Holding the broken wine glass, William shakes his hand, uses his mental strength to roll up all the wine glass fragments, throws them into the garbage can, takes a new wine glass, pours a glass of wine, and drinks for more than an hour. On Sunday, he reports that macall has been on the plane to Thailand, and then William goes back to his bedroom to sleep.

In New York, at 7 a.m. the next day, Susan plummer, who had just got up and cleaned up, was going to pack some luggage. She took it to the office in the morning to report. After noon, she took her luggage to the airport and flew to London to see Michael.

Susan has been restless these days since she received a secret email from McCall asking to meet her at the Oxford University Library. From the fact that McCall didn't call her and only dared to send a secret email, Susan knew that things were very important and dangerous.

So these two days, she has been hesitating. As a semi retired secret agent, she doesn't know whether she should take the risk to see macall. In the end, friendship and decades of professional instinct of secret service overcame her fear and decided to see macall.

However, before he started packing, he habitually picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. He found that there was a text message with an unknown number on it. When he opened it, he knew that the message was from Thailand. The content was that he took William's mission to Thailand, and the goal of the mission was to read the eight faced Buddha in Thailand.

Seeing that Susan is busy dialing the new number, she instinctively thinks that her mobile phone is a C1a encrypted mobile phone, which must be safe, but she doesn't know that all her things have been monitored on Sunday.

In order not to make McCall suspicious, William didn't take the initiative to monitor him. However, as soon as the call was made, he knew about McCall's new mobile phone in Thailand on Sunday.

As soon as Susan's mobile phone made a call, William's ear in London heard a report on Sunday, "Sir, Susan Plummer is calling McCall." then a voice of "beep, beep, beep" came from the earphone.

Maybe Susan's cell phone is a satellite encrypted cell phone. It's easier and faster to crack Susan's cell phone signal on Sundays when it can directly intrude into the satellite.

The call was soon put through, and William heard in his ear the simultaneous calls of McCall and Susan.

"Hello, Susan, good morning," McCall said.

Susan was relieved to hear that it was really Michael's voice. She said with a smile, "good morning, oh no, it should be noon. Good noon, Michael.".

"Ha ha," said Susan after they said hello. "So you're working for William Devonshire?"

"Zi, Zi, Zi".

Susan and McCall's cell phone signals suddenly broke off during the conversation. "Hello, Hello, hello"

on the contrary, William's voice in his ear was very clear. William was wondering when Sunday's voice sounded, "Sir, I'm interfering with their conversation. Do you want me to cut off the signal?"

"No, I want to hear what Michael said. When he went to Thailand instead of killing him in London, I didn't care whether the secret of stealth combat suit would be disclosed. Frankly speaking, stealth combat suit is an application of virtual imaging technology. What I care about is whether Michael would betray me and help Lao Mei with my salary.".

"Sir, sir, signal recovery.".

"Hello, hello.".

"Hello, Hello, I finally heard it. Sorry, Susan, maybe Thailand's signal is not very good. I'm really working for William Devonshire now. I'm looking for you this time because I found that he had a limited stealth combat suit in his hand when I was on the mission.".

"Limited stealth? To what extent? " Susan asked at once.

"When it's not moving, it can be invisible all over the body. When it's moving, it can move with normal feet. The probability of being found is very low without careful observation. When the polar bear moves, we follow the instructions and the whole operation doesn't have any problems," McCall said.

"Polar bear?" Susan is worthy of being an old secret service. She had thought about what happened recently, and soon knew what McCall said about the action. "So you killed Pushkin, and William Devonshire was behind the scenes.".

"That's right," McCall said.

"If that's true, macall, we need to see each other," Susan said excitedly. "You have to finish this task conscientiously, lurk around him, and catch the handle of William Devonshire is more important than anything else.

think about it, if you can win over William and threaten him to work for us, not only will the bureau have more money in the future, but also you can find a way to get the good money from him There is also a rumor in the underground world recently that a group of people dressed in a fully enclosed bulletproof armour killed most of the flour growers and flour sellers on the South American island of bina a few months ago.

I always suspected that this kind of armour was probably invented by William Devonshire, but I sent a message to Mr. Bruce Willis, the special service director of New York Reporting the time, but it has been delayed because of the lack of evidence. Macall, I need your information. If you grasp the handle of William Devonshire, I can control him.

"No, no, no, it's absolutely not OK. Susan, you're putting yourself in danger. God, you don't understand that William Devonshire is not just a rich man. I tell you this because I think it's right to tell you the news,

but I don't want to put you in danger, report to your superiors, and hide in the dark. Susan, think about it Your husband, you have no children. If he loses you, his future life will be just like mine, full of memories, pain and loneliness.This made Susan silent, thinking about the pain of McCall losing his beloved wife for a long time. Susan said, "well, I'll do what you say. Thank you, man. Be careful yourself.".

"I know. Check one thing for me.".

"You said.

"This time William told me that he had an uncle killed by the eight faced Buddha, so he asked me to go to Thailand to investigate the whereabouts of the eight faced Buddha, but I really don't believe what William said, unless he really had a relative killed by the eight faced Buddha.".

"Family, how can this be possible? Isn't he the only one left in the Devonshire family, his mother and the count of Oxford?" Susan wondered, and then thought of something exclaiming, "you mean from his paternal family?"

, "yes," Mccall said excitedly. "No one knows who William Devin Hill's father is, and if it can be found this time, it will be of great help to William Hill in the future."

"Of course," Susan said happily, "don't worry. I'll find out about it. There's someone in the bureau who's by bamianfo's side. I'll call you as soon as there's any news.".

"Well, I'll hear from you. Bye.".


After hanging up, Susan didn't care what her husband ate in the morning. She dressed, took her car key and drove quickly to the secret service in New York.

And William, who has been monitoring, is sitting on the sofa with a smile, trying to grab my handle. Hehe, if he wants to die, then no wonder I said, "help me answer the phone of the church. Well, the real name of the church is Bruce Willis.".

Yes sir.