While waiting for the helicopter, Garris talked about his hunting experience and the traditional fox hunting in England. Every autumn, nobles would put on their hunting clothes, ride on high horses, and hunt foxes in rural England with hunting guns and dogs. Garris himself and his family and friends would participate in this activity every year,

some data show that every year in England, because of the fox hunting, the average number of people in the country is about 100 The county can earn 16 million pounds a year. There are 50000 professional fox hunters in England, benefiting about 15% of the farmers living in the countryside, but there are also many opponents.

When he said that, Garris became silent. William knew what Garris was thinking. Fox hunting was absolutely one of the few symbols of aristocracy that could reflect the characteristics of aristocracy. If he lost his own characteristics, it would be no different from the common people. Therefore, some aristocrats wanted to regain part of their rights. Garris was also one of these people,

but in William's opinion, it was a pity It's absolutely impossible. As long as the nobles who exposed this idea were either sitting on the bench or being killed by others, if the nobles didn't have the chance to breathe in the war more than 60 years ago, they might have been abolished by the people.

However, William is not interested in this matter. Even if he inherits the Earl title in the future, he will not be able to get along with the traditional nobles. After all, William has great Chinese blood. Since he is out of place, he has no interest in making friends with those who discriminate against him.

If Henry had not secretly threatened King Philip, Duchess Devon and other aristocrats, and the current Earl of Oxford had failed to give birth to a son and a half, the Earl of Oxford's succession would not have been able to reach him,

it would have been normal for William not to have any sense of belonging to the aristocracy, so in this world full of discrimination When dealing with anyone, William only talks about interests, not glory or mission.

Laughing at the futility of Garris and the other nobles, he turned and walked to a big stone and sat checking his shotgun.

After a long time, the hesitant Garris suddenly said to William: "you can guarantee that m will be killed.".

"Ah,,,," and so on, they all dozed off. William stretched himself and yawned, "that's my business. I said that if I can do it, I can do it. You'd better not know the specific content. Even if there's an accident, if you don't know the specific things, I'll save trouble, so that you don't have to think about how to kill you. What you should care about is whether you want to replace m or who to find Replace "m".

Well said, you just don't trust anyone.

"Ha, are you trustworthy? We are all fighting hard. When we are in trouble, don't you still have to ask the marginal people in my aristocracy for help? "

"Ah," said Garris in a low voice, struggling in the silence of the forest. "If anyone detects anything, we'll go to the dark field and spend the rest of our lives.".

"Don't worry, if you want to go, you can go too. The benefits I want from you will be fair and aboveboard after the end of the matter. No interest entanglement, who will believe that M's death will be related to me, so I'm sure there won't be that day, and there's no place in the world that can trap me.".

Garris looked at the relaxed William with indecision, as if to get rid of a secret service leader who has been in power for decades is as simple as eating and drinking water. This can't help but infect Garris, who has been indecisive, making up his mind.

"I hope I don't see Mrs. m in hell.".

"Ha ha" is easy to understand. Traitors will go to hell. Garris doesn't want to see m in hell, which means to send m to heaven.

"no problem, going to heaven is a good choice for M whose hands are full of blood, but if I choose, I will choose hell, where I can do whatever I want.".

"That's right. I can't go to heaven anyway, so I'll go to hell and be the boss," said Garris, narrowing his eyes and smiling.

"All right, let's get ready. It's time for us to go." William got up and patted the dirt on his body.

"Well, we're not waiting for the helicopter.".

"The waiting people are coming." after seven or eight seconds, Garris vaguely heard the sound of the helicopter, looked at William's back in surprise, and thought in his heart that every bit of contact with William, his eyesight, ears and physical strength are far beyond ordinary people. What method did Henry use to train William.

However, although Garris was puzzled, he didn't ask. He knew that even if he asked, William would not answer him. All kinds of signs showed that William was demonstrating to him to remind him not to hit him.

More than ten seconds later, a ch-34 transport helicopter appeared, interrupting Garris in his meditation.

William ignited the prepared wet firewood, and soon the helicopter hovered over William's head. Two men in bright yellow life jackets and safety helmets slid down from the helicopter with ropes.

William and two people loudly said the request, each other nodded to understand, gave a walkie talkie to William convenient contact, two staff signal William can go first, the rest of the matter he does not care.

Take Garris out of the forest. On the way back, William beat some pheasants which are already protected animals in the great heaven to go back for dinner.Riding back to the stable, he left the horse to old Neil to take care of him. As soon as he got out of the stable, he saw the ch-34 transport helicopter with wild boar hanging flying towards him. He communicated with the pilot of the helicopter through walkie talkie and asked him to put the wild boar outside the stable.

then he asked the staff in the stable to help, unload the ch-34 of the first wild boar and fly to the forest.

Back and forth five times to transport all the five wild boars back, William told people to leave the biggest one and the one that Garris hunted for specimens,

the remaining three wild boars were transported to Castle Town in pickups to be slaughtered. When the meat was transported back, William took five kilograms of pig meat marked first class, and the rest was distributed by the staff of the stables. He took what he wanted and didn't want Don't talk about what you want.

When William and Garris came to the castle to send boar to the herbalist, it was more than 6 p.m. when they returned to the castle, they asked the servant to take Garris to the guest room to take a bath and change clothes.

After finishing his grooming, William was waiting for Garris while chatting with his mother in the hall on the first floor.

As soon as he entered the hall, William took the initiative to hug his mother. Lena said, "how was the afternoon?".

"Hehe, it's not bad. I'll take you hunting next time," William said with a smile.

"No, I can't stand the bloody scenes. When I was a child, your grandfather took me to play grouse. When I saw that the grouse was beaten by bullets, I felt like vomiting. Every time I went home from hunting, I was covered with mud. It was disgusting.".

"Well, mom, we won't talk about this anymore." William changed the subject when he saw that his mother didn't like it. "How was the conversation with chef Gordon Ramsey this afternoon?".

"Not bad, we have reached an agreement verbally. After the change of ownership of Chelsea, I will build a two-story restaurant near the subway, which mainly focuses on Italian and Spanish food. These two dishes have enough weight and the price is much lower than French food.

I intend to use medium and low prices to attract and reward the fans of Chelsea and the residents near the stadium, so as to increase people's interest in me What do you think of the support of your family in Chelsea.

"OK, what's the matter? A Michelin 3-star restaurant can't make much money a year. If we don't lose money, we can keep on driving. Mom, have you ever thought of expanding the stadium and changing Chelsea village?"