"God, if it's built, let alone a private museum, even some national museums in some countries don't have as much as you have," Wilson said with a smile, hugging William's shoulder. "If you can buy Chelsea and plan to invest hundreds of millions of pounds to build a stadium training base, now you want to build a super private museum. Man, how much money have you made? It's not really $20 billion.

"Well," William shrugged after thinking for a few seconds. How can he tell you? "It's hard to say exactly how much, because many of them are book figures such as stocks. However, if your wealth is really the same as that in the report, it's OK for me to be a little more than him.".

The Grand Duke of Westminster said with a smile, "William, being too modest is hypocritical. Westminster family fund is only 7 billion US dollars. Compared with you, it is not only a little less, but at least twice as much. Your wealth is more than 10 billion US dollars.

Although we don't know how much the National Bank of Switzerland has in cash, I think it should not be less than $3 billion. With your newly established Devonshire family fund, the total has exceeded $15 billion.

And I'm sure you still have a lot of hidden wealth, which is probably more than the sum of 2 to 10 in England's wealth list.

No amount of money can match your influence in England.

"No, you're wrong. Now it's the eyeball economy. Most people don't care what the second name of the wealth list is. 99% of the media reports are focused on the richest person. What's more, all my nine layers of wealth are on land, real estate and other real estate.

although these wealth gains are stable, they can't surprise people. Unlike you, you can earn hundreds of millions or billions, You are the new favorite of the media. You have more influence than me.

"I don't agree with that," William shook his head. "It's not who has more money or who has more power in the world, but who can create wealth for more people and who has a greater say. The nishimain family has created so many jobs, and their social contribution is much higher than that of me who made a fortune by relying on the stock market.".

"Ha ha, that's right. No matter in that era, the person who can make money by himself and create wealth with others is the boss," Wilson said with a smile. "So, William, don't forget me when you have a good chance. Anyway, I'm younger than you. I don't mind being your younger brother.".

"Come on, if your grandfather and father know that I take you as my younger brother and they don't mix doubles with me, it's light. You'd better be the second in line to your throne, so that you don't have too much money and do some ridiculous things to affect the reputation of the Royal family.".

"Hell, man, if you don't want to make money with me, you can just say that you need so much nonsense to prevaricate me? What's too much money to do ridiculous things? "Wilson looked down at William." you do less ridiculous things than I do. Last time I took you out to play, you were. ".

"Stop," William interrupted Wilson hastily. "Did you drink too much before the party started? If you dare to expose me, I will tell your mother the good things you have done and promise to ban you for one year.

"Do you want to be so cruel?" Wilson quickly raised his hand. "If you win, if you're banned for a year, I'll be crazy." he held his arm and said, "let's go, don't let my grandfather and father wait too long.".

Before entering the private room, Wilson opened the door, pushed William into the private room, turned around and said to Westminster Abbey, "grand duke Grosvenor, can you show me this 18th century building? I'm crazy about Gothic architecture recently. I'm sorry I didn't have a good look at it last time.

"Go away, boy, don't forget that your godmother is my wife. If you want to leave me alone, you're still a little bit young." Lord Nishimara pushes Wilson away, but to his surprise, he doesn't push him. Angry Lord Grosvenor points to Wilson's nose and scolds, "you heartless little bastard, I just kindly remind you to follow William's steps, do you think I'm going to miss this opportunity? You either walk away now or I'll beat you.

"Whatever," Wilson said in a low voice, raising his chin, "it's not like I was not punished by you when I was a child. Now you dare to beat me and fight to be punished by the godmother, and I'll let that kid Sue Grosvenor go home crying.".

"Well, Wilson, let Grosvenor come in." as soon as Wilson heard that it was his grandfather's voice, he immediately made a gesture of please to Grosvenor. Looking at William standing by the door, he rolled his eyes. The play was too fake.

However, sometimes acting fake is not necessarily a bad thing. Wilson tells his grandfather and father that he dares to block Grosvenor for the benefit of his family.

Archduke Grosvenor looked at Wilson discontentedly. If he followed the old habit, he would teach him a lesson, but Wilson caught him dead. Hugh Grosvenor was his only son, and now he was less than ten years old. He whispered to Wilson, "I found that you have become so shameless for the first time.".

Wilson shrugged, pointed to William and said to Grosvenor, "I learned from him.".

"Well!" Grosvenor looked at William and said with a smile to Wilson, "next time you go out to play, remember to play something Hugh can also play. I will let Hugh and William have more contact, so that he won't understand what shamelessness is when he grows up."."Come on, what do we take Hugh for? Fishing, hunting, go karting?" Wilson looked at the black faced William and said with a low smile, "if you let Hugh get in touch with William more, I promise he will be a playboy in the future. He has a lot of girlfriends since he was 10 years old. Maybe you will have grandchildren before he is 16 years old.".

"Ha ha, that's not bad, right? "Grosvenor," Prince Charles said with a laugh as he approached, "lest the Grosvenor family be one heir.".

"Yes, I just think that Hugh is too naive and timid when he is in trouble. He is well protected by me and his mother. Now that he is ten years old, it's time for him to get in touch with something that his family can't learn.".

Grosvenor looked at Wilson. "Look at you. Last time we met, you didn't even dare to refute me. Now you dare not only block me, but also play tricks on me.".

"Well, gentlemen, I'm here to get down to business, not to listen to you discuss the issue of future generations," William said to Grosvenor with a black face. "If you can rest assured, I promise that Hugh Grosvenor will become a man, but if you really give him to me, no matter he is crying or injured, he won't want to go home early unless a month's training is over I won't even let you know where he is this month.