"I use my life as a chip to beg you to help me.".

Thinking about whether yuriolov's head was green or not, William turned to see that John wick suddenly calmly lowered his head, bent his right leg and lowered his body.

"Wait a minute." John wicker, who was about to kneel down as a knight, stabilized his falling body and looked up at William doubtfully.

John wicker knew that if he wanted to get something, he had to give something. He and William had no relatives, and he had nothing to move William except his own life.

so he just wanted to show his submission to William with a knight's kneeling ceremony.

FK, if you kneel down, I'll drive right away.

The fat base of NIMA's egg, if it makes you kneel down, William thinks he won't want to sleep tonight.

I'm sure I'll be scolded by Neo fans, wick fans and fat fans in my dream. I don't even have a chance to be a new man.

William didn't think long before he made a choice about which is good for him to lose a stable supplier of light weapons and the network behind him and accept a super killer.

A killer who can only kill people is not as good as Yuri and the network behind him.

however, John wick is his own man. He doesn't make a phone call, which is not the attitude of a boss.

"fku, John wick, you'd better pray to God that yuriolov loves money more than face, otherwise I can't help you.".

In John Wick's troubled eyes, William knocks on his left ear with an invisible headset,

the voice of Sunday comes from the headset immediately, "Sir".

"Help me find out if yuriolov and his wife are divorced.".

"Hold on, sir.".

Half a minute later, he said on Sunday, "Sir, I found in many newspapers that Mr. Olov has indeed divorced,

many local media reports in New York suspected that Mr. Olov had hidden his property,

Ms. EVA's divorce not only didn't get much property, but also carried on the installment debt of New York's Fifth Avenue wedding house,

in general, she was insolvent As for the children, Mr. Olov will take care of them. ".

William some speechless, Yuri that guy is also a ruthless, for women who do not love, arms dealers unique ruthless side on the realization of incisively and vividly.

It's better to get out of the house than to be in debt,

however, since EVA's ending is so miserable, William thinks that there is still a possibility to persuade Yuri

"call yuriolov".

"Doo, Doo, Doo"

as soon as the call was made, Yuri's hearty laughter was heard. He didn't mean to be angry with his super customer William for calling so late.

"good evening, Mr. Devonshire. What can I do for you?"

"You're OK, Yuri. I'm calling to ask you, how would you like to collect the money for hiring a helicopter in Malaysia the other day, cash or overseas transfer?"

William stares at John wick. If it hadn't been for the bastard, Yuri would have been so polite.

"If it's convenient for you, you'd better use cash. Although overseas transfer is safe, it's troublesome to transfer it back to the United States.".

"OK, I'll have someone give you the same cash as in Africa.".

Thank you, Mr. Devonshire.

After that, William fell into silence and waited for a few seconds. Yuri said, "if you have something to do, just tell me. As long as it belongs to the scope of light weapons, I can help you.".

"This, this" William some speechless, relates to a man's dignity, William still does not know how to say.

"Mr. Devonshire?" After waiting for more than ten seconds, Yuri gently reminded me.

Thinking for a few seconds, William said, "Hey, sorry, Yuri, I've been entrusted to send you a message. They hope to reach a settlement with you. As long as you are willing to give up the pursuit of John wick, they will compensate you.".

On the phone, Yuri was silent for a long time, until William thought that Yuri's silence was actually a disguised refusal,

Yuri said in a low voice, "I didn't expect you to have contact with the mainland Hotel, Mr. Devonshire, which really surprised me.".

"Well, do you know his identity?"

"yes, it's certainly not easy for a person who can escape the pursuit of a mercenary team composed of retired seals and Rangers for three times. Of course, I will investigate such a person.

New York is my base again. It's not too hard to investigate a person who is active in New York.

"Well, I want to know if you are willing to reconcile. As a man, I can understand why you do this, but as a friend, I want to remind you,

since John wick didn't know your ex-wife during your marriage, and your divorce with EVA is not the reason for John wick, then you can't stand up morally,

so no one stipulates that you can only chase and kill him He, and he can't kill you.

