Bryan five drove two cars. Twenty minutes later, two men with gloves came to Morpheus' house.

One of the guys in black came directly to the computer to operate for a moment, and deleted all the web pages and records related to Archbishop Desmond.

The other slowly searched the room and soon found the envelope that Morpheus had left home in a hurry.

Not only was Schwarzenegger alive, but the news of his secret contact with Morpheus soon reached Colonel Johnson.

Johnson, with a white shirt and a straight black suit, heard the news from his subordinates. He held his hands on his waist and looked out of the window for a long time. "It seems that we have given Sergeant Schwarzenegger the war he expected, and it is his best war.".

"However, I just don't know how many moves he can take under tens of thousands of law enforcers," Johnson said, turning to his serious opponent. "Use military channels to inform all law enforcement agencies in Philadelphia. We have accurate information to prove that Schwarzenegger is still in Philadelphia. Tell those who have received money and shares that now is the time for them to contribute.".

"Yes, sir.".

Then five or six law enforcement agencies like Philadelphia FB1 and the police, which had been relaxed because the search failed in two days, all received information from unknown departments.

Schwarzenegger, whom they were pursuing, didn't run away, but kept hiding in Philadelphia, which made these law enforcement agencies excited while a strong sense of shame enveloped the whole department.

All departments took some time to coordinate. At 2 a.m., the whole city of Philadelphia began to search, and no doubt was left.

One night, we found out that the whole underground world of Philadelphia was in bad luck, but Schwarzenegger didn't even find a movie. Instead, he destroyed more than a dozen black groups, large and small, and killed no less than 30 people for resisting.

The search didn't have any expected results all night, which made many big men who helped to say hello very dissatisfied with Johnson.

Bryan five followed the arrested Morpheus all the way to an abandoned small dock on the schulkill River in Philadelphia.

Looking at Morpheus being hung by three strong men in the warehouse of the wharf, squatting in the grass, holding the corner of Blaine's mouth holding Remington 700, Morpheus was tied away by Johnson's men as they expected.

Using his walkie talkie, he asked Sam, who stayed in the car to control the black front UAV in the woods behind him,

"has the black front UAV entered the wharf warehouse?"

"It's in place. The picture and sound are very clear. I'll send the sound to your headset now.".

"Well," he waited quietly for a few minutes. A strong man in the warehouse punched Murphy in the stomach.

"Ah, cough, cough, cough." a sharp pain awakened mephistone, who had been injected with anesthetic, and then he coughed violently.

"Tell me, where's Schwarzenegger?"

A low voice came from behind Murphy, who had not yet known the situation. "When did you get in touch with Schwarzenegger, and why did you look for information from Archbishop Desmond?"

"Answer me." as soon as his scalp hurt, Morpheus felt that his hair was grabbed by someone. He was scared and immediately closed his eyes. "I didn't see you. I didn't see you. Don't kill me. Please, don't kill me.".

"Bang" was another blow on Murphy's stomach, "tell me, where are those pictures and notes of your family's car frame?".

With his eyes closed, Morpheus did not dare to open his eyes at all. Seeing this, the interrogator laughed and walked behind him, "tell me where swagger is, and we'll let you go.".

"I don't know. The picture was stuffed into my room.".

Morpheus didn't lie, but his interrogators didn't believe it.

The inevitable next step was a bout of torture.

After more than an hour, I was beaten, watered, and even injected with special drugs, but I still couldn't find out.

Three mercenaries began to be impatient. One of them made a phone call and nodded to the other two, "I'll take a break. You take care of him.".

"Ha ha, don't worry, it's not the first time to do this," a strong man took out a set of equipment from a box, put it on Morpheus and said to Morpheus with a smile according to the parts,

"this is our specially designed suicide suit. After a while, your hand will point to your head obediently, and then I just press your finger and gently hook," bang ", You're going to blow your head. Are you ready, man? We're going to start.

"No, no, let me go. I didn't look at your face. Please let me go," Murphys cried bitterly.

"Bang" there is a punch on Morpheus, "don't you understand? Man, from the beginning of you, Archbishop chadesmond, you are doomed to be killed by us, so don't struggle. If you're not afraid of trouble, we can sink you directly to the bottom of the river. ".

This made the fluke in Morpheus' heart disappear immediately, and he knew that he couldn't escape today.

Just as he was closing his eyes and waiting for death to come, "Pooh Pooh", Morpheus, who had given up struggling, suddenly fell to the ground. Then he felt a warm liquid splashing on his face, and a bloody smell immediately spread to his nose."The enemy, the enemy and the enemy.".

"Putong", the person who yelled was hit by the obstacle and his heart fell to the ground.

And the one who went out to take a pee was still not relaxed when he was turned around.

"Oh, my God, Bryan, you're so unsympathetic. Didn't you see that guy at your convenience? Even if it's going to be done, let's wait for him to relax.

"Shut up, I'm creating the illusion that the hands-on man is Schwarzenegger," Brian said with a smile to Sam, who teased him. "You don't want us to be suspected.".

"OK, OK, what are we going to do next?" Sam said with a low smile. "I just received the news that Philadelphia is searching Schwarzenegger all over the city. The risk of us going back to Philadelphia now is very high.".

"Ha ha, I understand. You ask Bernie to give him the video of Morpheus being arrested, interrogated and nearly killed, and the information of three dead black bear paw mercenaries,

then we'll go out of Philadelphia and wait to see if the FB1 in Philadelphia will act. By the way, leave a unused mobile phone for Morpheus.".

I understand.

More than ten minutes later, the suspended Morpheus heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Then he felt that something had been put into the pockets on both sides of his suit from behind him, and a folding knife was put into his hand.

Since two people who wanted to kill him were sniped from a long distance, Morpheus decided that it was swagger who saved him, so he felt that the people behind him didn't mean any harm, and when he left, he yelled,

"wait, swagger, I know you are innocent, I can help you, don't go.".

It's a pity that Bernie would never meet him. He walked out of the warehouse, got on the bus and left quickly.