She put on her coat and drove to Catherine's office with her car key. She was taken upstairs by someone like a secretary and opened the door of the office. Before entering the office, William's mental scan found that there was no one in the office,

he was wary of traps. Suddenly, he found that the LCD on the wall was on, and the display was a meeting room with eight people in front I'll listen to Katherine.

"Hi, William, you're here." as soon as you look around, you can see Garris coming far away. "Come on in, Katherine is in a meeting. Don't let outsiders know about our meeting.".

"Well," he said as he walked into the office, pointing to Arthur Kane on the monitor, "what does that mean? How old Arthur Kane is here.".

"The old man is here to find fault," said Garris contemptuously.

"Find fault?" William was surprised. "How dare he? Isn't ace secret service academy and Kingsman led by Catherine, the security secretary, like your Security Council and MI-6?"

"If this is the case, things will be easy to handle," said Garris, shaking his head. "Although Kingsman is under the leadership of Catherine, they usually do things by themselves and report to the higher authorities only after they have finished the work. This time, I don't know what kind of medicine Arthur is taking, and he even wants to intervene in the things they shouldn't care about.".

"What do you mean, come to me? Kill Arthur? " "I'd be happy to do it," William quipped.

, "NO, don't mess around, man," Gareth said in a hurry. "Catherine and I hope you can secretly investigate the explosion today. We have a hunch that this kind of thing is likely to happen again."

William squinted. "So sure? So you know who did it? "

"Well, judging from the explosive residue detected at the scene, it is very likely that it was the work of one of erland's proximity groups. If they will make a suggestion these days, there is still the possibility of easing things. I'm afraid they won't make any mention of it.".

"Haha," William said with a smile, "if you don't make any conditions, that means these guys will make trouble in London for the purpose of sabotage? Man, it looks like you're bored.

Garris nodded solemnly, "yes, so Catherine and I think it's better to send out all hands and catch them before the other party makes a second attack.".

"Well!" As soon as Garris finished, William frowned and looked at the monitor. The image in the monitor should have been taken by a hidden camera, and one of them could just capture Arthur Kane's right ear back.

Looking carefully, he suddenly snapped his fingers and said to Sunday, "Sunday, help me see what's behind Arthur Kane's ears"

"OK, sir"

"what's the matter?" Garris asked strangely.

"Look first, I hope I'm wrong," William said grimly.

More than ten seconds later, Sunday sent a few photos on the mobile phone. After reading the photos, William was a little lost. He turned his head and stared at Garris and said, "let me see the back of your ear.".

"What do you mean? What's the matter? "

"Hurry up," William said impatiently, reaching into his clothes and taking out a pistol from the storage space. "Don't make me do it.".

"OK, OK". When he saw William's action, Garris quickly raised his hands and realized that it was not a joke. He must have found something terrible. "Be careful of the fire." then he turned his head to let William see his ears clearly.

William was relieved to see that there was no scar on the back of garrisle. "I'm sorry, man. You tell Katherine to come first, and I'll tell you when I'm sure she's OK.".

With that, William sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and recalled the memory in his mind. After thinking clearly, he covered his head with a headache. If this is really the plot of the ace agent, it would be serious.

A few minutes later, Katherine, who was informed by Garris, came into the office with fatigue. When she came in, she saw Garris, who closed her eyes, pondered and restless.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with me?" asked Catherine.

William stood up, went to Katherine, put on a happy look, stretched out his hands and said, "long time no see, Katherine." then he hugged her,

"asshole, let me go, are you crazy? William Devonshire, are you harassing me.

With the struggle of hugging Katherine Gu, William sees that there is no scar behind her ears, and then quickly backs away. Before Katherine scolds her, he hands her a picture of Arthur Kane's ear back on his mobile phone.

Katherine, who is about to scold, is stunned when she sees the picture, "what do you mean?"

"Ha ha, I don't know if you've heard of technology like brain wave controller?" William squinted.

"Of course, with the cutting-edge science fiction technology, how can I not know?" Katherine nodded. "What's this to do with the scar on Arthur's ear.".

"Relationship? Ha, it's a big deal. I'm sure this old guy is not one of us anymore.

"Not our people, brain waves?" Garris looked at William strangely. "You don't want to say that Arthur is controlled. How is that possible.

He's Kingsman's head, the king's gentleman's head, and he has nine ace agents in his hand. Who can control him? "William shook his head. "If you want to know if what I said is true, we can do an experiment.".

Catherine thought for a moment and asked, "is there a risk?".

"Risk? You may all know that I don't like Arthur, the head of Kingsman, so I don't care if there is any risk. It's better for him to die. If you don't care about his life or death, maybe I can prove it to you now. ".

Catherine went to her boss's chair and sat down. She thought for a long time before she said, "what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, you can find a reason to meet Arthur alone, make him dizzy when you talk, and then scan Arthur's ear with a scanning instrument,

the only risk is that Arthur's brain wave controller may explode if it anti steals the program.".

Garris said seriously, "William, this is not a joke. Kingsman is the oldest secret service organization. You can see their full name, the king's gentleman.

these guys not only have the right to freedom of movement, but also have a very good relationship with the royal family and nobles. If they make a mistake, it's very troublesome to appease them. Are you sure?"

"Ha, you all say that Arthur is the head of the secret service. The probability of his injury should be very, very low, and you've heard that kind of operation requires such a long wound on the back of the ear?"

This reminded Catherine, thinking for a moment, pressing the phone on her desk and saying, "Arthur, please come to my office. I have something to discuss with you.".

Arthur in the conference room, smiling at Catherine's words, stood up and nodded to the others, "excuse me, gentlemen.".

Arthur, who thought Catherine was soft hearted and needed his help, smiles, knocks on the door and walks into Katherine's office. Before he speaks, his neck hurts and he loses consciousness.