Sir, I have to remind you that it's 4 p.m. in Oxford.

At 4 p.m., William quickly understood what Sunday meant. "Help me see the places I've been to. It's evening now.".

"Sir, except for Asia, all the places you've been to are in the daytime in this period," he replied on Sunday.

William thought for a moment and asked, "Asia, very good. Go to Thailand to test the armor performance and kill bamianfo by the way. Has the death squads started yet?".

"It's been 2 hours and it's expected to take 13 hours to get to Thailand. Meanwhile, don't forget to send the new Devonshire II armor to the expendables.".

"Well, remember to remind me when they arrive, has Devonshire II been assembled? And how long does it take to fly from Oxford to Bangkok in the mark three.

"A total of 10 sets have been assembled. Six of them are for the expendable team, and four are reserved for Antonov's team to protect Mrs. Lina. If Mark III flies at an altitude of more than 20000 meters and avoids most radars, it is expected to take seven hours.".

"For so long, how long can the ark reactor in front of the armor support flight?".

"Flying at full speed consumes 3% of energy per hour. To regain energy, you only need to exchange palladium.".

"That is to say, it only costs 21% to go there. It seems that the reactor is more durable than I expected." William took a box containing a piece of palladium, put it into the storage space, opened a portal and went to the abandoned mine more than 20 kilometers away from the castle. Wearing mark three, he walked out of the portal, started the armored flight mode and rushed directly into the sky.

Rushing to 20000 meters, William said to Sunday, "target Bangkok, go, go, go.".

I understand. The navigation is set up. The estimated time is 7 hours.

Six and a half hours later, on Sunday, he woke up William, who was sleeping in battle armour. "Sir, wake up, we still have half an hour to get to Bangkok.".

William, who was awakened, complained, "Ma Dan, if I don't fly like this in the future, it's a bit interesting except to start for an hour. After that, it's a waste of time. I had known that flying for a long time is so boring, so I might as well drive a teleport.".

It's 4:00 a.m. in Bangkok. It's almost dawn. I find a hidden area to descend, open the portal and return to the castle. With the help of the mechanical arm, I take off the Mark III armor and "help me match all the weapons and produce some spare reactors.".

"Yes, sir. It's expected to be finished in three hours," he said on Sunday.

"Well," he changed into a casual suit in the basement, and William drove a dukadi R6 out of the portal to downtown Bangkok.

Looking for a place to have breakfast, William dials Zhang Ziwei's mobile phone, and more than ten seconds later, a sound of "sawadika" comes from the earphone.

"I don't understand Thai. We speak English or Korean." but when he thought of the sentence "too much waiting, I'm a slag", William said directly in English, "are you interested in knowing your mother's condition?"

"Who are you?" Zhang Ziwei said in the same tone, "my mother died more than ten years ago. You have the wrong number.".

"No, I have the right number, Mr. Zhang Ziwei. Would you like to have a chat?"

Hearing William call out his name, Zhang Ziwei didn't say, "where can I see you?".

William wanted to say a surprise address for Zhang Ziwei, "Grand Palace".

Zhang Ziwei was relieved to meet in the grand palace. In Thailand, idiots dare not make trouble in the grand palace. There are not only police stations, but also two companies with more than 300 soldiers stationed in the grand palace. "See you in two hours.".

Two hours later, William, dressed in jeans, short sleeve T-shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses, was watching the mural of jade Buddha Temple in the Grand Palace, "Sir, Zhang Ziwei's phone".

"Well, tell him I'm here in the fresco of hanoman." William looked at this hanoman, who is said to be the prototype of sun Dasheng of the Chinese dynasty, with his hands behind his back.

"Do you understand?"

When Zhang Ziwei approached, William knew it was him, so he said without looking back: "it doesn't matter if I can't understand it. I'm not an archaeologist or an expert on ancient culture. If I'm curious, I'll have a look. Maybe I'll forget when I get out of the palace.".

"Curiosity will kill the cat, it's better to forget," Zhang Ziwei went to William's side and looked at William's side face. "Can you tell me how you know my contact information?".

"The people of C1a told me that." William turned to look at Zhang Ziwei's familiar face, which can no longer be familiar with. He took off his sunglasses and saw Zhang Ziwei's face with a look of surprise. William laughed, "it seems you recognize me.".

After the surprise, Zhang Ziwei relaxed obviously. "Of course, even if I live in a remote place, the famous William Devonshire still knows. Many people I know in recent years, after seeing the news about you, all say that if you come to Thailand, you will be tied up directly. If you don't knock out a billion dollars from you, I'm sorry for your reputation." .

"What do you think?" William turned his head back to the mural. His mental power scanned the whole Jade Buddha Temple all the time. It's good to meet in this place. As long as his mental power swept the whole Jade Buddha Temple, all the people in his mind.Zhang Ziwei said with a crooked smile, "if I don't do anything after I tie you up, it's good to eat and drink, and the beautiful woman is offering it, just ask you to give me some advice, so that I can buy yachts and airplanes just like you, and it's as simple as buying coke.".

"Ha ha, that's a good idea," he said. Before he finished, his mental strength suddenly scanned a figure. He turned to the gate of the Jade Buddha Temple and looked at the ring on Zhang Ziwei's left hand standing on his right side with a smile. "Are you married?"

"Well," Zhang Ziwei raised his left hand and showed his ring. There was an inexplicable smile on his face. "If it wasn't for my wife, I wouldn't live to now.".

Knowing who his wife is, William can't help shivering and throwing an ordinary mobile phone with positioning function to Zhang Ziwei.

When I took the phone and was wondering why William did this, I heard William say, "it seems that your wife doesn't trust you as much as she thought. You'd better think about the reason for coming here, because he's 40 meters behind us. After about 10 seconds, you can see him by turning a corner. Take care, man.".

With that, William smiles at Zhang Ziwei, puts on his sunglasses and walks away slowly with his hands behind his back.

Looking at William's back, Zhang Ziwei put William's mobile phone into his pocket, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and looked at the monkey king of India while making a phone call,

"Hello, Biri, have you arrived? FK, they all said 10 am, you TM told me that you still have half an hour to arrive, what? Did you hear 11 a.m? Hell, can't you tell 10 from 11? OK, OK, it's only half an hour. I'm in the Jade Buddha temple now. I haven't seen you for half an hour. You don't want the goods in the second half of the year.

"What, you try? I don't care. I'm hiding from my wife when I come out. If I want to earn some money to buy her a gift, I don't care if you can get the goods in the second half of the year.