Back at the hotel, he took a comfortable bath, and lay on the sofa in his pajamas. He took out his mobile phone and hesitated how to explain to his mother.

Her mother Lina had called before, but her mobile phone only vibrated twice, probably reflecting that she called William at that time, which might bring trouble to William. The phone was hung up soon, and then she urged herself to call her back on Sunday.

Hard headed to mother reported a safe, good words said for a long time, finally video call, see William nothing to stay in the hotel, Lina just let William.

Give Ambrosius and Abigail peace, these two women are much easier to do, even coax and cheat soon.

I hung up the phone and ordered a seafood dinner. After that, I took a nap.

William, who was still playing chess with Duke Zhou at 4 p.m., was woken up by a doorbell, and then reported on Sunday that "Sir, Ms. Catherine, Anthony's lawyer and the financial consultants of yueshida are waiting for you.".

"Oh, let the housekeeper ask them to wait for me in the living room first.".

Hearing that it was Catherine and Anthony, William got up in a daze, washed well, put on a casual suit and walked out of the bedroom.

"Good afternoon, Katherine", walking to Katherine, William gently hugged Katherine, the new CEO of defense supplies company,

"you've come here, and you've come so fast, haven't you implemented air traffic control in Washington?"

As for Anthony and yueshida's financial advisers, William just nodded, even if they did not dare to have an opinion on William's attitude.

"Good afternoon, boss. When I heard about the accident in the morning and you couldn't get through, his majesty Philip asked me to come here in an emergency. I'm relieved to see that you are safe.".

Catherine, who resigned as secretary of state for security, has a smile on her face when facing William. "As for air traffic control, it depends on whose plane it is. Under limited conditions, her majesty Philip's private plane can still land in Washington.".

"Ha ha, thank you for your concern. If I hadn't saved a lovely girl, I would have been out of the White Palace when the attack happened." William smiles and shakes his head,

"just call me William as before. Don't forget that you are also a shareholder of the defense supplies company. By the way, how does it feel to take over the CEO of the company these days?"

"Can I tell the truth?"

William nodded, "don't worry, I know the situation of the company before, say boldly, I'm ok.".

To make sure that William didn't lie, Catherine squinted and said, "the teacher said, I'm a little sorry that I promised you to take over the company.

the company is totally empty shelf, and the headquarters doesn't say anything about it. Even the present staff are recruited by me in the past ten days,

and," Catherine said to William after staring at Anthony who didn't speak for a few seconds, "and I live here But I don't know the purchase price of raw materials and where is the production base? "

"Ha ha" seeing Anthony shrug his shoulders, William ha ha laughed, "it's normal that Anthony doesn't tell you, because he doesn't know where the production base is. As for the price of raw materials,"

think about it, since the shares held by Philip and Grosvenor are exchanged equally and voluntarily with them,

Catherine and Garris The shares in hand are also agreed in advance, so the food can't be too ugly, so William asked tentatively, "Katherine, how do you think the price of raw materials is half of the selling price?"

"Half, that's 2.5 million pounds," Katherine stopped to think for a moment. "William, I have to know first whether the price is always fixed at 2.5 million pounds, or half of our price?"

"Half of the price, in case there is a need to reduce the price in the future, we will not quarrel with each other because of little interests.".

"That's good," Katherine sighed with relief. "I have no problem with that. I believe his majesty Philip and Archduke Grosvenor will have no problem either.".

Seeing Catherine's great relief, William couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the image of being unable to suffer losses before made Philip and Grosvenor feel very difficult. Together with Catherine, she was surprised when she heard that the purchase price was half of the selling price.

After talking about some details, William took Catherine and Anthony to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

As soon as you enter the restaurant, the waiters of any hotel will look excited when they see him, while some hotel guests will give him a thumbs up. When other guests at the restaurant hear the noise and turn to see William, many people will stand up and applaud him, and then the whole restaurant starts to clap.

This makes William have to nod to everyone around with a smile. Fortunately, there are not many guests in the hotel today. It took him a few minutes to deal with everyone.

We sat down under the service of the waiyingsheng and the exclusive Butler of the hotel.

Catherine, sitting next to William, said with a smile, "William, you are probably the most famous celebrity in the world now.".

"Probably. What's the matter?" William shrugged and looked like he didn't care. "You don't want me to be a spokesperson for the company, do you?""Ha ha, I'd like to, but as long as you are boss Shida, we don't have to pay for you," Katherine laughs. "However, if you like, those luxury goods will probably be willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to be your spokesperson.".

"Thank you," William shook his head with a smile. "If it's 100 million a year, I don't mind being a Sketchpad, but it's impossible.".

"No, if you really agree, burberry may wave a check to you right away," Catherine shook her head and said, "you are the only hereditary title winner in the last hundred years, and you are also the hereditary Duchess,

you have saved the heads of several big powers, solved several crises in the capital world, and you are handsome and rich,

you are the only one who has won the hereditary title I believe no woman in the world can resist your charm.

"Ha ha, thank you", Catherine's compliment, said William is still very cool.

This happy, William directly let the hotel open two bottles of 25000 US dollars of lato red wine, see Catherine straight shake her head, but think of William's worth, luxury life is too normal.

While eating, we talked about the live ammunition test of bulletproof suits. Before we knew it, it was nine o'clock in the evening. Let the hotel housekeeper arrange the suites for us.

After William personally sent Catherine back to her room, he took Anthony back to his suite.

After pouring two whiskies and handing Anthony one, William sat down and asked, "how's the bulletproof company doing?"

"Not bad," Anthony thought for a few seconds, and then said, "Lady Catherine is worthy of being a strong woman who can become security minister as a woman. In addition to finance and law, our office is responsible for other departments. She only took ten days to deal with them properly, but it's not easy.