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"All right, all right, go and get ready." holding Ambrosius, he comforted, "I'm not so stingy, so I'm angry. When I meet Brian at home in the evening, first, you've seen them several times. Second, Brian plans to go into politics and formally introduce him to you. In the future, they will take care of you when I'm away, or if I'm in trouble when I can't make it.".

"Well," William's words make Ambrose Hugh in a good mood now. It's a very good start for her. If she can be introduced to her subordinates, it means that she has a certain position in William's heart and is no longer a dispensable plaything.

Smiling eyes are bent into crescent moon, happy to hold William, very gentle incense a few times, "rest assured, I will prepare dinner, to ensure that Bryan they will not be like the last time in Switzerland when they did not dare to eat.".

Looking at Ambrosius, who walked briskly, William shook his head, hoping that Ambrosius would not have other ideas, otherwise he could only hang her for a period of time or break up with her.

But people are sentimental animals, even if they get along with cats for a long time, they will have feelings, let alone a obedient and smart girl.

An hour later, William, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, heard the doorbell. Then he heard Ambrosius shouting in the kitchen, "honey, I'm busy with the food. You open the door.".

"I see," William replied. He looked at his watch. It was 6:40 p.m. before he knew it. It seemed that Brian had come early to avoid being late.

I got up and went to the door of the room. Watching the video on the doorbell, I saw Brian, Sam and the other three of the team standing outside the elevator.

Several people not only wear formal clothes, but also have gifts in their hands.

"Ha ha", it seems that these guys are very concerned about the dinner. When they press the elevator switch, William opens the door and stands in front of the elevator as the owner, not the boss, waiting for everyone.

Standing in front of the elevator waiting for half a minute, Brian, Sam 5 people out of the elevator to see a suit of home casual clothes William.

Sorry guys, I forgot to tell you it's just a family dinner. It's also Brazilian food and barbecue.

"It doesn't matter, boss. The first time you come to the door, you should be more formal. The big deal is to take off your suit and tie when you have dinner." Brian laughs and hugs William. "Good evening, boss.".

"Well," William patted Brian on the back in silence, and said, "good evening, Brian, too.".

Brian Songkai, William nodded to the other four members of the team and said, "good evening, guys. Welcome to my house.".

"Good evening, boss", Sam four smile and touch their fists with William. They know very well that their relationship with William is not as close as Brian.

It's not a good thing to be too close to the boss if he doesn't have a good relationship with him, and William doesn't have the habit of hugging men. For him, shaking hands and hitting fists are already close to him.

When he opened the door, William reached out and made a "please" sign. "Come on, guys, when you come in, take off your tie and change into your suit. After finishing the Brazilian food prepared by Ambrosius, we'll go to the rooftop for barbecue and drink.".

Hearing William's words, some nervous people began to relax, "ha ha, OK, boss.".

After entering the door, we didn't really untie the tie directly, but when we saw Ambrose Hugh, who brought out the dishes, we immediately said hello and then gave him the gift, which made William a little helpless.

Maybe it's because the first person who makes a lot of money to protect is Ambrose Hughes. The people in Brian's team are obviously very close to Ambrose Hughes. "Good evening, Ms. Ambrose Hughes.".

"Good evening, Brian, Sam, Bernie, Casey and Clarence", Ambrosius not only hugged and said hello to everyone, but also said the name of everyone in the Brian team, and the score was not bad, which made the five people who intended to be close to Ambrosius very happy.

”Just call me Alexander ",

" OK, ma'am ", Brian nodded,

" please sit down, gentlemen, dinner will be ready soon, but I don't know if it's to your taste, but you can rest assured that today's food has no animal viscera that you're not used to, "said Ambrosius with a little complaint It's not offensive to say that at your age.

This makes William, who has been observing everyone's expression silently, praise Ambrose Hughes silently. This girl is really smart. She doesn't show any pride and domineering appearance because she is William's girlfriend. On the contrary, she treats herself as a younger generation to deal with the relationship with Brian 5.

This move immediately won more favor from the five people who are about 50 years old, "thank you, miss Ambrosius.".

After greeting, everyone started to take out the prepared food from the kitchen. Brian 5 untied his tie, took off his suit and hung it on the back of the chair in the dining room. "Honey, what's this?" Ambrosius asked William suspiciously."Ha ha," William whispered in Ambrosius's ear, "I told them to take it easy and change their formal clothes. I didn't expect that they attached great importance to you. They didn't follow my instructions until they had a formal meal. It seems that they like you very much.".

"Of course, we are people in common. If Brian hadn't been there six months ago, I might have been kidnapped, so I never treated them as bodyguards," Ambrose said with a smile to William Jiao.

When Brian was seated, Ambrosius began to perform the duty of hostess, helping everyone to serve today's main course, roast beef with tomato, onion and "OK, here we go, gentlemen.".

"Thank you," Brian said again.

William picked up the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Ambrose Hugh and himself, who were sitting on his right hand side. He handed it to Brian, who was sitting on his left hand side. Brian said thank you. As a matter of course, he poured himself a glass of red wine and then handed it to Sam.

This made Ambrosius look at William. When he didn't have a servant to pour the first glass of wine for his guests, he must have done it. But William didn't have the habit of pouring wine for his staff. He pretended that he didn't see Ambrosius's white eyes. After everyone poured red wine into his glass, William raised his glass and said, "first to our chef Alexander, thank you for helping us A big dinner was prepared.

"Yes, it's time to pay homage to miss Ambrose first," Bryan said to her with a glass. "To you, Miss Ambrose.".

"Thank you," said Ambrosius, blushing and taking a sip from his glass.

Next is the time for eating, drinking and chatting. It's probably because the sauce is very good. The taste of the dinner is not bad. The only fly in the ointment is that Ambrosius himself has been on a diet, so the amount of food is wrong. After eating a little more than an hour, the dinner is almost over.