After being chased for a whole day, Benjamin and Benning almost died several times during the day. Of course, they don't want to let anyone who has something to do with it go.

On the bus to the air raid shelter headquarters, William told his plan in front of Benjamin, Benning and Barney, who was driving,

Benning asked many questions to make sure that Benjamin would not be in danger and agreed to help William act.

Now, as William promised, Benjamin is safe and will soon be able to leave the powder keg in London.

This made William become a trustworthy person in the eyes of the tough guy Benning. He took out a bright silver cz83 pistol from his armpit holster and said to William,

"this is the gun of my boss, Ms. Lin Jacobs, the chief secret service officer. She died in the crash of Navy one. Unfortunately, I have to escort Mr. Zongtong to leave. I can't avenge Lin personally, so please use it, man This gun takes out bakawi and his family.

also make complaints about the banning's rescue of several times in her own barrel, so that Benjamin can turn around and look at the other place as if she didn't hear it. William just reached out to take the gun in banning's hand.

thought that he was CZ83 in the heart. She looked at the market in a larger class. "I can't miss it," said Benjamin. Help you fulfill your wish.

It's a pity that Benning, with some simple thoughts, didn't recognize William's meaning and said happily, "I thank you for Lynn, William.".

After the conversation, Harry reminded, "gentlemen, although I think it's safe here, you'd better start as soon as possible and stay away from the source of danger.".

"Well," Benning nodded approvingly, shaking hands with Harry, and carrying Benjamin, who also shook hands with Harry, onto the plane.

When they closed the cabin door, they waved goodbye to William Harry again.

Watching the plane take off, then take off and slowly disappear into the sky, William said to Harry, "now, I've finally sent this God of plague away, and I've saved half of my salary.

if you want to drink, please come to me earlier, or I'll either stay in the castle or go to Brazil for a vacation in a while.".

"No problem. I'll call you when it's over," Harry nodded.

Driving the car of the secret service academy to a hiding place, William directly abandoned the car and drove the portal back to the basement of his manor.

I took a shower, changed my clothes into pajamas, and lay on the sofa watching the battle scene in 3D virtual imaging.

Five or six hundred spider robots and black front UAVs monitored the air defense cloth headquarters for 2 kilometers, giving Sunday a direct perspective of God.

the battle was just over 20 minutes. The anti-terrorism combat team in the anti-terrorism building not only guarded the building and killed dozens of besieged enemies, but also had no other casualties except two people injured by stray bullets.

This made all the people who took part in the battle obey Sunday's orders completely, and they were grateful and admired for William, because the voice of Sunday's orders was all William's.

After being beaten back by two waves of attacks and losing dozens of people, the attack of the air fighters and mercenaries could not help but come down.

seeing this situation, on Sunday, they immediately asked the 22 airborne teams to step out of the ambush and divide them into four combat groups to fight back from behind or beside the air fighters.

The attack suffered heavy losses. Now it was attacked from behind. Many mercenaries who took money and worked hard immediately fled.

Some of them fled, and the rest of them were immediately weakened. Sunday's forecast shows that the battle on the other side of the anti-terrorism building should soon come to an end.

The 96 SAS members on board the other 12 helicopters, on Sunday's order, went straight to the abandoned building where bakawi's two sons lived.

Knowing that there are a lot of stinger air defense eggs in the abandoned building, he didn't agree with the SAS operation leader's plan of rapid landing on the top floor of the building on Sunday,

instead, he let all fighters stay away from the building and land safely, divided them into 12 combat groups, surrounded the abandoned building in all directions, and then steadily pushed forward according to the information provided on Sunday.

It took half an hour to clear all the warning points and ambush points in the periphery quietly and without casualties, and occupy a favorable place before formally attacking bakawi's nest.

A few minutes after the battle, ground troops and snipers were staring at all the windows, shooting the possible stinger eggs, hovering in the distance, finding out the fire point, and leaning over to fire missiles at the abandoned building.

For a moment, the whole abandoned building was shrouded in the explosion.

If it wasn't for the idea of capturing the bacawis alive in the upper echelons of England, or simply seeing the attack go so smoothly, some people began to take credit for it.

Otherwise, the 12 armed helicopters will blow up the entire abandoned building with only the guiding eggs on board.

After someone gave an order over Sunday and guessed that he wanted to take credit, William narrowed his eyes and asked Sunday to hand over the command.

in many cases, the credit would be more prominent if there was a contrast.

On Sunday, pretending to be his commander, he fought two battles with zero casualties. William did not believe that anyone could monitor all the firepower points and dangers as he did on Sunday.Sure enough, as William expected, after handing over the command, the SAS who rushed into the building soon suffered casualties.

Although the members of SAS are elite, they all follow blindly. From the perspective of God, they suddenly become the normal mode. Normal people can't adapt to it in a short time.

With the air fighters fighting back, casualties inevitably began to appear, and the more they went upstairs, the greater the casualties.

Fortunately, the empty elements in the building are scattered on all floors. If they are not killed or injured after a random explosion, even if they fight back, they can't form an organized counterattack. They can only guard every corridor and room in twos and threes.

After half an hour's fighting in the corridor, SAS people paid more than 20 casualties, and finally reached the penultimate floor of the building. It was another desperate resistance.

Amur bakawi listened to the approaching gunfire. He could only hold the detonator, hold his brother and say goodbye to his father Amir bakawi in Colombia. "Father, the Revenge of the bakawi family is not over, you have to live.".

Amir bakawi nodded fiercely and said, "don't worry, don't kill Benjamin Arthur, Michael Benning who killed your brother Zara, and William Devonshire who ruined our affairs. I will never let go. The hatred of bakawi family never stops.".

William, who was watching them, suddenly said to Sunday, "can you destroy the detonator?"

Yes, sir.

"Then destroy it and keep this video for the Americans and the English. It may have unexpected benefits," William ordered, squinting.

After some parting, the gunfire came closer and closer. Amur bakawi pressed the detonator in his hand.
