As soon as Ethan hunt walked into the hostage room, he looked around at the bandits and hostages in the room. However, he was smart, and others were not stupid. Before he could observe, he was pointed at by a bandit like the leader with a gun,

"I want a helicopter full of oil and $100 million in cash. As long as the helicopter and the money reach, I will release all the remaining hostages, OK?"

Before coming in, the outside experts were ready for the bandits to be dishonest, so Ethan hunt was not too surprised to hear that.

And no matter how much he pretends to be, there is a problem that Benjamin Arthur and the gangsters talked too much just now in order to stabilize the gangsters' mood,

so now Ethan hunt can understand without being reminded that if he can not speak, he should try not to speak, and if he can use expression instead, he should try to use expression instead.

If Benjamin Arthur is pointed at by a gun, he will be afraid, but since he dares to come in and exchange hostages, he can't show cowardice,

so now Ethan is completely frightened, and the emotional micro action on his face is very good.

Even the bandit leader who pointed a gun at him could not help admiring him. In order to achieve his goal, the bandit leader put down his gun and relaxed,

"you agree that I will release half of the people again, and when the helicopter arrives, the rest of the people will be released immediately, OK?"

If we can save another half, it will be more beneficial to the next action, so Ethan is willing to.

But although thousands of willing, the necessary hesitation is still necessary, otherwise the promise too soon will make people suspicious, holding the voice of Benjamin back to the sentence, need to consider.

It took half a minute for the earphone to give a consent before nodding.

"Very good," the bandit leader pointed to more than ten people with a smile, "Congratulations, gentlemen, you can go.".

The person who was pointed out came out of the hostage group in surprise and out of the door opened by the bandit in a panic.

As soon as a dozen hostages came out, they were immediately escorted out of the White Palace by the delta outside the gate and handed over to the FB1 for questioning and investigation by the agents, so as to avoid the bandits pretending to be hostages and sneaking away.

Soon, the information of more than a dozen people was found out, and their information and experience were nothing. The only person who attracted the attention of FB1 agents was one.

Alexander dunning, a defense contractor, arms dealer, billionaire.

So when a director of FB1 heard that Alexander Dunning was on the list of the second batch of released people, he instinctively suspected that Dunning had a problem.

Pick up the information, want to ask dunning, and so on, when the manager first saw Dunning's clothes, he suspected dunning, because the old man's clothes and his identity as a billionaire are too inconsistent.

Although it's very close to the body, it's not strange, but a billionaire's whole body is not a brand goods, but more like the discount goods sold in the supermarket,

it's impossible to let people doubt, so this experienced executive did not immediately interrogate dunning, but quietly laid hands and secretly watched.

Dunning, who didn't know that he had been listed as a suspect, was glad that he was smart and prepared.

Because the reason why he will be released is that he is dressed in stalls. The bandits also have a choice to take hostages. Those celebrities, rich and influential people must be the first choice.

As a result, as Dunning calculated himself, he looked old and had no money. He was really let out by the bandits as useless waste.

Dunning, who escaped from death, vowed in his heart that he would have to cultivate his power in politics in the future, so as not to be forced by the people of the military industrial complex to come to the White Palace as a secret commander.

Then Dunning regretted that he had come up with such a plan.

Yes, this crisis is all the whim of this humble little old man.

If you really just want to think about it, he told his biggest weapon supplier the immature plan in his mind.

a young man who just took over the hammer group and suffered heavy losses in the stock market disaster, worried about the stock price of his own hammer group all day long.

When he first heard about the plan, although hammer was a little excited, his company was not on the verge of death at that time, so he just regarded it as a joke. He didn't take it to heart, and he didn't expect to implement it one day.

Fortunately, after the London crisis, the immortal Benjamin Arthur went back to the United States to understand the cause and effect of the whole London crisis.

it is not necessary to find out why Amir backawi would retaliate against the whole capital world so madly.

the problem lies in the military industry group.

In order to get back the orders and interests robbed by Amir bakavi, the military industrial group of the United States has done a lot of things, such as assassination, bribery and so on, which can not hurt bakavi's hair.

however, when Amir bakavi's daughter got married, they finally came up with the idea of sending bakavi's family to see their master.

Unfortunately, the egg guiding attack was successful, but in addition to bakawi's daughter and son-in-law hanging up with some relatives, Amir bakawi and his three sons are living as well as being protected by a secret existence.Even ordinary people will think about how to retaliate when they kill their own daughter and a large group of relatives and friends, not to mention Amir bacavi, who pursues the policy of cutting down the roots, and the Revenge of hiding for three years will follow.

although the general manager has stepped down, Benjamin Arthur, who has just been in office for less than a year, has become the master of the bacavi family We need goals.

He almost went to see God. How angry Benjamin Arthur was in his heart can be imagined.

Moreover, the Arthur family is not a small role in Laomei. His father has been the master of the barrel.

with the intention of revenge, the Arthur family has only been in series a few times, and a group of gun control groups have been involved.

However, Benjamin Arthur's target is too big. He not only wants to control the gun, but also wants to take advantage of the stock market disaster to reduce the military spending of the United States.

This time, the hammer group, which had been living on ordinary guns and orders from the government, was even worse. It was so happy that it couldn't go on.

People are forced to do everything, not to mention the rich, energetic and related interest groups like hammer group.

In any case, if he really goes bankrupt, whether he can survive or not, he has to think about Alexander Dunning's joking plan.

Hammer is not an idiot. He knows the truth that many people are powerful, and he starts to have frequent contact with people who are also dissatisfied with Benjamin Arthur.

I didn't expect to find many like-minded people in this contact. It didn't even take me a few days to take over with the speaker, Mr. Eli.

Well, now, even if hammer is afraid and wants to pull back, there's nothing he can do.