"Money", the church was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly the word came out.

"FK, do you think I don't know this option?" Ray Monroe said angrily, "GAD, how much do I have to pay William Devonshire to move him?"

"Let's put it another way. It's good for him to talk to him about terms. As long as we can make him excited, I can't think that William, who is dying for money, will refuse,

ray, I know William, otherwise you won't come here to talk to me, a former C1a director who is waiting to resign. It's safer to talk to him about money than to blow up Devonshire square directly, or you'd better pray that we won't It was found out.

William Devonshire may even take revenge on our family. Don't tell me that you don't know what he has done. He is colder and heartless than we think.

even if he won't take revenge immediately because we are in a high position, there will always be ordinary times for us. At that time, how do you plan to face William Devon who has money and doesn't know how to spend it Hill.

Thinking of the information he saw about what William had done, ray Monroe thought for a long time,

"I can't think of any conditions I can put forward to make a person who can earn hundreds of millions of dollars a day excited, and I'm just the deputy head of C1a,

Monroe was silent for a moment, sighed," come on, I'll go to Mr. trum bull, the deputy chief executive Report back and see how he decides.

"That's best. I suggest you don't care what conditions you can give William. In a word, promise him first, and save Benjamin's barrel. Goodbye, ray.".

"Wait, you don't leave. Go outside and wait. Maybe Mr. trum bull needs to hear your assessment of William Devonshire.".

"Yes, I'll wait outside the conference room, but I have to change my military uniform. From now on, my relationship with you is not a superior subordinate relationship, but a colleague relationship. Please call me Colonel Colton in the future.".

At the end of the call, he said on Sunday, "Sir, I watched Monroe afterwards and found out that he didn't give up the idea of laying fried eggs in four commercial buildings in Devonshire square.".

On Sunday, ray Monroe continued to talk with other people,

"let our people go to Devonshire square secretly, and install remote-controlled fried eggs in the four commercial buildings belonging to William Devonshire. We have no choice but to force him to approach us.".

"I understand." an old man's voice said, "take it as if you don't know. I'll take care of it.".

Monroe thought, "OK.".

At the end of the conversation, William asked hastily, "who? Who is the last person? "

"Ward Abbott, director of special operations, C1a, sir.".

"Information, give me this information called ward Abbott". The familiar name made William stand up suddenly, and he couldn't help thinking that it was the fragment in the memory.

After a few seconds of calm on Sunday, it suddenly reported, "Sir, I need to invade a special server, I need your authorization.".

"Is there a risk of exposure? Find the old man without risk.

"Got it." half a minute later, Sunday meeting reported, "director of the ward Abbott stumbling block program.".

"FK," thinking about what the stumbling block plan is, and then thinking about the purpose and original intention of the stumbling block plan, as well as the habits of action,

William laughs, "it's fun. Ward Abbott, an old bastard, will blow up my building.

I didn't expect that I had even made a plan to let the bacawys take the blame, and now someone jumped out on his own Help me finish the plan,

however, hehe, this is the best way, so that the bakawi family won't do it, and I have to blow up my own commercial building myself. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone in the end. ".

Then William yelled, "send the black front drone and spider robot to stare at the U.S. foreign affairs museum in Devonshire square,

If I want to know every move of anyone who goes out of the foreign affairs museum, I'd better take a video of how they install fried eggs in my four commercial buildings.".

Understand, sir, drone carrier and spider robot launcher have set off.

Half an hour later, William was lying on the sofa, looking at Lao meiwai, who was being watched by spider robots and drones,

"ding ding ding ding ding" satellite call prompt suddenly sounded.

"Sir, this time on the satellite network, the link is waiting for US Deputy General Manager trumbul," Sunday News reported.

Hearing this, William hesitated to sit up and thought for a few minutes before he said, "take it.".

Yes, satellite video link.

Looking at his pajamas, he thought about what he would say later. Apart from standing up, William didn't change his clothes. He had to create a sense of not paying attention to these old beauties and being sure.

Video connection, a long conference table and sitting in the middle of the black old man trum bull appeared in his eyes.

"Good afternoon, Mr. bull," William waved. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I was just taking a nap."."Never mind, Mr. Devonshire. We're interrupting your nap.".

Trumburg said quietly, with no sign of anger on his face, as if William had not paid attention to the church before and had not made them wait for a few minutes.

But the faces of a few people on the side were not very good.

Seeing that the church, which was wearing military uniform, was also sitting on the conference table, William showed a strange smile and said, "Hey, church, aren't you from C1a? Why are you in uniform? Still sitting at such a high-level table. ".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Devonshire. Do we know each other?" Church look unchanged, but the heart is secretly tight tight, thought William did not find him and Ray - Monroe conversation.

But he didn't dare to do anything extra, and then said, "my name is Colton. I'm a colonel in the U.S. Army. I'm not the church you said.".

"Well, it's who you say it is," William said, turning his eyes back on trum bull, who was smiling all the time. "I'm sorry, although I'd like to say it's a great honor to meet all the top people in the United States at one time, what can I do for you?".

"Help us find Mr. Benjamin Arthur," trum bull promised without any nonsense, "as long as you can save him, as long as Benjamin and I are in office in the future, we will try our best to help you do anything that does not violate the law and morality and harm the United States.".

"Ha ha," said trum bull, who thought he was, William would believe it.

But if the church had been involved in his secret conversation with ray Monroe, it would have reminded trum bull that William would not believe this promise without definite conditions.

William's mind was the same as the church's guess at this time. This kind of promise was really just listening to him.

he thought scornfully that it was more insincere than the leaders of several countries who had been saved by him and promised benefits, so he also lied with his eyes open, but there was one sentence in his lie that the group of people in the video wanted to hear most.