"OK," Wilson nodded. "You just know it." he took out his cell phone and made a call. A minute later, there was a knock on the door in the deluxe private room.

William said "please come in" and saw Thomas, the head of Wilson's bodyguard, open the door and come in with five or six Chinese people. However, to William's surprise, one of them, William, had been waiting for several days.

After half a second's silence, William walked forward with a smile and shook hands with the guests. After politeness, he led them into the reception room of the deluxe private room and sat down. William said directly, "I think Wilson should have told you the reason for this meeting.".

Yes, Mr. Devonshire, we are very glad to receive your invitation. There is no problem in the preliminary estimation of time. The only problem is the source of raw materials and the number of engineering teams.

William interrupted, "stop, I'm not interested in how many engineering teams you're looking for, which engineering team you're looking for, and who you're looking for for raw materials. I just want to know if 300 million pounds will be contracted to your group's registered company in England, and whether you can complete the construction of new stadiums and supporting facilities with quality and quantity in two years.".

These days, 300 million pounds is worth nearly 3.7 billion Chinese dollars. In hesitation, William added: "if your plan can satisfy me, I still have a 200 million pound Museum waiting for you in two years.

if you do well in two years, then the demolition of the old stadium and the construction of three high-end residential buildings with more than 20 floors on the original site can also be handed over to you, that's all It's a 700 million pound project.

"What?" Hearing 700 million pounds, several senior executives of a Chinese construction group in England were immediately excited, "Mr. Devonshire, I think we need to suspend the discussion and give you a reply later.".

"No problem," William nodded. "Feel free to call the private room service if you need. See you later, gentlemen.".

Thank you.

William and Wilson, who have not spoken for a long time, walk out of the conference room and stand in front of the floor glass of the private room with Abigail's whisky.

"Do you really contract the whole project to the company registered by China in London? Man, it's a 700 million pound project, and can the Chinese company really build such a big stadium? "

"Can I scold you? Wilson, you are too backward. No one is China's rival in infrastructure construction. "William drank whiskey and said with a smile," and this time, even if they don't make money, they will complete the project on time and with good quality. This is a rare advertising opportunity.

it takes four years for the construction company in England and kangaroo country, but it only takes two years. Can you imagine the advertising effect once they are completed Is it good? And it's not like they don't make money for 700 million.

"I still don't believe it," Wilson shook his head.

Chatting and chatting, before the 3-year-old male horse race, the warm-up 2-year-old horse race started first, and the name and information of the horse were being broadcast on the radio. William patted Wilson, who was not interested in horse racing at all, "OK, man, the first race is about to start, are you interested in playing?"

Wilson shook his head hastily, "don't pull me on horse gambling. If someone knows, I'll be in big trouble.".

"Dizzy, then you help me to advise the head office. You must know more about horses than I did when you were young.".

"Of course, it's no problem to be a consultant. First of all, I'm only responsible for the introduction. There are many unexpected factors in horse racing. Don't blame me if you don't win," Wilson said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just bored and playing around.".

Wilson thought for a while and was not sure, "the probability of No.5, No.6 and No.11 running into the top three is relatively large, but I can't guarantee whether the winner will really enter the top three.".

"Haha, it's OK, just have fun." William picked up the pager in the private room and asked the manager of the private room to buy him a 1 million pound note. No. 5, No. 6 and No. 11 ran into the top three and No. 6 champions.

Wilson waited for William to buy it before he said, "a million pounds is what you mean? God, I'm beginning to regret that I'm talkative. I'm not sure at all. It's strange that you can buy a compound note again.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, he started running. The top three horses were not No. 5.6.11 at all. Wilson shrugged his shoulders. Don't blame me. William laughed, patted Wilson on the shoulder and said, "it's OK, it's just fun.".

Seeing that William was not angry, Wilson said with a smile, "will the end continue?"

"Do you think I look like an idiot?" Wilhelm white Wilson a look, "lost a million, I will be idiotic again according to you said to buy, buy also buy red rabbit.".

"Ha ha, I thought you really didn't take money as money," Wilson said with a smile. "Your trainer didn't tell you that the horse owner would never bet his horse at Royal Ascot.

"Well, what's the rule?"

"Of course," Wilson was sure.

After chatting for half an hour, they finally got to the highlight of today's three-year-old male horse race. The red rabbit ranked seventh today, which is not bad.

William and Wilson didn't wave their hands and yell like the audience in the audience, but Abigail, who looked at the horse for the first time, was a little excited, holding William's arm tightly with his hands and staring at the red rabbit.With a few beeps, more than ten horses rushed out of the starting hurdle. The importance of starting speed race is self-evident. After 300 meters, we can basically see the advantages and disadvantages.

Although the red rabbit horse is a little shorter than the English Thoroughbred horse, it still rushes into the top three after 300 meters.

As soon as he saw that the red rabbit was in the top three, William would smile. According to old Neil, the main trainer of the red rabbit, as long as the starting result is not bad, the red rabbit is very likely to win the second half of the race. Now the first 300 meters are in the top three. As long as there is no accident, the red rabbit will win today.

"Come on, come on, red rabbit", Abigail called the name of red rabbit in a nonstandard tone. After 1600 meters, the third red rabbit began to work hard. It only took 200 meters to run into the first place, and it became more powerful.

Wilson, who was not very excited, began to shout out.

After 2400 meters, when it comes to the sprint stage, the whole audience is shouting the name of red rabbit. It's really because red rabbit's advantage is too big now. It's seven or eight horse positions beyond the second place with more than 500 meters left. This absolute advantage has not appeared in the St. Regis Championship for many years.

And it seems that the advantage is getting bigger and bigger, and the endurance of other horses is obviously reduced. On the contrary, the feeling of red rabbit is that it just starts to warm up now, and it runs faster and faster. When it reaches the finish line, it pulls down the second place and 18 horse positions, breaking the race record with 2:59.43.

"God, God", as soon as he saw the record breaking sign on the big screen, Wilson put his hands over his forehead and looked unbelievable, while Abigail held William down.