"Ah", the dart suddenly appeared. Micah screamed and ran up the steps.

"Mika's in trouble," Gerard, who was far behind, immediately yelled in his headphones, "Luke, protect Mika.".

"I see." Luke Hobbes, with 11 armed men, opens the back door of the van, sets up the tactical formation and goes to Mika,.

A few meters later, Mika's window was suddenly broken. Two assassins with black clothes and hoods jumped out of the third floor and threw darts at Mika.

Heiniu was lucky. She was just frightened by the darts, and now she heard the sound of the broken glass. She walked down two steps. She was so scared that her feet faltered and rolled down the steps.

Although the fall was very painful, it also saved her life. Only one of the five or six darts hit her arm.

"Jingle Dang" a few sound of metal hitting the marble came out. More than 20 meters away, Luke Hobbes raised the M4 in his hand, pulled the trigger on the two assassins who had just landed, and a burst of strafing shot people into a sieve.

The rest of the team carried the muzzle of the gun to all sides, alert to Mika who fell to the ground silent.

When he gets close to Micah, Luke Hobbes squats down on her neck and feels her pulse. Then he looks up at Micah's home and vaguely sees an assassin with a black headgear standing by the window looking at him.

Not only that, the other side also made a singing movement with his finger on his neck. Luke immediately raised the gun to return a bullet to the other side, but missed it.


a dozen darts suddenly shot at Luke from the dark.

Several assassins took advantage of the tactical team to raise their heads, hid in the dark, moved and fired darts. As soon as they contacted, they killed three special combat team members and seriously injured one person.

"Covert, covert" Luke lies on the ground, raises his gun, shoots in the direction of the darts, kills an assassin, holds the comatose Mika, hides beside the car on the street, holds the walkie talkie microphone and shouts, "cover, cover.".

"Daddada", the reaction of the special combat team, while shooting, looking for shelter, with the advantage of the number and firepower, fighting for dozens of seconds, once again pay the price of three people seriously injured, kill the three assassins hiding in the dark,

after the cease-fire, waiting for a moment, did not find danger, the people who can stand vigilantly went to the four fallen Companions to check,

the distant siren was slow Slowly, everyone was relieved, helped the injured Companions to cover each other and retreated to their car. A moment later, the two cars rushed out of the street to the hospital.

When he came to the hospital and sent the wounded to the operating room, Luke mentioned the FB1's Gerald in the corridor, "asshole, the information you gave me didn't say that you were facing the haunted ninja.".

"Calm down, calm down, Luke," Gerald explained, aware of his fault. "I'm sorry, man, but even if I told you it was Ninja opposite, would you believe it?"

"Well?" Luke and the rest of the special forces who had nothing to do were stunned for a moment. It seemed that they would not believe it. When FK thought that there were only five of the 12 people who could stand before starting, three of them were hanged and four of them were seriously injured, Luke was furious.

If there were not only six assassins, a few more, they might be wiped out today.

Let go of Gerrard, Luke said bitterly, "tell me all, my people can't die in vain.".

"No problem," said Gerald, pleased to see that Luke wanted revenge. He had been hiding in the car during the battle just now and had a clear picture of what had happened. Now he would never want to fight with the assassins who were haunted and merciless.

On the other side, David Maslow, who had just been saved by the Black Ghost, looked at the five bodies lying on the ground in horror. He had just entered the house, but he had not turned on the light when his clothes were pulled from behind to the corner.

Several darts immediately appeared in the seat where he just stood and hit the person who saved him. However, the darts didn't shoot through the body, but fell to the ground jingling.

Then six men in black fight in his living room. Finally, the man who saved him with dark lenses on his head and eyes killed the other five people and disappeared into the dark.

"From the time you investigate Ozu Nu, they won't give up on your assassination until you die.".

"Who, who, come out, come out," Maslow said, holding a gun and pointing in the direction of the voice. "Who are you? Why save me.

After waiting for a long time without any response, Maslow walked cautiously to the switch with his gun, turned on the light, and saw five bodies and a piece of white paper stabbed on the wall with a dart.

A closer look, white paper is a coordinates and hand drawn map, the map in the middle of the written Ozu crossbow, Maslow quickly understand that this is the address of Ozu Crossbow's nest.

Then he received a text message with no number displayed on his mobile phone. When he opened it, Maslow was horrified to find that the address of her ex-wife's home was written on the text message,

and there was another paragraph: "if you can't kill you, Ozu will go to your children, even kidnap them to train them, and finally what will happen when your children come back, you can think for yourself.".

Seeing these words, Maslow's panic heart was immediately covered with anger. He gritted his teeth and found a number on his mobile phone and dialed it out. As for whether it was calculated or not, he can't care now.After getting through the phone, Maslow made some painful promises to the person on the other end of the phone to get help from the other side, and then immediately called his ex-wife.


"drip ring ring", Gerald's mobile phone rings in his pocket. He takes out the phone to see if it's Maslow, the supervisor. As soon as he gets through, he hears Maslow say, "is something wrong with you?"

"You know so soon?"

Gerrard told Maslow what had just happened. Maslow at the other end of the phone heard it and said in silence for a moment, "you come back first. I have a task for you.".

I see. I'm going back.

"Well, by the way," Maslow finally asked, "how's Mika?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem.".

That's good. I'll see you later.

Hang up the phone, Gerald just started to walk, was pulled by Luke, "I'll go with you, don't want to leave me.".

"OK", seeing that Luke wanted to eat, he wanted to take his Gerrard with him and nodded at once, "but what you see and hear later must be kept secret.".

"No problem.".

Luke said a few words to his teammates, then drove to the office building with Gerald and walked into Maslow's office. Gerald introduced Maslow and Luke to each other and sat down.

Maslow looked at Gerrard hesitantly, and Gerrard said, "head, I promise Luke can trust him. If he didn't kill three assassins today, it's hard to say whether we can come back. Mika can't live.".

"No, you're wrong, Gerrard. I'm not responsible for Micah's life," Luke shook his head.

"what do you mean?" Asked Gerard, looking at Luke in surprise.