After being chased and killed for three times, I came to my acquaintance to give you a message, and I am willing to compensate you. In this case, the other party has already given you face. ".

After more than ten seconds of silence, Yuri asked, "Mr. Devonshire, before I reply to you, I want to know how the other party knows that I am the one who shot.".William won't tell Yuri that it's because he's a bully. After seeing EVA's appearance, he knows the cause and effect.

"ha ha, Yuri, you're the best arms dealer, but you're a layman across other industries. The last thing you should do is to find a mercenary with seal background to be a killer.

seals may fight well, but they're not professional It's easy for professional people to find out the origins of those guys at a glance, and it's easy to find out who's attacking them according to their origins.

New York is not your base camp, and the relationship network of mainland hotels is no worse than you.

man, since the other side gives you so much face, you'll never die again.

although you're nicknamed king of war, there's no secret in mainland hotels There are many killers. There is no need to make enemies for a woman.

"Well, it seems that I'm really not suitable for other industries, Mr. Devonshire. Since it's you, I can give up the pursuit of John wicker, but I have a condition that he must do it three times when I need it.".

"Well, since you have the intention of reconciliation, don't mention three times or no three times. Mainland hotels can't hand over the fate of the masters to you.

I think $5 million should be able to comfort your injured self-esteem. What do you think of this proposal?".

"Ha ha, even if I don't think it's good enough, maybe I can use my wealth and status to hold John wick down,

but I'm just a small person in front of you and mainland Hotel, and the people behind me won't tear their faces for me and Mainland Hotel.

Mr. Devonshire, to tell you the truth, the original reason for the divorce was not EVA's third party. I'm sorry, but I didn't have any complaints in my heart. I can only blame that I found a virgin woman who was not suitable for me to be my wife,

and because of your reminding, I was prepared, and EVA didn't take advantage of me, so I don't care how she will live in the future.

But what I can't accept is that she even showed my son the video of traveling with John wicker. What does she want to do?

FK, who is the Virgin Mary in front of me, is the flower maniac in front of Xiaobai face.

knowing that John wick is a killer, she is with him without hesitation.

when she is with Xiaobai face, why doesn't she get up and call the police to catch the Xiaobai face killer.

FK, does she think I'm yuriolov ugly, or I didn't satisfy her when I was working out.

So, Mr. Devonshire, please tell John wick that I, uriolov, curse them. One will live forever in chaos and slaughter and repent forever, and the other will go to see God as long as he finds true love.

The call ended with Yuri's cell phone being dropped by himself.

William sat in the car seat for a long time and didn't say a word. Yuri is a tough bastard, and the curse is very accurate.

thinking about the ending of EVA and John wick, William thinks he'd better not mess with Yuri Olov, the bastard who was blessed by Satan.

William turned his eyes to John wick, who was worried. This guy fell into the sinkhole.

after a few years of marriage, he not only became fat from a white face, but also died of his wife and dog. He was almost beaten into an idiot by the son of the boss of the polar bear gang.

"The problem has been solved, but you owe me 10 million US dollars, and your life is mine. No problem!"

John wick shook his head. He could see money and life clearly.

"It's said that you are of polar bear blood. Will you have a burden to kill the polar bear Gang?".

"Of course not, Mr. Devonshire, it's just a goal for me to take the task, no matter who the other party is"

"very good, my mobile phone is on 24 hours these days, waiting for my call, bye bye." William banged the accelerator, and rolls Royce's roadster rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Back in the hotel suite, William took a bath, and before going to bed, he told him to try on Sunday whether he could find the warehouse full of cash on the Internet.

If you can find it, it's best. William can dive in and empty the money with the portal.

At the same time, let Sunday secretly order a batch of paper money with props printed on it, and plan to burn the props paper money in a fire after the warehouse is empty, so as to destroy the corpse.


at nine o'clock the next night, William drove a Ducati R6 to the dining room on time and sat in the seat of yesterday.

