"Dizzy, I'm crazy to give you another upgrade now. The money I spent for you is the largest sum of money of Devonshire family. This upgrade cost me 50 million US dollars.

plus the server I bought for the first time, it's all 80 million US dollars. You are the eldest brother of our family. My mother and I spent less money than you in recent months.

it's not half an hour This $80 million server is only worth 60 million in 2007, and it will be worth 40 million in one year. Thank God. Now it's enough for my mother and me to use it at the same time. Besides, there's no room in the basement of the castle. If you want to upgrade it, you can wait.

"But, sir, you have to consider the unexpected situation. If Mrs. Lina uses it at the same time, my computing power can only meet the needs of two mark armor, regardless of other monitoring tasks. Moreover, according to your plan, I expect mark 5 armor will be completed in two months. At that time,"

"let's talk about it at that time, anyway, mark series A few generations ago, it was just an experiment, and mark 5 was just to protect my mother from danger. Now you have no problem controlling a mark armor. As for me, ha ha, if I can't fight, I can't run. ".

"Well, sir, you're really Lena." on Sunday, William was puzzled by this vague remark.

"What do you mean"

"you're not losing time. Mrs. Lena's son is as economical as she is. I'm praising you, sir.".

"Fku, Sunday" scolded, "what did my mother do?".

"Mrs. Lina is very dissatisfied with your previous salary increase for ranchers, farm workers and Racecourse workers. She not only vetoed your plan, but also decided to reduce the wages of workers by 10%. The reason is that in the global financial crisis, the Devonshire family has not dismissed one person, but also increased their jobs, which has fulfilled their social responsibility"

"Hmm!" Not only did William not oppose his mother's decision, but he nodded and said with approval: "my mother will run the house.".

"But Sir, I have to remind you that you promised to raise your salary in front of Mr. Neil Jordan, the head of the trainer. If you don't keep your promise, it will have an impact on your reputation,

and the money saved is only 110000 pounds, which is not enough for you to go to sea once.".

"What can I do about it? Can I have a fight with my mother because of this, and you don't understand people's feelings. If the conditions given to the workers in this difficult period are too favorable, I don't know how greedy they will be in the future.

OK, that's it. Tell me, have all the parts of Mark's armor been shipped back? How long will it take me to put it on "

" OK, sir, it's expected that all the parts will be shipped back in four days, and the assembly time is expected to take three days. ".

"That means a week later, I'll start testing the mark 3," William asked excitedly.

Yes, sir.

"Hehe", thinking that he could fly into the sea in a few days, he was very happy.

Ten minutes later, the voice of ascension came on Sunday, "Sir, the operation team has finished dressing, the equipment procedure has been activated, and the operation is about to start.".

When William looked up, he saw five very thin figures on the display. If he didn't know in advance, other people would never have found the problem at first sight, but it still didn't work in William's opinion.

"if you look carefully, you can still see the flaw. Is it the material problem?"

"Yes, sir, there is no problem with the material formula and technology. The problem is my assembly equipment. The underground of the castle is too small to use.".

"Will that affect the mission?"

"After my calculation, I come to the conclusion that under normal circumstances, the probability of being found is 17%, but the Antonov team is now located in the west of the manor,

the 4 o'clock sun will greatly reduce the probability of the manor people finding Antonov team, as long as they don't run fiercely, the probability of finding Antonov team is only 4%,

that's why Mr. McCall The reason why I chose to act at this time, as for the monitoring of the manor, has now been controlled by me. ".

"It's good. It's the old guy macall who has experience and knows how to occupy the time.".

Soon, the five people who were ready opened the door, walked slowly one by one, got out of the car, dispersed and moved slowly to Pushkin's manor at a speed half slower than the normal walking speed.

It took five people 10 minutes to enter the manor. After entering the manor, with the help of the surrounding trees, green belts and decorations, the five people moved much faster under the instruction of Sunday.

Ignoring the guards on the outskirts of the manor and the patrols in the manor, as planned, as long as there is no risk of being found, the five people in action will not take action until they see Pushkin.

If Pushkin can be killed quietly, it would be better. With the warning on Sunday, the five people finally approach the main villa in the manor quietly for more than ten minutes.

Enter the main building, walk up the double staircase, and see four large indoor landscape trees. Antonov orders in his ear, "Ivan, walianjing, Yakov, you stay at the staircase, be careful."."Understand, head", after the response, the three people immediately went to the indoor scenery and stood quietly behind the tree. This is not only conducive to concealment, but also has a wide field of vision. They don't need to move. As long as they stand, they can fully see the situation of the corridor and the downstairs.

On Sundays, Antonov and mackell, who control the manor's surveillance equipment, enter the second floor and can easily avoid all the servants and patrolling bodyguards.

As he approached Pushkin's room, McCall, standing at the corner, slowly stretched out half his head and looked with one eye at the two big bodyguards standing outside the door.

looked back and just wanted to play gestures. His brain immediately responded. He wore this optical invisibility garment and could not make complaints about his gestures. He thought that the high-tech equipment was not what was good.

could only whisper in his headset and Antonov, "two guards outside the door, only to see the force is used."

"I understand." Antonov doesn't talk nonsense. Since he is a comrade in arms, there should be some trust in Antonov. Besides, macall is the commander of the operation.

"I'm looking around the corner. You use the invisibility cloak to slowly move out of the shooting angle. Pay attention to the shooting angle. You can't let the penetrating bullet hit the door, so that Pushkin in the room won't be prompted.

In case of being found, shoot directly. If not, let's shoot together. I'll shoot the one on the right and you shoot the one on the left.

"No problem." after that, Antonov pulls out the pistol with muffler on his right leg, inserts it back into the holster after checking, takes a breath and moves out of the corner very slowly.

First, he stretched out his head and waited for a moment. Seeing that the two bodyguards didn't respond at all, he continued to move out of the corner step by step.

It may be that he came back from hunting with Pushkin, and the two bodyguards were very tired after a rush in the afternoon. Or they think it's safe here, and the two bodyguards outside the gate are a little distracted. One minute later, Antonov is ready to shoot, and neither of them responds.

Antonov, who was ready, spoke directly, "1, 2, 3.".