have a lot of time to have a good chat.".

Then he took the gun from Dobby's hand and saw that the handle of the gun was full of stings from which the poison was injected into Dobby's body.

"Oh, oh, oh, man, I advise you to be careful." without waiting for Clyde to move, William raised his finger and shook it. "I don't want to hinder you from revenge. I want to catch this scum and do some experiments.".

"Experiment?" Seeing that William had been very calm since he got on the bus, Clyde thought about it and put the pistol with the sting into a cloth bag, "what kind of experiment?"

"Haha," William shrugged, "is to break hands and feet, and then use new medicine to repair the broken place. When it is recovered, it will be broken again and repaired again. Repeat this for several times. After confirming that the function of the medicine is OK, clean up the experimental body.".

"So you sent the man who kidnapped dobby a few days ago," Clyde said with a smile. He turned to William and started the police car to leave the Brooklyn slums.

"Yes, that's why I said we didn't have any grudge, but there were some small festivals. After all, you cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars.".

"OK, I'll pay you a million dollars." Clyde, who was driving, looked in his rearview mirror. "For the sake of your scum experiment, how about making peace?"

"No problem, but you don't mind if I visit your revenge process.".

"Haha, no, I don't mind. It's better for me to visit someone, so that no one can appreciate the tools I designed. But, man, I'll give you a piece of advice. Ordinary people can't accept that scene"

Clyde looked at dobby with a smile, and his body couldn't move. Only his eyes could rotate a few times. "The relationship between me and Mr. dobby, It must be more exciting than the experiment you described.

Well, I remember that Clyde not only used the chainsaw, but also broke dobby up like a toy.

Although he killed ten times more people than Clyde, after thinking about it, he found that he really couldn't stand the scene, "well, thank you for your advice. In order not to have nightmares in the future, I'd better go home.".

Then he patted the back of the driver's seat and said, "stop in front and finally remind you that no matter what you want to do, don't expose your experience in the past ten years to the police. Otherwise, if you have seven years of killer career, you will know what will happen next.".

Soon the car stopped at the side of the road, William was about to get off, Clyde suddenly said, "William Devonshire?"

Hearing this, William, with his hand on the handle of the car, immediately sat back in the back seat, "Hey, man, you're asking for trouble.".

"No, no", Clyde turned to look at William, "for the sake of you not hindering my revenge, I'll tell you a piece of news in return, and then you help me a few times, and I'll give you 500 million dollars as a reward.".

"500 million? Are you kidding William stares at Clyde. "Do you know the result of the man who cheated me?"

"Of course, there's a lot of stories about you in the underground world, and I don't want to get into a feud with a real butcher like you," Clyde drove to a suburban warehouse with the steering wheel.

Get out of the car, then pull dobby out of the car and throw him into the trunk of the ordinary car he prepared.

He called to William who got out of the car, "get in.".

After changing the car, Clyde said as he drove, "last month I received a commission from the head of network and security technology at the Bank of France.Because of my own experience, I have a habit since I entered the killer business. Before killing the target, I will investigate whether the target is a damned person,

and when I first saw the network technology director named Toby lane, I knew that he was not a dangerous person. With the investigation, I found that Toby lane was a good man and a good father, so that task was not for me No answer,

but within ten days, Toby lane was still killed in a car accident.

Then Clyde looked at William, who shrugged, "normal, in this world, you don't do it. Some people work for money. Then, I know there must be follow-up.".

"Yes, if there is no follow-up, I probably don't start revenge so soon," Clyde nodded, "I,"

"and so on," William asked curiously when he was planning Clyde, "man, I'm very curious, why don't you wait ten years to start revenge, and then you're not afraid of the enemy hanging up, so that you don't have a chance to do it yourself?"

Clyde was stunned for a few seconds before he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. Let him stay in my heart for some things.".

Seeing that Clyde didn't say anything, William asked tentatively, "so it's a secret that Clarence dobby was going to haunt you ten years ago? Otherwise, how can he know that you have a patent, and even if he knows, he dares to stare at you who are worth millions of dollars at that time.

"Well?" Clyde stood still for a few seconds, squinted and said, "as many of us have guessed, you are not only very powerful, but also very likely to have deep connections with special departments in England. Otherwise, these things can not be found out by ordinary rich people in a few days.".

"You've been waiting too long for revenge. It's too long to be suspected.".