As soon as he sat down, the boss Jacob graciously brought a pot of coffee and Boston Pie.

And Jacob nodded with a smile, said thanks, drank coffee and looked at the old man and the sea he brought.

Today, I came to this restaurant to confirm whether things will go as I remember,

secondly, I went to the theatre to pass the time. During the day and Sunday, I found several places suspected to be warehouses through the Internet and cameras, and drove a dukadi R6 motorcycle to facilitate the search,

wearing a black helmet was to hide my identity, so as not to be seen by any hidden cameras or people.

After watching the play of the lonely black uncle of the United States caring for the polar bear girl.By the way, I'll talk to McCarty about asking him to be a sheriff in castle town.

If McCall agrees to be a sheriff, William won't pit him. If he doesn't, there's no way.

It's not our own people. We don't talk about it. We don't have the burden.

At 9:30, McCall came into the restaurant with a book on time. As soon as he entered, he saw William sitting in yesterday's seat. He couldn't help talking. He went to the counter and said a few words to Jacob, the owner of the shop. He went to William's side and opened his chair and sat down.

Sit body, face serious way, "we don't beat about the Bush, tell me what you want to see me in the end.".

William put down the book and said with a smile, "OK, I need an experienced gatekeeper as the first protective wall of my family. The work on the surface is the head of the castle town police station,

the main work on the surface is to protect my mother from any threat outside the castle while she is in the castle, and to protect Devonshire castle from being disturbed.

I have thought about it Young man, I chose you because someone recommended you to me. As long as you agree, you can get a job with an annual salary of 240000 pounds, and the annual salary can be increased every year according to your performance. ".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Devonshire. Do you know how old I am this year?

God, if I were looking for a bodyguard, I would not look for an old man like me, but for someone younger and more professional. ".

McCall is not interested in being a watchdog for the rich. In order not to stimulate William, a young super rich man, McCall pretends to be sorry and belittles himself,

"the person who introduced me to you must not be kind-hearted. I'm old and can't afford a gun, and my eyes are not good. I have to wear glasses when I read books. Although I want to get an annual salary of 24 pounds, I can't because I'm so tired Greedy and bad for you, the bodyguard is not allowed to make any omissions, so I'm sorry.

"Ha ha" William narrowed his eyes and said, "Robert McCall, 48 years old, came from the most elite Black Beret in the secret service of the United States. He was disheartened because his wife died in an accident.

five years ago, he got away from the car explosion while on duty and pretended to be dead. Since then, he has been working in a hardware supermarket in Boston.

He has a special ability of dynamic perspective, so, "William pointed to his eyes," I'm sure your eyes are not only OK, but also better than most people's, and even can be used as slow motion lens. ".

William pauses to look into macall's eyes. However, macall is really a super expert. He has no flaws except his pupils.

William then said, "you're very good at killing people with one blow. You won the best player award in the community Cup baseball game not long ago,

so you don't have to take a gun with your hand, even if you hit people with a hammer,

I heard that a fleeing robber who killed several people in his car a few days ago was smashed in the head with a hammer,


And this robber just robbed the hardware supermarket where you work. Maybe there are some reasons we don't know. Say more, Mr. McCall.

When he finished, William touched his left ring finger with his right finger and looked at macall with a smile.

McCall patted himself on the forehead. "God, who are you and why are you so secretive? Do you keep a close watch on me all the time?".

William shrugged. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in spying on you at all, but you've been watched since someone recommended you. So, don't worry, we only know what you've done in recent years.

finally, Mr. McCall, if I were you, I would listen to my offer and refuse.".

"Well, you tell me, I'll listen," macall said helplessly. "You rich guys are the most troublesome people. As long as you are willing to spend money, there will be no information that you can't get. I hope you don't disturb my life after you finish. Mr. Devonshire, I'm just an old guy who pretends to be retired and wants to live a peaceful life.".