After receiving the task of looking for Lao Guan, several of hannis's men went downstairs to the parking lot. Murphy and Jim went to hannis's car and opened the door.

Murphy got on the car. Just as Jim was about to get on the car, he suddenly saw that there was a wire near the fuel tank. Jim was so surprised that he yelled to Murphy in the cab, "stop, don't move, don't move, Murphy, get on the car It's like fried eggs.

"FK", just about to start the car, Murphy came out in a cold sweat, swallowing saliva, shaking his hand holding the key a few times. If Jim reminds him one second later, he will turn the key to hit the car, and the car will be blown up.

Jim outside the car is also nervous. If it blows up, he can't run unless he loses his partner and runs away by himself.

Walking slowly to the side of the tank, Jim reached for the tank cap and pulled it off very slowly. Then he saw that the two wires went all the way into the tank shell and slowly pulled out the wires. When he saw that the phosphor powder on the wires didn't go into the tank, Jim breathed in his heart and pulled out a small note, which said "name".

Hell, it's just a warning. Jim's legs are soft and he holds the roof of the car. After a few seconds, he steadies his mind and pats the roof of the car. He says to Murphy, who is also scared to death, "it's OK, it's OK.".

Murphy quickly opened the car door and got out of the car. He went to the fuel tank and looked at the phosphor on the wire and the note Jim handed over. "The mechanism didn't put into the fuel tank, otherwise we might have met God.".

"Name", Murphy looked at the words on the note and yelled, "this crazy old man, God, don't let me catch him. I'll give him a good beating.".

After hearing the news, the other bodyguards came to see that it was ok, so they came forward to check.

Ten minutes later, Nicky, the head of the bodyguard in hannis' office, came in with wires and phosphor blocks and reported, "this mechanism is two one meter long wires, one connected to the light filament of the trunk, the other bound with phosphor blocks. As long as a dozen cars are in use, the phosphor blocks will burn and ignite the fuel tank. Fortunately, this is a warning again, the purpose is to prove that he can get close to you "You".

"Ding Ling Ling" the head of the bodyguard's mobile phone rings, "hello.".

"After receiving the information, the old man stayed in a private hotel in the city yesterday, but he hasn't gone back yet. What do you want to do?"

"Wait for me, we'll ambush him." Nicky was relieved. In his opinion, as long as we find someone, it's not easy to catch Guan Yuming. He said to hannis, "find his residence, I'll take people to ambush him.".

Hannis thought about it. Although there were a lot of accidents today, Guan Yuming didn't want to die. All he did was to make a list, so hannis said, "well, if you catch him and give him a warning, you can drive him away.".

I see. I'll go.

"Be careful.".

Nicky, with three hands, drove all the way to a private hotel called Puyol. He called the owner of the hotel and confirmed that Guan Yuming had not come back. Four people got out of the car and went into the hotel and searched Guan Yuming's room.

Guan Yuming, who is not far from hannis' office, looks at his cell phone with a smile and sees that four Nicky enter his room and says to Sunday, "I'm going up to see hannis now. You can help me set off the shock bomb and anesthetic bomb in two minutes.".

"OK, Mr. Guan, two minutes.".

"Thank you, Sunday. I'll treat you to dinner when it's over. I made the Chinese food myself," Lao Guan said with a smile as he got out of the car.

Just after the explosion, no one was seen in the office building for a long time. Lao Guan walked up to hannis' office with a smile on his face. On Sunday, a voice came, "Mr. Guan, four people in your room have passed out.".

"Thank you", Lao Guan nodded, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Then he saw Nicky Murphy lying on the ground. "It won't be an accident.".

"Don't worry, Mr. Guan, the window of your room has been broken by the explosion of the shock bomb. Under the air circulation, they don't inhale much anesthetics, so they won't be in danger of life." then he played the video on Laoguan's mobile phone on Sunday.

At the beginning of the picture, four Nicky people walk into the room, then one stands by the window and looks out, and the other three start to search the whole room,

however, within 2 minutes, a sharp "touch" sound of a shock bomb rings in the room, and the four people ambush in the room are like being hit on the forehead with a hammer, their ears are buzzing with dizziness.

Then there was a slight burst, a burst of gas dispersed in the room, more than ten seconds later, four people were all numb.

"Nothing is good, so as not to kill the wrong person", put away the mobile phone, old knock on the door "buckle".

"Come in," said hannis's secretary.

As soon as the door opened, the Secretary screamed. Hannis in the office heard the Secretary scream. He took a pistol out of the drawer and came out with it.

As soon as he saw Guan standing in the middle of the room, hannis immediately pointed a gun at him, "asshole, you asshole dare to come.".

"You asked me to come, deputy secretary hannis. Now that I'm here, can you tell me who the killer is?"

"You, you" hannis is calm and angry, just want to hit people, put away the gun, "hell, I told you I don't know, I'm also looking into this matter."."Then tell me what you found, thank you.".

"FK, again, I don't know," hannis pointed to Lao Guan and said helplessly to his secretary, "Beth, call Nicky and ask them to come back, and then escort the old man back to London.".

"Yes, sir." the Secretary picked up the phone and dialed Nicky's phone. But the phone rang for a long time and no one answered. The Secretary, Beth, shook her head and looked at him. Hannis said, "no one's listening.".

"What, then fight Murphy, fight Jim.".

Beth nodded and dialed again. But a minute later, all the four people dialed again and again, but none of them answered.

"You, you, you," hannis looked at the calm Guan Yuming, raised his gun and asked, "what have you done to my men, you bastard?".

"Don't be nervous, they just fainted, but if you don't say it, I don't know what the consequence will be," Guan Yuming said in a low voice, covering his ears. "On Sunday, pass the image to Mr. hannis.".

"OK, Mr. Guan, the image transmission is finished.".

"Ding", hannis's mobile phone rang out a text message, took out the mobile phone, saw his four men lying on the ground, life and death do not know.

Guan Yuming did not wait for hannis to export and asked, "tell me the name.".

"FK, FK, FK, I told you that I don't know." hannis almost had a heart attack because of Guan Yuming's stubbornness.

Seeing that hannis really didn't know, Guan Yuming said helplessly, "well, I'll see you in two days. I hope you can find out who the killer is then.".

"You don't want to go anywhere," hannis raised his gun and pointed at Guan Yuming.