Back in the master bedroom of the yacht, I fell in love with my girlfriend for a while and then went to sleep with her in my arms. However, he went to sleep at ease, but the two brothers, Viggo Tarasov and Abram Tarasov, who were far away in North Brooklyn, New York, couldn't sleep.

an hour ago, they received two calls from Pushkin, the number one player Ted Lenssen. Ted wanted to meet the two brothers of Viggo and Abram, and hoped to see Pushkin's leader in the side of Viggo.

that made Viggo lose sight of it, and wanted to see their two brothers. No problem. But the leader of the line has been killed by John Vic.

can't help it. Viggo can only decide to kill Ted's hyena.

However, Ted is not an idiot. He doesn't comment on Viggo's idea of meeting in his nightclub. When the meeting time is approaching, Ted informs Viggo that the meeting place has been changed,

the new meeting place has been changed to the observation platform on the top floor of the Empire state building, which makes Viggo who is ready for Ted to enter the trap a little suspicious,

go to meet, Viggo is afraid of Tai De already knows that he has betrayed Pushkin. It must be a trap to meet him. But if you don't meet him, you're worried that it's just Ted, so you put up a doubt and deceive him.

Before Pushkin died, the two brothers were just the leaders of New York, and their prestige could not reach the level of echo. Once something strange was spread, the New York polar bear Gang immediately fell into a melee.

Only when Pushkin is killed, and then independent, can it make sense morally.

Finally, the two brothers looked at John wick, who had been sitting on the sofa drinking whisky, and finally found some confidence in him.

the consequences of the war were too serious. Viggo was furious, thinking of his preparations and countermeasures,

put on the bulletproof suit that Abram brought back, turned to the safe, took out a CD, and said to his brother Abram, "go Come on, meet Ted.

It took more than ten minutes to prepare for more than ten people to set out to explore the way to the Empire State building first. Abram took the driver's seat and drove to the Empire State Building with Viggo and John wick.

the rest of the men drove 1 km behind Viggo, and they would get off at a block beside the Empire State Building and walk to the Empire State building.

With a pioneer in the front, a person in charge of support, and a super expert around him, Vigo was relieved.

More than 20 minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the Empire State building. The first person said "safe" through the walkie talkie. John wicker got out of the car and walked into the building. After observing for a moment, he nodded to the Viggo brothers who were staring at him.

Wigo and Abram quickly get out of the car and go into the building. They take the elevator to the viewing platform on the top floor of the building. When they see Ted and the three men in suits behind him, they feel relieved. It seems that Ted is just suspicious, but not sure that he has a different heart.

John wick saw the three men in suits behind Ted frown a little. His intuition told him that the three men in suits were the same as the seals yuriolov had sent to kill him some time ago.

On second thought, John wicker knew that the three men were probably polar bear special soldiers, and whether they were signal flags or alpha was unknown.

Ted saw Viggo and Abram come in, stood up and hugged Viggo and Abram with a smile, "good evening, Viggo and Abram. I'm sorry, I'm asking you to meet here because I can't get through to Kosov. Can you tell me why Kosov and his men are all missing"

Viggo, who has been thinking about Countermeasures for the past two days, said with a sullen face: "you're missing Of course, I can't find Kosov and his men, because I killed them all. ".

"Well!" Ted can't help wondering about Viggo's direct statement of killing Kosov, which is different from what he imagined. "You dare to bring a hand down to see me. It seems that there are some reasons I don't know. Can you tell me why?".

"Ha ha, why" this question, Viggo even does not have to act, his eyes angrily asked, "why, I also want to ask you why Kosov and his men want to kill me, why Kosov that bastard dare to throw a grenade into my office.".

With that, Viggo took out a CD in his coat pocket and said, "this is the video taken by the camera outside my office. The evidence that Kosov bastard wanted to kill me is all here. He not only took his men to attack my office, but also wanted to blow me up with a grenade egg.".

Ted took the CD, this answer surprised him, but at the same time, he felt a little pity,

unfortunately, vygo was not killed by Kosov, otherwise he would be very likely to sit in vygo's seat as long as he killed Kosov,

thinking of Andre who disappeared with the money, Ted could not help wondering whether Andre was colluding with Kosov After Kosov is killed, Andre can only disappear with money.

Then he heard Vigo say: "I was the only one in the office that day, but my life was bigger than Kosov's,

he thought it was a good opportunity, but he didn't know that I was a person that day, because I was checking out with the mainland Hotel secretly,

instead of killing me, I was killed by the killer of the mainland Hotel, otherwise I would not have the chance to see you.".Ted looked at the CD-ROM in his hand, and regretted that he had arranged the meeting, because Pushkin was listening to their conversation on his mobile phone.

At the same time, Ted could only say to the people behind him, "help me find a TV and player.".

I understand.

Ten minutes later, Ted, after watching the video, looks at John wick behind Viggo in a trance.

at the beginning of the video, John wick, dressed in a proper suit, with his hair in a neat mess, knocks on the door and walks into Viggo's office.

a few minutes later, Kosov and some of his men sneak into the corridor outside Viggo's office with guns, and they discuss the movie A moment later, he raised his gun and went to Viggo's office.

Just halfway down the aisle, two of Kosov's men were killed by a sudden bullet. Kosov and his men hid in a hurry, and then opened fire on Vigo's office.

For a moment, in the video, Kosov makes several gestures to his opponent. A hand with a hand grenade and Kosov take out the hand grenade, but they are killed by two bullets before they pull out the insurance of the hand grenade.

The rest is simple. The others who have been beaten and hoodwinked are quickly killed.

Two or three minutes later, John wick with a gun walked out of wigo's office and went downstairs. At this time, the video began to show John Wick's heroic demeanor,

no matter Kosov's men or wigo's men, as long as they were facing him with a gun, they were all killed. Finally, John wick walked out of wigo's nightclub with a man on his shoulder and disappeared into the night.

After thinking for a moment, Ted looked up at Viggo and asked, "who is the last man behind you to carry?"

"Fku, Ted," said Viggo, suddenly out of control, pointing to his nose and swearing, "I don't believe you can't recognize my son, but you've seen ilsov several times.".

Regardless of wigo's excitement, Ted said to John wicker, who was not far away: "why did you catch wigo's son?".

"He didn't pay," John wicker said, coldly pointing to Viggo.