"Looking at old friends?" "Of course, I'm here to see my old friends. I want to see what you've become. I've killed my boss and friends for many years without any pity. Tell me why.".

"Why, ha." there's no need to put it on anymore. Dave pulls back his chair and sits down. He looks at McCall. "A lot of things happened after you played dead.".

Pointing to the chair opposite him, Dave took out his mobile phone and called Ali, "don't move. Michael found us and tied five XX super pineapples on his body. If you want to see Michael, come in. If you don't want to see him, stay away.".

After the call, Dave threw his cell phone on the table. "Three months after you pretended to be dead and left, all the actions of our group were stopped and I was asked to go home and wait. There was no income and no medical insurance. Moreover, my wife was just pregnant at that time,

so during the standby period, I started to work for the rich man, and I was on the dark net to receive tasks, which was the same as what we had done for Zhengfu before There is no difference. The only difference is that the target in the dark net is clearly marked.

"We've killed enemies of our country before," McCall said, shaking his head.

"Ha ha," said Dave, with his index finger on his lips. "I didn't expect you to be so naive after all these years, enemy? Ha, the people we killed are enemies. Come on, macall, there's no bloody enemy at all. More than half of what we do is private work. It's the private work of the leaders above. ".

Don't tell me you don't know there are innocent people in the people we kill. Killing is just a job for us. It's just a skill to earn money and support our family.

A few seconds later, Dave and McCall see Ali come in armed. "Hi, McCall, long time no see.".

"Long time no see, Ali." McCall stood up, stepped back a few steps, and lit up his detonator. "Sorry, it's not very convenient today.".

"It doesn't matter." Ali went to the tap, picked up a cup, took half a cup of water and drank it up. "Sorry, I've been in the secret service all day. I haven't had any water or food. Well, you don't have to worry about me any more." he said, looking for food in the kitchen.

Interrupted by Ali, McCall is not interested in listening to Dave's sophistry, "tell me why you want to kill Susan.".

"You know what we do. Susan should know the danger when she's out in the field. Even without me, she is.

"Stop," McCall interrupted Dave. "I just want to know why you killed Susan.".

Seeing that McCall's oil and salt didn't come in, Dave shrugged and stopped pretending, "a few days ago, I received a task in the dark net that I was assigned to our team. The target was a man named carlbert. At that time, I was dazzled by the prize money, and carlbert in the database was just an ordinary person, but I didn't expect carlbert to be a secret service man.

Susan should never have done it, Even when she was half retired, she took over the field work. Ha ha, macall, you know, most of the skills of Ali and I were taught by you. So when she was at the carlbert's house, Susan had already guessed that we killed people. She had no choice but to get rid of Susan for the sake of her wife and two children.

McCall, Dave and Ali, who are talking, don't know. In a pickup truck not far from Dave's home, the church and his staff are wearing earphones and staring at the monitor. After hearing from Dave himself that their team killed carlbert and Susan, there are curses in the car.

Barry, the deputy of the church, put his head out in the ear of the church and whispered, "or do you have the foresight to drag Dave and the four of them for 23 hours, and use this time to install eavesdroppers and covert cameras in their home and any relatives and friends they have relations with.".

"It's not that easy, Barry," the Church looked around, pulled Barry to the inside of the car and whispered, "have you finished what I asked you to do?"

"Don't worry, I'll deal with it as soon as I get your call," Barry hesitated. "Is Susan really investigating bilena?"

"Of course, didn't I ask you to hear her two reports to me?"

"But I'm a little worried about your end to end recording. When something goes wrong, I'm the first one to be unlucky. Hell, I'm such an idiot. I'm going to help a woman who wants to die for us. Now it's OK. If the upper authorities find anything, I'll be the first one to be suspected.".

"So, these people in front of us can't stay," said the secluded path of the church.

This made Barry silent. Although he had made all the preparations, when it came to the end, Barry still hesitated and shook his head as he looked at the church.

he grabbed him by the shoulder and roared in a low voice, "the bilena incident not only involves our leader, but also involves the Montana volunteer Charles mien, deputy general manager of Tongluo Bert stanson, if you want to die, just say it, idiot.

"All right, all right," Barry opened the church, grabbed his shoulder hand, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. After receiving the reply, he said to the church, "volunteer Charles mien's thunder team is on standby.".Heard the church pick up the walkie talkie command, "commandos control the periphery of Resnick and Kovacs two people.".

"Got it." two minutes later, the reply came, "Sir, Resnick and Kovacs are under control." the commando leader hesitated for a moment. "Do you want to break into Dave's house?"

"No, didn't you hear Dave say that macall was wearing a XX pineapple? If it explodes, we're all waiting to be retired.

"Yes, sir.".

"Buzz, buzz, buzz", a sound of aircraft flying came.

"FK, what's in the sky?"

"God, what is this, what is this.".

There was a cry in the communication channel. The church picked up the walkie talkie and called out, "report the situation, report the situation.".

"Sir, we've got a lot of UFOs overhead, a lot of UFOs.".

After hearing this, the church opened the door of the carriage with a telescope, went out of the carriage and looked up into the sky. The sky was full of triangular, briefcase sized and fast flying unidentified aircraft.

After a few seconds of careful observation, the church suddenly found that these aircrafts were divided into three groups. The largest group had more than ten aircrafts, which had been hovering over the house of Dave. The other two groups had five or six aircrafts, which were looking in the direction of Resnick and Kovac's hiding place.

Thinking of something, the church quickly picked up the walkie talkie and yelled, "control Resnick and Kovacs' team to retreat, no, leave Resnick and Kovacs behind, retreat, quick, quick.".