Just after walking out of the castle on the grass, William smiles at Craig and starts to trot. Craig looks at William in the process of jogging and understands that this is a test of his physical strength, so he runs with his competitive heart.

But after running for more than ten hours, Craig was more and more discouraged. He never thought that his physical strength would drop to this point. After running for this time, he began to gasp.

When William starts to accelerate, and then runs for 5 minutes, Craig can't keep up. Seeing this, William starts to slow down his speed. Running is just a test, so that Craig can recognize his current physical condition, so as to avoid wrong judgment during the task.

After walking for a few minutes, William smiles and looks at Craig with his hands on his knees. "You have to stop drinking, man. If you drink it again, it will be completely destroyed.".

Craig nodded and gasped. "Don't worry, I'll give up. I just gave up and used alcohol to numb the pain. Now that I have a goal, it's easy for me to give up drinking.".

William has no doubt about this. He has read Craig's information and knows how strong this guy's willpower is. "Well, since you should have realized your situation, let's talk about this mission.".

"You said," Craig looked straight at William seriously.

"Put on your glasses, it's easier.".

Craig didn't ask much. He was obedient and put on his glasses. Soon a picture appeared on the glasses. Before he asked, he heard a mechanical voice from the earphone introducing the information of patette.

This guy is the one you wanted to arrest three months ago.

Craig listened to Sunday's introduction of the equipment, and said to William, "yes, it's him. If I hadn't had an accident, I would have caught him three months ago.".

William is noncommittal about this statement. If it's so easy to grasp, there won't be m ordering Craig's deputy to shoot for him.

"I've received news that Patrick will go to lion city to perform some kind of mission, but this guy is just a small role. He is almost a private thug who takes money to do things. There is another person behind the scenes. Ha ha, his identity is really surprising.".

"So the opponent is really our own man?" Craig asked with understanding.

William didn't make much fuss. "Smart, the chief conspirator is Silva. She used to be m's confidant. In 1985, she worked with m in Asia. Until 7991, three years ago, he was hunted for attacking the network of an Asian power without authorization. I don't know why m gave up Silva and let it go.

You can understand that after being arrested, Silva escaped without knowing the reason. When Silva got ready, he began to retaliate against the secret service by using his knowledge of the secret service. His ultimate goal was to make m lose his reputation and then kill m himself.

Craig was relieved by the news. The opponent hiding in the dark and the exposed opponent are totally different things. A big country wants to deal with an exposed mouse. As long as it is caught, it is not too much to describe it as death. "It seems that we can catch him soon.".

"I'm sorry," William shrugged. "It's easier to catch him if it's the secret service of other countries, but Silva is too familiar with the secret service of England. He knows our blind spot. It's not so easy to catch him.

And he's an old hand. If he hadn't been betrayed by m, no one would have caught him three years ago. Now Silva is more careful after a big loss. I spent tens of millions of dollars to get some vague information.

"Tens of millions of dollars?" Craig was stunned. "Are you paying for information? It seems that the benefits of the security committee are very, very great, to the extent that capitalists like you are willing to invest regardless of the cost. ".

"Ha ha", William looked at Craig with a smile. He would not say that there was no $10 million at all. All the information was in his own memory. He said that buying with money was just to hide the source of information. At the same time, he had to have a reasonable reason to make false accounts. The more he paid, the more he would be more reasonable when he reached for the benefits.

"If you have to pay, there will be a return. The ability to pay is the strongest super ability. If not, it is that the money is not enough.

If it wasn't for fear of scaring Silva and never showing up in the future, I would like to put up a $20 million task in the dark net. At that time, there will be some dark forces to solve my problems and send Silva to me for a reward. ".

Craig shook his head and sighed, "I hate you capitalists. Everything to you is just a matter of spending more and less money. Afterwards, you can earn twice as much money as you spend.".

William rolled his eyes. It's not the common character of capitalists. It's all right for individuals.

"I doubt that there is a great power behind Silva. This force is very good at network intrusion. A few days ago, the explosion of the secret service headquarters was that the opponent used the network to invade into the headquarters system and opened the explosion caused by the gas valve.

my plan is to let you go back to London today to find the M report and infiltrate her opponent into the secret service insider's eye liner and show them weakness,

. Don't be too good after you go back. You'd better let people think that you are almost useless and lower the vigilance of your opponents. Then I'll find someone to act, deliberately make things difficult for you and embarrass you. ".Craig looks at William in disbelief, wondering why he did it.

"Haha," William said with a sly smile, "you say that if you almost hang up because you were hurt by a colleague by mistake and want to revenge, you will do so when you meet a former colleague who has the same experience.".

Craig soon understood it and laughed.

"If our plan is successful, the more demeaning and difficult it is for you, Silva may have the idea of wooing you. If my guess is realized, Silva can only interview you, which will give us the opportunity to contact him. Once the mouse comes out of the small waterway and is exposed to the sun, he can't escape.".

"Understand, hehe, I don't have to pretend to be decadent at all. In recent months, I've been in self destruction almost every day, and I don't have to pretend to be physically fit. I haven't trained for three months, and my physical function is getting worse. The only trouble is whether I want to get to know m about this.".

Craig looks at William calmly.

"Don't worry, I don't doubt M's loyalty to this country, but you have to understand that the opponent used to be m's confidant. He knows her better than us. Invading her computer is as simple as drinking water and eating. Once the mouse detects something, he will slip back down the channel.".

"Well" in order to catch Silva, Craig doesn't think it's wrong to hide from M. he is not a good baby.

William is very satisfied with Craig as a hitter, because he didn't ask for any benefits at all. For William, who is money oriented, Craig is really a good hitter, and can't be any better.

with his injury recovering, grouse hunting is a piece of cake for Craig, who has been crawling and rolling in the army for half his life.

For the next two hours, the two men kept shooting, bang, bang, bang. They were busy behind them. They ran around to pick up the grouse that had been hit. Later, they couldn't find another grouse in this area, so they stopped.

Take the car back to the castle. After getting off the car, William took two grouse from the car body. The other twenty told the two employees to send them to the stables to add food to everyone.