Wesley a run away, not a few seconds, fox found that Carlos also did not notice in her case to run away, "hell.".

Even though she knows that Carlos may be gone, fox, who knows that she is not Carlos's opponent, does not dare to move for a moment after losing his opponent's trace.

she has never done this kind of thing before. Fortunately, after waiting for dozens of seconds, the mobile phone in her pocket vibrates.

After connecting, it was good news that not only the gun maker came, but another fellow repairman also followed Wesley.

And Wesley will be followed by the repair Union, or because this guy is afraid and activates his super power. The speed of escape can make the 100 meter champion cry. If it is not for short legs, the 100 meter speed will surely run into 6 seconds.

This made the repairman who happened to meet Wesley unable to pay attention to him.

In addition, the four of them had seen the information in other hands before. Although it was night, the repairman could still see Wesley's face similar to the photo. He called the gun maker and drove directly to follow Wesley.

When someone answers outside, fox carefully rushes out of the restaurant, drives his red sports car, connects the repairman, and chases Wesley in the direction of his escape.

After a few seconds, I heard the repairman shouting in the earphone that he was attacked and needed support.

You don't have to think it was Carlos who attacked the repairman.

Fox thought for a moment, and while driving, he said to the gun maker and repairman on the same channel, "gun maker, you go to support the repairman and pester Carlos. I've contacted Wesley. I'll find him the most suitable one.".

"I understand. I'm going to help," the gun maker replied.

"Come on, bald guy, I can hold on for a while while while driving, or you'll wait to take my body back.".

General shooting, Kung Fu in the hands and feet of the repairman long-distance face Carlos, can only have no ambition to the gun maker shouting.

"Hell, I can't. You can't drive away and lead Carlos away? Idiot.

"Well?" The repairman was stunned for a second and immediately called out, "I understand.".

Unfortunately, as soon as he had this idea and took action, Carlos, who was behind him, seemed to know immediately that he was holding a gun in his left hand. He threw it out of the window with a bang. A bullet with a curve hit the left front tire of the repairman immediately.

There is no difference between a high-speed vehicle with a flat tire and a death seeking one. The front wheel of the car with a flat tire seems to have been pressed by a giant, and it rolls directly.

fortunately, he is lucky. After several laps, the car out of control falls directly into the Hudson River in New York City, which can be regarded as his life.

Seeing all this, the gun makers who have been supported turn around and drive to fox without thinking about it. On the one hand, they lead Carlos away so that he doesn't go to the repairman to reinforce him.

on the other hand, the gun makers know that it's no different between finding Carlos and looking for death by themselves. Only when they join up with Fox, who is only a little worse than Carlos, can they have a chance to live.

But he this sharp turn also very quickly by Carlos discovery, similarly turned the front of the car to catch up.

Fortunately, the gun maker's car is also a sports car, and the distance before them is several hundred meters. This acceleration makes Carlos, who only drives an ordinary pickup truck, unable to get close to the effective shooting distance of the pistol.

After chasing for half a minute, Carlos suddenly turned and disappeared in the sight of the gun maker. The gun maker who saw the situation in the rearview mirror immediately yelled to fox, "Carlos may be looking for you. Be careful.".

"Don't worry, New York is so big, how can he find me in a short time?" fox, who has seen Wesley, replied with a smile. "I've found my target. We'll meet on XX Street later.".

"Got it." hearing that Wesley had been found, the gun maker was relieved to turn around and go to XX street as fox said.


the panic stricken Wesley probably lived in New York for too long, even if he ran away, he did not dare to run into those small streets and alleys.

he only dared to run along the main road with all his strength for a few minutes, and felt that his chest would burst, so he had to slow down.

This slow down speed, little exercise, and excessive consumption of physical strength, he suddenly felt that his whole body was suffering as fast as death.

Fortunately, he also knew that he could not stop or sit down under such circumstances, but could only walk slowly with his dizzy head.

Before long, the roar of a sports car came from far and near.

Before Wesley could see Chuli's one meter red sports car, he heard an anxious female voice, "get in the car, you're not out of danger.".


Without waiting for Wesley's hesitation, fox opened the front passenger's door directly, "get on the bus as soon as you don't want to die.".

See clearly is in the restaurant to save their own beauty, Wesley did not hesitate for long, saw a pickup truck quickly to his side.

He just wanted to turn around and run. Before he moved, he was pointed at by a gun, "either get on the bus or die.".The first time he was pointed at by someone with a gun, Wesley immediately became honest and sat in the car. Before he fastened his seat belt, the sports car sped up.

"I'm sorry," said Fox and Wesley as he drove. "In the case just now, I had to force you to get on the bus, because instead of letting the man who killed your father catch you and threaten us, I'd better deal with you first.".

"FK, God, why on earth is this?" Wesley looked at Fox in horror, "even if my father is the super assassin you said, but he is dead, why do people want to kill me this unimportant person?".

"Bang", a bullet suddenly hit the sports car. Wesley immediately shrunk and almost got into the co driver's seat, shouting incoherently,

"FK, is my dead father killing the whole family of the bastard behind? Drive fast, I don't want to die, drive fast".

"Quiet, quiet", is going to use their own car speed advantage to get rid of Carlos fox, heard Wesley called his own father is a jerk, mouth can not help but smile.

But Wesley, like a frightened mouse, kept on talking, which made the nervous fox fidgety.

Shut up, asshole. I'm driving.

Wesley, who is used to being assailed by others, was immediately honest when he was assailed by fox. But after another bullet in the sports car, Wesley panicked again. "I want to call the police. God, where's my mobile phone? I want to call the police.".

Hearing this, there was a police car in front of the sports car. Fox drove the sports car directly to the bottom of the police car.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and pushed the police car in front of him to accelerate all the way. Then he slowed down and accelerated to the back of the police car. The police car immediately lost control and hit the anti-collision bucket on the road.

"FK, FK, what are you doing?" Wesley looked at fox with a smile in horror. "God, do you know what you're doing? You're assaulting the police. God, if we're found out, the New York police will beat us to beehives.