"Mom, please don't treat me like a child any more. I'll be 20 years old in two months," William said helplessly.

“20? God, are you 20 so soon? Not 12? I think I'm only 30 years old, how can you be 20? "Lena Guri said strangely.

Well, after hearing this, William immediately understood that it was a phobia of middle age. Almost 40 year old women would have such an idea. How could they be 40 years old,

quickly changed the topic and said, "Mom, you can tell me what color you like in battle armor. He will help you with it on Sunday, or how about tuhaojin like me?"

Lina quickly refused, "screw you, I'm crazy to use the color of tuhaojin. It's too ostentatious." after thinking about it, she said, "red and metal.".

Well, that's the original color of Mark 5, agreed William. "I have to say you have a good eye. On Sunday, paint my armor red and gold. Your choice of local gold is too swanky. I'm not a golden saint.".

Yes sir.

After dealing with the matter, Lina, who is concerned about the team, has no mind to chat with William again. "William, I have to go back to London. The team is in a critical period. I have to keep an eye on it. There are also rumors that you are going to exchange land with Prince Westminster?"

"Well, that's right. Anthony's team has already talked with the Duke's lawyer team, and they are waiting to sign the contract." William nodded.

"God, would he really trade three times the size of the land on the side of the court for the land on our side of the court? Is he crazy or do you give other compensation? "

"Of course, there are other compensations, but generally speaking, we do take advantage of it. The new stadium will be bigger and the ancillary buildings will be more complete, which will not make people feel crowded.".

"That's good. You just have a good idea of it. The estate on Kensington Garden Street that you asked Abigail to talk about is almost the same. If you are satisfied with it, you can sign a contract at any time. And if the red rabbit runs away, won't you go?"

William thought, "how about you go for me?"

"Don't even think about it. You are the registered owner of the horse. If I go, I will be ridiculed, especially when the red rabbit is very likely to win the championship," Lena said helplessly, grabbing William's cheek with her hands. "My child, you have to contact those people in the upper class. They can't find you. Now they are all around me. I'm almost bored by those people. If I'm afraid of trouble Just find Wilson with you.

"Well, I'll go," William said to Antonov, accompanying his mother out of the basement to the first floor of the castle and helping Lena open the car door. He said, "tomorrow Sunday I'll tell you to go back to the castle and get a suitcase. No matter where my mother goes, that suitcase will follow. Is that clear?"

Antonov did not ask any more questions, nodded and said, "I understand, boss.".

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road." seeing the two cars drive away, William went back to the basement and asked Sunday, "have you heard from Christmas and Yin Yang these days?"

"Sir, the person you want to pay attention to, Christmas and Yin Yang have been identified as an organization to sell human Qi. The two men you met at the cruise terminal a few days ago are Hong Wenbiao, and one of their elder brothers is Hong Wengang. He is the leader of the gang in Thailand and has had heart disease since he was a child.

The Gunfight at the cruise terminal was that Hong Wengang wanted to kidnap Hong Wenbiao and save his life with his brother's heart. "

" OK, OK, I know all these. Tell me when Hong Wengang and his brothers will go to Thailand. I'm only interested in killing them. ".

"It's not sure yet. Hong Wenbiao was shot three times at the cruise terminal. Now he is in the intensive care room of the hospital, but it shouldn't be long, because Hong Wengang's heart can't last long.".

"Well, they let me know as soon as they went to Thailand, and what happened to gonna?"

Sir, gonna and Caesar, and roder, the toll road, are now chasing Popovich in Thailand.

"It's all in Thailand, ha," William snorted coldly. "It's better to kill it all at once. Is there anything else?"

"Yes sir, there are two things. First, white ghost asked me to inform you that he has killed the killer leader and high-level who called himself M. Second, Mr. 007 wants to talk to you.

"Ask white ghost to wait for me in Thailand and get Craig on the phone," William said.

"OK sir, the call is on.".

"Doodle doodle.".

As soon as he got through, Craig said anxiously, "William, I need your help?"

"Ask me for help?" William said strangely, "what's the matter? Won't you come to Garris? It's no use looking for things that you can't even do with the secret service.

"No, I know you have a group of super capable people under you. I need you to help me kill the black hand leader you said," Craig said helplessly. "This guy has 10 bodyguards around him for 24 hours. He won't let the bodyguards leave even when he's sleeping and having fun. I really can't get close to him. I can only ask you to help find a super sniper to kill him from a long distance.".

"No, where did you hear the news? I don't have a super sniper." William refused without thinking. Of course, there are super snipers, but William would never expose the cross Carlos."Don't rush to refuse. Since you don't want to use your own hands, help me to persuade a man, a Londoner named Bob Lee Swagger, who once served in the United States. He is one of the several super snipers known to have official records.".

Bob Lee Swagger, how familiar the name is, William wondered, "wait, what does this man have to do with me?".

"Of course it does. Bob Lee Swagger was your neighbor when you were a child. Some time ago, you met his father old swagger when you met with the fans.".

So William remembered who it was and said, "Bob? The short bob? Super sniper? You're kidding, Craig.

I'm sorry, I'm not kidding. Bob Lee Swagger is a known super sharpshooter. He retired a few years ago due to an accident. Now he's hiding in the mountains of Montana. Our people have contacted him, but he was rejected, so I think it's possible if it's you.

Bob Lee Swagger, why is the name so familiar, "do you have a picture?"

"I'll pass it to you," Craig said.

Soon a photo appeared on the virtual workbench in front of William. FK, at a glance, William knew why the name of Bob Lee Swagger was so familiar. Isn't this the sharpshooter in the sniper of life and death?

"Wait for me to call," William said to Craig directly and hung up. Then he turned his eyes and said to Sunday, "on Sunday, help me tell Bob's address to his fat dad, and then give old swagger two invitation letters, saying that I invite them to watch the home game of Chelsea and Manchester United in a few days.".

Yes sir.