The church men call Susan when they get back to their office.

"Hello, Barry, can I help you?" Susan road

"there's a task for you to deal with. There's a latent person in Brussels, Belgium who was killed. I recommend you to the director of Willis to deal with it," Barry said.

Susan, who is being delayed by the church again for lack of evidence, has no mind to care about the killing of any lurking personnel. However, before she says no, she hears Barry say, "I advise you not to refuse. I just saw a retirement report in charge of Willis, which has your name on it. If you want to retire, don't do it, but if you don't want to retire so soon, don't do it If you take over this task and use your experience to investigate a homicide case, it won't be too troublesome. You should understand that you attach great importance to it.

"Hell," she said, when she heard that Willis wanted her to retire, and she was afraid that she would have nothing to do after retirement, Susan immediately held back her refusal, "I'd like to take over, but I need to bring my familiar action team.".

"No problem, I know Dave. Connect him now, lest I have to say it again later.".

"OK, just a moment, Barry.".

A minute later, three people appeared on the computer monitor. As soon as Dave went online, he said hello to Barry and Susan. "Good morning, Barry in charge, Susan in charge.".

"Good morning, Dave. Everyone is here. Let's get down to business. A senior C1a special agent carlbert was killed at home at 11:00 p.m. Brussels time.

his wife was also killed. The preliminary investigation of Belgian police found that carlbert killed his wife and then committed suicide.

but we don't believe carlbert will commit suicide. He is a senior spy Last month, she also received a secret psychological test, and there was no possibility of suicide at all, so the Bureau asked you to take over the investigation.

Dave, you have been working with Susan before. This time, you are Susan's deputy, taking your team to help Susan investigate and protect her safety. ".

"Yes, sir." although he didn't show anything on his face, Dave yelled in his heart. Damn it, carlbert, the senior undercover agent, was the one Ali just killed.

Asshole, how can there be such a coincidence? Dave can't help suspecting the task publisher of dark net, but he certainly dare not say it. He can only talk about it after this time.

With a look of sadness on his face, Dave said, "Sir, can you confirm that carlbert is really one of us?"

"Of course, carlbert's identity has been confirmed," Barry said after picking up a document. "This is the report of Belgian police. Carlbert's mouth has traces of gun lubricating oil, and there is a 9mm pistol at his feet. Except for the fingerprints of carlbert and his wife, no other fingerprints can be found in the room. The registered person of the gun is carlbert himself, so the Belgian police He was convicted of suicide.

These are the temporary clues. The Belgian police are very perfunctory when they learn that carlbert is one of our people, so I need you to investigate the cause of carlbert's death. The plane is waiting at the airport and can take off at any time. ".

"Thanks, Barry. I'll call you if I have any questions," Susan said.

"Well, bye.".

As soon as Barry got off the line, Susan said to Dave, "tell our people in Belgium to help the police seal up the scene. No one is allowed to go in until I arrive.".

"All right, sir," Dave hesitated for a moment. "I just checked in the database, and I couldn't find any information about carlbert. When did you join the secret service, what did you do, when did you send someone to lurk? Are you sure carlbert is really our man?"

"I don't know," Susan said helplessly, holding her hand to her neck, "there are many such people in the Bureau. There are always a few secret service personnel in key positions in various countries, even in Britain.".

"Well, it seems that I'm too low in confidentiality. God, I still have a lot of messy things on my desk to deal with.".

"Ha ha, don't complain. Let's get ready to go and have a look at the scene. Maybe we'll be back soon," Susan laughs.

"The only thing I'm looking forward to is Belgian chocolate," Dave said with a smile. "You know, the only thing that people can remember in Belgium is probably chocolate.".

"Well, chocolate, that's good. Let's try it.".

An hour later, Susan meets Dave at the airport, who has been waiting for a long time. As soon as she sees him alone, Susan asks, "where are they, Ali?".

"They're on a mission in Holland, and I'll let the three of them go straight to Brussels and wait for us," says Dave with a smile.

"Well, let's go.".

The secret service was so normal that Susan didn't think much about it.

Seven hours later, in Brussels, Belgium, Susan and Dave got off the plane and were picked up by the Belgian secret service and went directly to carlbert's home.

At carlbert's house, Susan was silent after careful exploration inside and outside. However, the Belgian police really did not cooperate. Seeing Susan find the clue on the table, the sheriff shrugged, "sorry, we haven't sent the rest of the report to you in a hurry, so you're here. I'll send the latest report to your hotel later.".Dave looked at his watch and said to Susan, "Susan, it's almost time to meet the staff of the foreign affairs office. Now they know the details best.".

This wakes Susan up in thought. "OK, let's go." she walks up to Dave and takes her bag and coat from him.

Dave looked at Susan with a gloomy face and was very flustered. "Are you ok?".

"It's all right, let's go." after that, Susan took her coat and walked sideways by Dave. She didn't know whether it was a sense of crisis or not. She had already guessed that carlbert was the work of Dave's team. When she passed by Dave, Susan's step seemed a little urgent.

This makes Dave, who has been working with Susan for more than ten years, instinctively know that something has happened. Susan may have guessed that they did the case. She is very alert and thinks about the arrangement before she comes to Belgium.

"Dave, we have to go," Susan called.

"OK, I'm coming.".

After walking out of carlbert's home, they got on the bus talking and laughing. They didn't show any abnormality during the time. They went back to the hotel and saw off the Belgian secret service. After meeting the staff of the foreign affairs office, Dave whispered to Susan, "come on, let's check in first. I'll talk to you as I walk.".

"Well," Susan nodded.

"There's no problem with carlbert's bank records. There's no problem with his mobile phone, phone, and email. He's in a good marital status, has no affair, has no boyfriend, and doesn't even say anything inappropriate to his colleagues.".

"Wait, boyfriend, carlbert?" Susan stopped and asked in surprise.

Dave shrugged. "Come on, Susan, it's not like we've never seen this kind of thing around us, and it's more common in Western Europe.".

"Well, I'm making a fuss.".

After checking in, they went to the elevator. As soon as they got to the elevator, Susan's mobile phone suddenly rang.