As the night passed, Schwarzenegger, who woke up, put on his clothes and hobbled downstairs to see William sitting on the sofa talking on the phone.

And William also saw the downstairs Schwarzenegger, pointed to the nearby table, motioned him to have breakfast first.

Swagger listened to William's phone call while eating breakfast. He thought it was an unimportant call, but he found that the person who called William was probably Benjamin Arthur.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that you were so efficient. You helped me get more than 31 sets of orders in one night. Man, I'm really worthy of the first family in the United States. I'm beginning to like you.".

"What, don't worry. I promise to find out the person. Yes, yes, I already have the clue of Schwarzenegger. I will catch him soon. No problem. I'm sure I can find the mastermind behind the scenes.".

OK, I'll visit Mr. Arthur and Ms. Barbara in Texas sometime. Well, bye.

Hang up the phone, one night there are 155 million pounds of income, which makes William in a very good mood, smiling to sit down across from Schwarzenegger, drink juice and eat breakfast.

"Is that Benjamin Arthur?" Schwarzenegger put up with it for a long time, but in the end he couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it's him. Don't worry, you're worthless and won't sell you. I'm from England and I don't have the heart to ask for credit from Lao Mei," William said with a smile. Then he hesitated for a few seconds and looked up to Schwarzenegger, "do you have a dog?".

"Yes, it's Sam. he's been with me since he was born," swagger said, with a bad feeling. "What's the matter? Is something wrong with Sam? "

"Well, I'm sorry, man, when I read the report in the morning, it was mentioned in the news that you killed your dog before you went out of your mountain home and went to Philadelphia to assassinate Benjamin.".

"FK," Schwarzenegger said fiercely, gritting his teeth and gripping his knife and fork, "it's not over. When I'm well hurt, I'll let them know why they don't mess with my dog.".

William rolled his eyes, and he was also a dog maniac. Like John wick, he killed for the sake of dogs, but he didn't know how John wick was doing now.

"William, how about we make a deal?" Schwarzenegger suddenly said to the stunned William.

"What?" Is thinking of fat base of William confused asked.

Schwarzenegger said gravely, "how about you avenge me and I do things for you?"

"Of course, it's no problem. We are neighbors and friends. You can help me. I'm very relieved," William said shamelessly.

he wanted to recruit Schwarzenegger, otherwise he would save Schwarzenegger himself when he was full, and he not only wanted to recruit Schwarzenegger, but also wanted Schwarzenegger to join Kingsman.

Even if Schwarzenegger doesn't want to be an agent, with his ability to hit a small can 1800 yards away, it's good to be a sniper instructor or a member of special operations.

Although cross Carlos is definitely more powerful than Schwarzenegger, William can't find Carlos for everything. Too much friendship will depreciate.

"You'd better take care of yourself here. When I find out who's behind the scenes, you can do it yourself. Or after you're better injured, if you want to join the investigation, you can make this call.".

After that, William wrote a phone number to Schwarzenegger with his left hand, and then said, "after revenge, you may not be able to stay in the United States. It happens that I have a good job waiting for you in England, and old Mr. Schwarzenegger probably also very much wants you to live in London.".

"Thank you", Schwarzenegger nodded gratefully, and then thought of something to take out his mobile phone, "my mobile phone is flooded, but there are two frame numbers in it, which should be helpful for you to check the behind the scenes.".

Instead of answering Schwarzenegger's cell phone, William apologized with a smile and said, "I'm sorry. I've been checking your cell phone last night because I've been searching behind the scenes.".

Swagger rolled his eyes. "Well, I should thank you for not lying to me, or I should call you an asshole.".

"Whatever, you were a jerk when you were young. I just learned from you," William said with a smile.

After breakfast and chatting for a while, William said goodbye to Schwarzenegger and drove to the airport.

After arriving at the airport and entering the VIP waiting room, private aircraft captain Keane quickly stepped forward to say hello to William, "boss, the plane is ready. We can fly to Rio anytime.".


Now when he goes to Brazil, he doesn't want to leave any evidence of his presence in the United States, so that he won't be suspected by Charles mien, a Montana volunteer who is behind the scenes.

how much energy does the military industrial complex have? William knows very well that if he can't plot against them in the dark, he certainly won't show up in person.

Second, before he asked Ambrosius to wait for himself in Brazil, the time was almost a month. Before he stayed in London, he could use many things to prevaricate. Now everyone else has come to the United States. If he doesn't go to Ambrosius again, he might go directly to the London manor to find him.

He doesn't want Ambrosius and Abigail to meet. It's better to stay in Europe one by one and America the other.

However, although others left, Schwarzenegger's business was not ignored. After William's plane took off, members of Brian mills team, Sam, Bernie, Casey and Clarence, just walked out of the airport in Philadelphia.After finding the car prepared by the person in the dark net, Sam asked Brian, "Brian, what do we do?"

"First, go to the Philadelphia FB1 agent named Nick Murphys mentioned by the boss. Nick is the first person to contact Schwarzenegger after the sniper case, but he was robbed of his gun and car by Schwarzenegger's uniform, which made the Philadelphia FB1 make a big fool of himself.

he must want to get rid of his scandal now. As long as he is given some clues, Mr. Murphys may keep investigating,

and attack Benjamin- Maybe Arthur's behind the scenes is staring at him right now. We'll use him as a bait to see if we can lure the people behind the scenes out.

"OK", five members of Brian's team drove a six seater commercial car to Fei City. With Sunday's guidance, they found Nick without much effort.

In the business car, Bernie, who is good at conversation and concealment, put the mask in his pocket, then put on his sunglasses and took the paper bag from Sam.

Nodding to his teammates, he opened the door, got out of the car and went to Nick Murphy's restaurant.

Walking into the dining room, Bernie found a place where he could observe the whole dining room, sat down, ordered a lunch, and watched the whole dining room secretly while eating.

It took about ten minutes to find that someone was really staring at Nick Murphy. Bernie quietly finished his lunch, walked out of the restaurant and went back to the car.

He said to Brian, "there's someone staring at Nick. What do we do now, continue to contact Nick according to the plan, or turn around and stare at the person who's staring at Nick.".

Before Brian said it, Sam on the side said, "the person who stares at Nick now is not necessarily the person the boss wants us to check, maybe the person from the internal investigation room of FB1.".