Hearing Benning's words, the crowd immediately looked at the monitor, and eight soldiers with full American style arms appeared in the monitor.

"Well, these mercenaries are quite efficient, two minutes earlier than expected," William said, looking at his watch.

"How do you know they're mercenaries?" Benning asked without looking back.

"Ha, look carefully, I'm sure you can find that they are disguised.".

After watching for a few seconds, with his rich experience and his poster background, Benning soon realized that these people are not here to support them,

"FK, they are not our people. They are fully armed with at least 20 kg of things, but these people don't sweat, and the time is not right. We've only been here for 22 minutes, and they're coming too fast.".

Immediately he turned to Jacqueline and said, "where's the weapons room?"

"Wait a minute." without waiting for Benning and Jacqueline to get the weapons, William called out to both of them, "my people are outside. If you make sure these people are not your own, I can help them, even if you want to capture them alive, but if you want to capture them alive, there will be some extra charges.".

"Hell, haven't you already taken the money?" Benning speechless staring at a straight windbreaker, looks like William, the son of a rich family, "I've never hated a capitalist like you at this moment.".

But banning didn't think for a few seconds, and pointed to the mercenary who was obviously like the head, "it's a long time to catch this head alive.".

"Well, well, Mr. Devonshire, for the sake of inviting you and your girlfriend miss Ambrosius to the White Palace dinner a few months ago, don't be kidding.".

Benjamin didn't wait for William to make an offer. He said, "if you have time, I'll invite you and miss Ambrosius to the new year's party again, which will be of great help to her career.".

"Hehe, although I'm not interested, I still want to thank you," William said to the death squads with his fingers over his ears, "except the leader, all the others will be killed.".

"Yes, boss," Barney replied immediately.

As soon as the words came to an end, gongna, Yinyang and Barney, who were lying in ambush at the place where the mercenary appeared, appeared the shooting target assigned on Sunday in their helmets. There was a sound of gunfire. Seven mercenaries on the monitor were turned over before they made any action.

The leader was shot twice in the arms by Barney.

Gongna, who was lying in ambush in the corridor opposite the safe house, walked out of the corridor, tied up the head, hands and feet of the mercenary who had lost his hands three or two times, carried them up, came to the door outside the safe house and waved to the camera.

With a click, the door opened, and gonna, carrying the captured mercenary, went upstairs and entered the room. He threw the mercenary on his shoulder on the ground and said, "boss, I know this guy.".

"Do you know him?" Benning looked at gunner, who was wrapped in a black combat suit and helmet. "Man, are your combat suits bulletproof? What's the weight? "

It's a pity that Gunners don't care about Benning. They say to William, "these people must be desert hyenas. Only these people will ignore everything else for money.".

Just as gunner tried to pull out the knife that was tied to his leg, William called out, "stop.".

Gunner, with his hand on the handle, looked at William strangely.

"Go back and do 500 push ups for me. I said that you are not allowed to use marked weapons when you are on my mission," William said calmly.

"I understand." gunner, with his body on his side, blocked the skeleton crow sign of the death squads on the handle, put on the knife sleeve, lowered himself, pulled a dagger from the bound mercenary, and cut off his back clothes.

Soon you will see the head of hyenas on the mercenary's back. Gunner continued, "I've dealt with these people, boss. I suggest that if you can, you'd better find a way to kill all these hyenas in London, otherwise we may be in trouble.".

"Well," William asked Benning, nodding, "do you still need to ask this guy?"

Benning shook his head after thinking about it. "No, just know the origin of these people.".

William nodded to gunner and said, "take this guy down and get rid of it. Get the car ready. We'll go to London's air raid shelter headquarters later.".

"I see," said gunner, holding the mercenary's head, wringing his hands, and then carrying him back downstairs without looking back.

A few minutes later, Barney reported that the car was ready, and William said to Benjamin, "come on, gentlemen, I'll take you to London anti emptiness headquarters, where you should be safe.".

Benjamin and Benning nodded and did not ask William why he did not go to the Foreign Affairs Office of the United States. Both of them knew that it was more dangerous to go to the foreign affairs office than to the anti empty cloth headquarters.

In the sky, there was a black front drone exploring the way. The group walked around, stopped and turned several circles, and came to the London air raid shelter headquarters unharmed.

Walking into the command center, commander Richard bloomley shakes hands with Benjamin and informs Downing Street and old America.

While William stepped aside with a smile, watching Benjamin talking with Lao Mei, scanning a man named John Lancaster with mental energy,After he secretly sent the news that Benjamin was in the headquarters to the barkawys on the satellite phone,

William took out the pistol under his arm,

went to John Lancaster's back, pointed the gun at his head, grabbed the satellite phone, and said, "thank you, Mr. Lancaster. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to find the inside ghost Then help us find out where the bakawi gang are. Should I say you are loyal or you are a fool.

Hearing William's words, everyone was dubious. Only Jacqueline came quickly and took the satellite phone that William threw to her. Soon she found the message that John Lancaster had not come to delete.

The satellite phone is passed through Benjamin and put away by William. Whether it can lead to other traitors depends on whether John Lancaster has a very high position among the traitors.

William didn't believe that a single John Lancaster could do such a big thing.

He stunned John Lancaster with a punch, took back his gun, clapped his hands and yelled, "guys, if I were you, I'd arm right away, and soon this place would be a battlefield. As for the civilian staff, if you don't want to make contributions, you'll have a holiday from now on.".

"Go, go, go, move it all.".

Many quick witted people immediately realized that William had captured the traitor John Lancaster alive and brought Benjamin here. If there were other traitors in the air raid cloth headquarters, bacawy and those England traitors would have a great chance to attack here.